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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Wow. I never knew that OCR regulars did that series. I mean, after the first minute or so, I had to turn them off because of the voices.
  2. Not if the save-game batteries are dead. They die completely after seven years, and take your save game data with it. /lost his level 100, twelve-poke team, including a legit Mew from the first Toys-R-Us event back in 1999 OF COURSE! That's the best reason why to remake it! To get rid of that damn seven-year-old dead battery problem! GENIUS!
  3. Yeah, so CoroCoro magazine in Japan had it's new article announcing a new Pokemon game for the DS leaked, and it's looking like we got our third version already. Platinum will feature some new stuff, almost entirely cosmetic, and will sell a million copies on it's first day in each market it's released in. http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml Blurry scan, but it's enough to make it seem legit. Expect more (and clearer) scans as the week progresses. I might get it... I've never bought any of the 3rd versions before, and it might be good to upgrade to the eventually better version with wi-fi Underground support. Still not buying into the whole "Gold/Silver/Crystal remake OHMYGOD!1!!!#" rumors, though.
  4. The ending theme song to You Have to Burn the Rope!
  5. The highest selling system gets the shovel-ware. It's just the way it goes. There were hundreds of crap games on the NES, lots on the PS1 and PS2. The Gameboy had its fair share... sucks, but when companies see a buck to be made by putting out quick, cheap crap, they're going to do it for the system with the biggest share of the market.
  6. This. I started reading it, and thought, "wait, he's dead. Why hasn't anyone mention- oh, the date." Thanks for bringing up some sad stuff, fucking spambot.
  7. Yeah, I used to watch it pretty seriously, getting all of the first 300 or so episodes whenever I could, getting all of the movies and even checking out the manga a bit... the damn show is just too long. Over 500 episodes and about 11 movies... god damn it, they should have been able to resolve the entire plot by now. There's a difference between a long, complex story and milking a series for as long as possible. Too bad they milked Conan about five years ago and now they're just sucking out air. Needs to end, finish it off. Let it die with some dignity, please.
  8. I think I have the version you're asking for. I snatched it back when it was pretty much the only pokemon remix in the world. PM me for an email or something, and I'll send the one I have to you. Judging from the other versions that have been supplied, and that you say those aren't them, this may be the exact one you're looking for.
  9. I keep seeing this thread and thinking that the music will be recorded on a failed Sony-proprietary storage format. Requesting someone video tape and put up the performances on Youtube.
  10. Someone post that old comic-ad they had in every issue of every comic book that year!
  11. Might as well get this over with now...
  12. Yeah, Naruto had it's time. Back when it was still new-ish, you could actually enjoy watching it. Now, though... man, it's hard to warrant the effort. I'd rather just flip though the manga and get the general gist of it than wait and sit through the anime.
  13. I liked the first one, but I never could get anywhere in the second one. It just seemed so... futile. The desire to complete the quests just disappeared.
  14. OCR material? No, not at all. Torture your enemies material? Yes, definitely.
  15. I don't want Chrono Trigger for VC. I want it for the DS. Portable CT, remade or ported with some meager extras... either way if fine with me.
  16. I'm sorry to hear that your country is going down the toilet. Maybe you could move to Canada, where the idea of censorship is, quite frankly, unheard of. Hell, our laws on sex are also a bit more liberal. Not to mention that indy and local musicians get a bit more airplay because of a government policy requiring a minimum amount of Canadian content. HEY! No Godwinning this thread! Again, sorry to hear your country is going to shit. Maybe I'm just not hearing about this sort of thing. It's not on any news sites I frequent (non-gaming ones), and it's not in any papers I flip through. Could you cite some examples of this? Who, what, and why are they getting into trouble? What kind of trouble? So because some writers thought up new material (and tried different ideas, people are afraid. Then those people must be idiots for fearing something new and that they don't understand. As for books, I think that you'll find that there have been sudden changes in what books have done. What has been written int he last few hundreds years has shifted around so many times that it would be difficult to get a rough idea of how things have developed. But to say that games have done so more and faster is, at best, a shaky statement. Games may have used all kinds of shades of gray for characters, motives and plots, but most, if not all, of those same shades have been done not only in book, but movies, comics, television and pretty much any other form of entertainment. Why is it that there are shows and stories from decades ago that are far more intense than games, but only the video games get the criticism. It's because they're newer, and it's popular to rage against them. Sometimes I think you're just an argumentative bitch, and sometimes I think you're one of the smartest person here. This last bit? The latter.QFT.
  17. You know, if someone could make use of the Guitar Hero add-on to pay the guitar (of course), and then whip up a homebrew drum system, you could. You really could. I respectfully request an all DS music program remix album.
  18. He wrote dozens (more like hundreds, amirite?) of books over the years, some of which must have come under fire for content of sex and or violence, if not religiously sensitive (demons, witchcraft, misuses of science, etc..), so it should be no surprise that he would see the same sort of thing happening to another form of entertainment. The thing I don't get, though, is why movies, TV and music are given what are pretty much carte blanche for content, and yet video games are still raked over the coals for every single little thing. When was the last time you heard about a bill going through the US government that wanted to restrict the sale of music to people? Or what TV shows they could watch? Or books to read? I don't think there's been so much as a blip on the radar for those media in decades. Yet video games, even though they have been around for roughly 30 or so years (more if you count some of the really early stuff running on college computers bak in the 60s and 70s), are still counted as a non-media. They don't get the same rights and freedoms that other forms of entertainment do. And for that matter, why don't the other media look at video games and say "hey, that used to happen to us all the time. We should go over there and give them some support." I suspect it has almost entirely to do with money, of course. Why have people buying something that isn't yours... The entertainment industries should look out for each other more. They've all been there before.
  19. Me, or Uwe Boll? Because petitions really don't work, and he actually does make terrible movies. Unless you're saying that saying petitions don't work is overdone, and thus a cliché... then I don't know what to tell you.
  20. First, I'd like to point out that petitions don't really mean anything. All it would do is point out that one million people would like him to stop. It's not a legal document or legally binding contract, it's just a list of names who agree with the point of the article. That's all. Second, it's an on-line petition. Those are worthless. They aren't worth the paper they aren't printed. No one takes those seriously. I have never heard of one single case where an on-line petition has done anything except get dropped intot eh recycle bin on someone's email account. Third, do you really think he would actually do anything? Do you? In all likelihood, he'd just look it over for a few seconds, toss it in the garbage and go back to ruining whatever film he's on at the moment. He's hasn't made any promise to stop, and even if he did, do you honestly expect him to keep such a promise? This guy has been telling studios and producers that he won't make a shitty movie, and he still delivers piles of shit on film. He's already stated a dislike of gamers, so do you really think he'll keep a promise to them? This petition is pointless. You don't want him to make movies, do it the way that will be loudest and clearest: don't pay to watch them. If he tanks at the box office again and again, no one will want him for their film. Is a general boycott likely to do anything? Probably not, but it's better than a non-existent document like an on-line petition.
  21. Huh... didn't see it on the last few pages. Must have missed it. Oh well.
  22. http://www.sonicstate.com/news/shownews.cfm?newsid=6299 It's DS related, but it's not game related. It is, however, music related, and therefore gets its own thread. So, how long until someone here does a remix using this? Maybe an entire album done exclusively on this, and covering only DS games? That would be pretty cool.
  23. http://www.mazapan.se/games/BurnTheRope.php Song here: http://www.reverbnation.com/controller/audio_player/download_song/648300 You can just play the game or download the song. Either way, it takes about the same amount of effort.
  24. VOTE WHORING! But at least someone I sort of know will get an award I never knew existed instead of someone I don't know anything about at all. That's just proper. Voted.
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