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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Favorites thread. Come on, he says so.
  2. Fuckers, it's based off of Metroid. It the song that plays when you land ont he planet for the first time. Screw Attack? Like the move in Metroid? The logo, looks like the icon for said move, in Metroid? Jesus christ, you go to a site that loves video games and has a hard-on for Metroid, and you don't recognize it? Turn in your video game nerd cards, you're fired.
  3. Drama is what makes people come to a site. OCR has ads to generate revenue. People will also see the t-shirts and hoodies and whatnot with the OCR logo on them. Therefore, yelling at each other is good for OCR! Come on, everybody! Troll and argue!
  4. Oh noes, i misslept a words. I am defeeted. i must go to my home planet noe. God bye! (leaves in flying saucer) I don't see what the directors prior movie has to do with this one. In case you didn't know, people can make both good and bad things. Saying that because he made one movie that was good (in your opinion, I might add) does not mean that this one will also be as good or better. He may very well fuck this one up right good. Or he may do a decent job. Or maybe he won't do this movie at all, having decided to quit part-way through. That would ruin your prediction, wouldn't it? Don't use past efforts as a template for future attempts. It's a terrible fallacy. But does she still sit pretty with a pistol in hand, living to love you? Will you be her man?
  5. Then supply me with one, right here and now. According to some of our big-time legal experts in this thread, it's super legal and shit. Come on, someone post a ROM link. According to yourselves, you have nothing to fear. The mods won't do anything because it's completely legal, riiiiiight? Time to see who's really backing up their claims now.
  6. Hey! What bullshit is this? The article said it would be out today, but it's not on the VC Channel. When you check the source, it's mysteriously absent. What the fuck?
  7. Yep, pretty much. I returned mine because of the issues with it.
  8. http://www.destructoid.com/the-blue-bomber-is-coming-to-virtual-console-97968.phtml Maybe we will see the entire main series at this rate?
  9. Yeah, so due to random MIAs and a few drop-outs, there are still some openings for remixers. Maybe I should make a new recruitment thread in General... I'll run it by some mods first, of course.
  10. I don't think this is something your casual moviegoer would go watch. Then again, they got a huge turnout for that shitfest Spped Racer, and the bigger shitfest Dragon Ball will get even more. I really just wish studios would stop raping everything they can for movie ideas.
  11. You know, for a company that "betrayed" Sony, there sure are a lot of SE games on PSP and PS3.
  12. Considering most of us can't just drop everything and fly down to PAX, I guess that's pretty much it.
  13. Reeves as Spike is the only reason why this movie will bomb. People that haven't seen the series, but liked his work in the Matrix will go see it and wonder what the hell is going on. They will go in expecting it to be like his other movies, and get something completely different. Or worse, they will get the Matrix, but in space instead of a program. No thanks. People that have seen the series and the Matrix will see it for only two reasons: it's Cowboy Bebop, and they want to see how badly it will be butchered. I'd rather they hire completely new, unknown actors than use the same old obvious stock of big names that won't fit.
  14. The one you have labelled as "UnknownButVaugelyGundam" is actually a remix of Megumi Hayashibara's "Give a Reason", the opening song for Slayers NEXT. Trank 20 is actually a remix of Komm Susser Tod from Evangelion. Please update the files accordingly.
  15. Here's mine: No. Please, for the love of god, no.
  16. There're only so many games they can put out, and they probably want to stretch the library out long enough to keep putting something out each week for as long as possible. Also, they're saving the big titles for really slow months.
  17. I am not a psycho in the making. I got my diploma years ago! It's made from a classmate's skin and everything! I find some of the more trance-ish stuff is great for FPSs, since the fast tempo gets you going but when the trance part kicks in right, you're all calm and relaxed, making for a weird state of mind where you're in the zone. Reflexes are maxed out, but you're not twitchy and shit. PS: Cyborg Jeff's F-Zero GX remix is a big part of said playlist. Go find it, it's awesome. Too bad it's OCRemoved for being "too close" to the the source material
  18. I have a playlist for UT that I just redid. Mostly I just dumped the "techno" directories in, but it works. It will be refined as I go through it. It includes a fair bit bLiNd's work, some Crystal Method, and Nagato Versus Asakura from The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi, because it fits with fast-paced gun fights. Oh, and for comedic value, 24 Hours Open from Cowboy Bebop: Knocking on Heaven's Door. Something about it sort of fits in a humorous way...
  19. Nowhere on this site. We're not supposed to hand out that sort of info, because it might come back and bite the site in the ass when someone gets lawsuit happy. That and it's sort of a courtesy thing towards other game music composers...
  20. Spam... What remix(es) did you submit to the judges?
  21. There's going to be an Avatar MMO. Might be interesting... but everyone will be all "why can't I be the Avatar!?(%" and shit. But having a group raid or something with each element could be sort of fun... it all depends upon how they plan to make the powers interact with each other and the environment.
  22. Nope. Both Legends and Legends 2 came out for the PSP in 2005.
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