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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. For the sake of making sure we all get a Shaymin, here is a list f everyone that has requested one, from the first to the last. Zombieforce Aninymouse The Damned (me) Overflow cobaltstarfire jayc4life (I think, the post didn't specifically mention Shaymin. He may have been talking about Darkrai) That's it. Everyone make sure you have your Friend Codes up to date and entered, so the whole trade thing can get over and done with as soon as possible. That way, we all get our Shaymins faster.
  2. http://wiieveryday.blogspot.com/2008/07/famitsu-20080718.html Didn't see that one coming.
  3. That Dr. Light! I knew he was always up to now good! This explains everything!
  4. No, no no no no! First, full recovery! Then relaxation. And maybe some sort of food, I don't know... maybe a steak or something. Then remixing. We can't afford to lose you. JaDE, make sure he's fully recovered before he starts doing anything. I don't want to see another "bLiNd got sick" thread because he pushed himself too soon.
  5. Agreed. It does sound a little too clear. It's obvious that it's synth, and I think that distracts from it a bit. If you are willing, perhaps a collab or at least some live instruments performed by one of our various live performers? There's a list around here somewhere... But the point is, a few tweaks to your music combined with some real pan-pipes or something might add a lot to the remix.
  6. The conferences are basically each company's chance to wow the shit out of everybody. That obviously didn't happen this year. Now all that's left is the floor show. That's where we get news on games in development. Sure, we aren't going to get any mega-awesome surprises now, but at least we get details and updates about games we knew are coming out soon. Maybe next year will have something.
  7. OK. First, you just broke a rule about ROMs and downloading games. You told us not only where to get them but to go and get them. Expect a chat with a mod soon.* Second, the remixes here were chosen because the remixer wanted to do them. It makes sense that people would want to remix something from a popular game with great music, regardless of whether it's Chrono Trigger or FF6 or whatever. More obscure games or games with less known music are obviously going to be ignored in favor of a theme that is vastly more recognizable. Third, there may be some issue with doing Power Ranger music. One of the guidelines for remixes here is that it can not be music from a movie or show; it must be original music made for the game. That means we will never see a Star Wars remix that uses the classic themes, because they were composed for the movies. If most of the music from the Power Ranger games uses themes from the show or movies, then it would be difficult to find a song worth remixing. Fourth, you usually request, as in ask, for a remix, not demand one. Politeness and courtesy are vital to getting a game remixed. It's more likely that someone will take your request seriously when it's a plea, and not an order. Last, specify a specific song from a specific game. Don't just tell everyone to do any song from series "_____". Give us a track number, a title, something to work with. This makes it easier for anyone that might want to remix your requested game. They won't have to figure out which of the dozens of songs to do. You can also provide links to MIDIs, MP3s or chiptunes with the song(s) in question, so people know what they are dealing with. Honestly, having read your posts since you joined here, I doubt you'll be around much longer. That's too bad, because you might have used whatever musical talent you have in the future. *Not mini-modding, just warning the guy.
  8. OK, having watched all three conferences, I can honestly say this year was the most boring I've seen in five years. All any of them did was announce things that were obvious or already announced. Nintendo's biggest surprise was, I think, the GTA game for the DS. Hardly what I was expecting, but nothing I really care about. Maybe Wii Sports Beach, but I'd have to try it first. Sony didn't drop any bombs so much as they gently loaded them onto a crane and lowered them safely onto a pillow. I could have sworn I heard about MAG some time ago (and it looked very pre-renderd as it was). Another God of War? You don't say! More Resistance? O-M-G, indeed! Sony is starting to be like Nintendo: get a series going and just release another sequel every so often. Oh, and could they say "only possible on PS3" and "exclusive for PS3" enough? I lost count after the first barrage of clips. MS had the only real surprise (FF13), and even that wasn't too big a deal. It's not the first time SE has produced for other systems, and once the details came out, it made sense. Honestly, the floor show needs to have something really good in order to get some attention. But from here on in, it's more previously announced titles and whatever little companies found room in the back. Color me disappointed this year... Maybe TGS or even a sudden Space World later this year will show us something?
  9. Sony saw the might that is Reg, and they made a clone as a last line of defense. Mutually Assured Registruction.
  10. I do like to listen to my MP3 player while I'm either falling asleep or when I'm "meditating" (sort of like a light sleep, but I'm very aware of things), and I do experience some form of sensation... not quite images or sounds, but like... feeling something that isn't either one? It's hard to explain. Not the same thing though, I think. From what I understand, the condition is completely involuntary, whereas my experience is mostly unconscious but still influential by my conscious mind. Still fun to do with the right song, though.
  11. Resistance 2 looks kind of cool. Giant monsters, fighting from skyscraper rooftop-to-rooftop...
  12. Because others do like it, and they might like to hear about it.
  13. FF7 remake but with Master Chief as the protagonist and Aerith is replaced by Cortana, but she still dies in the end*. *No spoilers, because FF7 is fucking a decade old, and there are time limits to spoilers.
  14. I took that as flaming. Minor, yes, but still flaming. Yeah, they had a boring conference. There's no denying that. But there are still lots of people that are interested in these titles. Hence, why not tell them about it. Lots of us are at work and can't get to the big game sites for updates. Hopefully, they can get here instead for news. Besides, someone would eventually make topics about them. Also, there's still two more days for games to be announced and previewed. Who knows what they've got in store.
  15. Yeah, all the "hard core" titles will be displayed over the next few days. That's the way it goes. Nintendo's conference was lackluster, again. Nothing really stood out, not like the year they announced Twilight Princess.
  16. I never got into Animal Crossing. Seems a little too high maintainance for me. I heard and read about the daily activities you have to do, and it just seemed like too much of a demand. Mind you, I avoid WoW for the same reason; too many things to do, not enough time...
  17. DS approved this himself, so shut up. Also, if you're here to fanboy it up, go away. There will be a few Sony threads in an hour or so. Flaming is not what we're here for.
  18. Agreed. But the issue now is the cost of the Motion +. You may get one with the game, but what about extras for other players? I think this maybe a time for Nintendo to dig into that giant bank account of theirs and take a minor loss on these things just to get more people to buy them.
  19. So, the Nintendo conference at E3 is over, and they didn't show a new DS model. Yay. But they did announce a GTA game for the DS, so that's... sort of something. Not my sort of thing, though. So unless Nintendo is holding back a new DS in case Sony does something absolutely amazing at their conference, I can't see new hardware happening anytime soon. Maybe at TGS, or even next year if Nintendo does a Spaceworld. But considering it's been seven years since the last one, I can't see that happening either.
  20. When they first announced it back in 2006, I thought it would be perfect for one of those throw-away insert games. Like Wii Sports, but not as fun. They had better sell this one cheap as hell, otherwise it's not going to be worth getting.
  21. It was suspected, and now it's confirmed. http://www.joystiq.com/2008/07/15/animal-crossing-city-folk-coming-to-wii-in-2008/
  22. Updated with link three minutes before you posted. Might be a traffic/time zone issue or something.
  23. Wii Music finally comes out. Miyamoto played a saxophone while a drummer played the drums. http://www.joystiq.com/2008/07/15/nintendo-announces-wii-music-with-50-instruments/
  24. Looks like the new game Wii Sports Beach Resort and the new Wii Music will both use this thing. Oh, didn't you hear? New Wii Sports and Wii Music!
  25. Like Wii Sports, but uses the new motion attachment. It features frisbee tossing with a dog, jetski, and a fencing/sword-fighting game. http://www.joystiq.com/2008/07/15/wii-sports-resort-coming-to-the-wii-with-motion-plus-in-tow/ And Regi says it will ship with the new motion thing and a new Wii-mote condom.
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