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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Musical performances of video game music... I don't know, you might want to ask DJP first. On a plus side, you're like... the third person I've ever heard of that plays the ukulele. The only thing more obscure and rare would be someone that plays the glass harmonica. Anyone? Glass harmonica? Anyone at all?
  2. So, how will Fox News and Jack Thompson handle this?
  3. Nah, this guys is just a little twerp. No need for fantasy violence for this one. There's sort of a rating system for this sort of thing. In my mind, it goes kind of like this: [SIZE="3"] | If there was anything past here, it would involve fire | <- and possibly jail time for one or more people, so let's | not go this far, mmmkay? | 10 <- Record it and put it on Youtube as an example to other thieves | 9 <- Send a gay strip-a-gram to his house | 8 | 7 <- Mail to his hoous very real legal ramifications | 6 | 5 <- OCRAPS posts the truth on his account(s) on all his sites | 4 | 3 <- Tell his site's owner what's going on | 2 | 1 <- Tell him we're on to him, he'll give up right away | 0 <- Wait, he's the actual remixer. It IS his work | [/SIZE] This guy is barely a 3. One song, no real evidence he's going to try and fight us... hardly worth getting too serious about. Yes, he needs to be stopped, but the effort required to do so isn't that demanding. He'll be gone in a week or so.
  4. Link please. Wha? The stat and level systems are near polished. Every generation, they've gone through major overhauls to address flaws and broken metagame issues. As for classes, only if they don't give any major boost of any kind. Like if you train only Fire types, you don't get a 50% boost to all fire attacks. At best, maybe 10%. And you would have to earn that boost somehow. Maybe the number of pokemon trained or hours played or something. And you should lose it if you change jobs. But seeing how Nintendo has this unnatural fear of anything on-line, I doubt we'll see anything close to this for a long time. By then, I just hope they let the series end on a high note and put it to rest. Once they hit the 750 pokemon mark, it's gone to far. We're already just under 500, and a lot of them are just useless for anything. Only the highest forms and certain single forms (like legendaries) are worthwhile.
  5. One of my first video games ever! Had this game back when I got my Gameboy and still have it to this day. So, why aren't there more remixes of classic Gameboy games? We have all kinds of SNES and NES games, but hardly anything from the portable systems.
  6. Huh... someone erased my post. OK, here's the gist of it: Nah, ya think?
  7. Oh, the suckage... But don't worry, there's a new game coming out in July if you can wait. You can even save up and get a new DS by then! http://www.thetanooki.com/2008/04/01/pokemon-opal-set-for-worldwide-release/
  8. Due to some pushy and outright annoying music requests since the beginning, The Missingno Tracks will not be supplying its music to any site or project. The album is intended for fans first and foremost, not for some site and then the fans. There have been people that became abusive when they were turned down. There was one guy that demanded exclusive rights to said music. These experiences plus the spirit behind the project have made me decide to automatically turn down any requests like them in the future. Sorry, but somebody ruined it for everyone else, and I don't want my remixers and staff having to deal with it. But luckily for you, there is a metric assload of remixers on this site, and there are even more on other sites. You can easily find at least a few who will want to help out. So good luck, and hopefully we will be seeing more of your project in the future!
  9. Why must this sort of thing always end up with sodomy? What is with you guys?
  10. Wow. You'd think that after the last three guys that tried this, no one would bother doing it anymore. OCRAPS, ASSEMBLE!
  11. So, I bought a PSP today. April fools! Recommend some games? HAA HAA THERE ARE NONE!
  12. I saw this on Fark earlier today, and I rather enjoyed it.
  13. Sneaky. As for the videos, the Pac-Man one isn't really a prank. If anything, it's a performance. I don't see how any one could classify it as a prank in any way. (cue someone with a link to a dictionary site) The crosswalk one is a prank, and a well executed one at that. They had a good idea and the made it work. They planned it out, went with it, and the results were great. Cars backed up down the street, and there was nothing anyone could do to stop it. A crosswalk filled with people who had the right-of-way... brilliant.
  14. You know, I'm looking at Deviant Art right now, and I don't see anything out of the ordinary. Unless showcasing random art that varies from barely good to totally suck-ass is the joke. If that's the case, then I guess every day must be April 1st there. Seriously, what's the deal?
  15. Best? Not. It's obvious that it was a joke. A goog April Fool's Day joke is one where you are left wondering if it's true or not. A great one is when you're sure it's real, even though the date it's revealed or announced on is the first of April. This was obvious as hell.
  16. I know only eat animals that can be put inside of red and white balls. Blending them into a paste or goo still counts, of course. When you cook them inside the ball, it's like a boiled egg, but meatier. Wait, are they asking for violence against living things or against good cooking? 'Cause my story could go either way.
  17. http://www.starnow.co.uk/Magazines-newspapers/computer_games_life_of_crime_stories_wanted.htm There're the usual Destructoid and Kotaku and whatever links, but here's the original. Enjoy!
  18. REMINDER! Public WIPS is to be locked down tomorrow night! IF you want to salvage an old WIP or you have not completed a WIP to the point where it is ready or peer review or judging, now is the time to do so! Simply PM myself or Prophet on the project forums and ask us to save it by moving it to Private WIPs. Everything that is left will be locked down and removed from the track list. If that's your only remix, then consider yourself remixless. Either start a new one or finish an old one. That is all.
  19. You know what's really screwing up gaming? People here are talking about games rather than playing them. You are all responsible. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go blow up some motherships to the music of Yoko Kanno.
  20. As a fellow AFOL, I applaud your effort and give you a hearty thumbs up.
  21. Only 19? And he has that kind of talent?And he's still single? Must be no women in Ireland. Or Scotland Or wherever the hell he's from.
  22. Yeah, the disappointment was kind of funny. Poor guy.
  23. If there was ever an example of how viral marketing can backfire, the whole "All I Want for X-Mas is a PSP" bit would be my top choice. Fail at posing, fail at thinking it through, fail at handling it once it was exposed, fail at how they carried it on, fail at everything. Business and advertising students! If your teacher ever tells you that there is no such thing as bad publicity, tell them about this and the backlash it created. Then do the world a favor and never make another campaign like this one.
  24. Yearly orgies. They take place every summer from May to July. ... Alright, what's your explanation, then?
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