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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Is that... is that Clannad with fighter jets? For no reason?
  2. http://www.google.ca/search?hl=en&q=ea+buying+take2&btnG=Google+Search&meta= Too many articles to really link to only one. So, basically, EA is trying to expand even further. And if they get Take2, that means they also get ahold of 2K sports titles. So they would basically have a monopoly on sport games. Well, outside of anything Mario or Sonic-based, that is. Remember EA commenting about one universal console? Looks like this may be a step towards them doing it themselves.
  3. Would a Japanese person realize that it's anime backwards? Considering the massive difference in English letters and Japanese characters are designed, I would think it would take a fair bit of knowledge in English to realize that one word is just another spelled in reverse. And that's if it's something that they would even think of in the first place. You can rearrange English letters a lot to get new words, but can you do the same with Japanese? I wonder what kind of interesting jokes and situations you could have with this in Japan.
  4. Yeah, selling remixes of music that isn't yours is breaking a few laws, isn't it? Unless you had the permission of the rightful holders of said music, I can't see how this could end well. Now, some would argue that by downloading music from torrents (like Mustin spoke of) is just as wrong. But when you download music, you're just not giving any money to anyone. No one benefits from it except the downloader. When you pay for music that isn't theirs to sell, you're giving money to the person(s) that don't deserve it at all. That's how pirates stay in business, and keep their crap coming out. Now, I'm not saying that this guy is a pirate, but he still wants money from something that isn't his to sell. Sorry, no matter how good your friends remixes are, he's not getting a single cent from me. And anyone else that has any respect for FF6, OCR or remixes in general should do the same.
  5. Incidentally, does anyone know the proper name and price of the DS SDK? I know the Wii on is about $2000, but I haven't been able to get any details on the DS one.
  6. Depending upon what it features and what kind of pricing they will use, this could be a step in the right direction. I'm not expecting Live level of usability, but I am expecting something more than simple friend codes.
  7. God damn, man. Calm down. I like playing around with level editors. I already have a few ideas, but the limits of the system will determine how well they turn out.
  8. Avatar The Last Airbender is the same. It uses the style to make people think it is (that's another rant altogether). Would you count Martin Mysteries or Totally Spies as anime? I don't think anyone would. Korean animation is sort of a gray area. In the 80s, and even up to now, some shows contracted out to Korean studios. Again, I think it's a matter of how much they want to copy anime. So, it's not. Copycat != same thing. But no, if it's made, written, produced and animated in Japan by Japanese companies, it's anime. Period. Where they market it, even if it is intended for outside of Japan, it's still anime.
  9. ANIME. AN. I. ME. Japanese, not American. Are you going to start including Bugs Bunny as well? Hey, why not Pixar's work? That's totally anime, right kawaii desu ne? This is a micro-rant, so just skip over it if you want. Ahem. If you're Japanese, and you're currently living in Japan, then yes, animation in general can be called anime. But if you aren't Japanese, and you aren't living in Japan, then anime only refers to Japanese made animation. I see this all the fucking time and it annoys the hell out of me. Even the fucking old white men from Merriam-Webster know this. Batman, while cool, is not anime. Disney is not anime. Teen Titans, for all that it wants and tries so hard to be, is not anime. If it's made in Japan, by Japanese people, and marketed for Japanese consumers, and is in fucking Japanese, it's anime. And don't give me that "anime comes from 'animation', so that means all animation is anime" crap. Shut your otaku-hole, weeaboo. Japan isn't some glorious Awesomeland where all your favorite things become the world standard. Only in Japan does that apply. If you speak english, you're using "animation". /micro-rant //self-admitted ex-anime nerd ///came to my senses years ago; realized how much of a fucking weeaboo I was becoming ////slashies! That said, Bleach is once again quickly catching up to the manga. Are they just going to stretch the remaining action out to allow the manga to catch up; make up some bullshit filler again; or ignore the manga, and shoot right past it? Will we see the show complete the story before the manga? Will they even bother keeping the same story at that point? I've read the manga, and it and the show are almost identical, scene for scene, word for word. I wonder how they will do this.
  10. I wonder what ever became of the guy that he gave all the money to. Tonight, on "What Ever Happened To..."!
  11. I demand a feature on OCR that when you download a single song, a little message pops up and asks you if you want it with or without.
  13. Oh no, page three... and no one ever did explain why Professor Layton is so good.
  14. FTFY. 10 char Also, according to the IGN Mario Kart Wii preview, boosting will be done not by steering back and forth like in the DS game, but by how long you can maintain a powerslide. Which is great for me, because that was something I practiced a lot and got pretty damn good at. I actually held powerslides for up to ten seconds depending upon the course and kart. I suspect that there will be a limit as to how long you can do it before it maxes out, but still...
  15. My "the only other anime that made me cry" was Grave of the Fireflies. Fuck you. That was just impossible not to be affected by it.
  16. I think this is going to be quoted a lot here, followed by lots of "QFT", "QFE" and even a few "THIS." for good measure. Also, that little bit about "purists" finding this video offensive... god damn, anyone that does is a fucking moron. It's a mash-up. Get over yourself. Sorry, JCvgluvr. This is not a "most worthy" first topic.
  17. According to Winamp, I have 14556 songs. Of those, 1709 are from OCR (that including projects). So, seeing how OCR makes up 11.7% of my total collection, I should be averaging about ten percent of the time I listen to music at all (since the random on either Winamp or my MP3 player isn't going to always going to play things equally; it's random, after all. I might not hear a single remix at all, or I might get a whole bunch in a row. I'm estimating for fluctuations in playing order). Assuming an average of eight hours a week, that makes my total amount of listening to OCR stuff about 45 minutes a week.
  18. Considering that it is a published game, any downloading of it, in part or in whole, would be a violation of not only he law, but also forum rules. This includes the music. So unless the legal owner of said game (and therefore its music) released it the music for free to anyone that wants it, you shouldn't be asking this sort of thing. So... did the owner say that the music is free for downloading? And what about any arrangement, official or otherwise? Are they free for downloading?
  19. HARD FACT: Haibane Renmei almost had me shedding a tear at the end. And I mean, almost. As in only a few seconds and sheer willpower prevented me from just bawling my eyes out. I am not normally an emotional person, and I was not suffering from any recent losses in friends or family. The damn ending was just that god damn bittersweet. I still can't watch the first episode without feeling some fucking tugs at my heart.
  20. OK, Gafgarion is now back to being Gafgarion, and Linkjing Donuts is now back to being Linkjing Donuts. All is right in the world.
  21. So, all the Ghost types... you don't like them? Or ones based on mythology, like Golduck (the kappa), or Arcanine (Shinese dragon-dog thingy you see at temples), or Ninetails (do I have to explain this one?), or Ho-oh and Moltres (phoenix)? Or Charizard (dragon)? What about Gyarados (Chinese dragon)? Just pointing some things out. EDIT: Damn it, Mewtation... I just had to correct my spelling before posting, didn't I?
  22. Did anyone ever send him a link to this thread? I wonder how much of it would have scared him into giving in.
  23. I'm thinking one of you more clever bastards got into his account and made that message to stir shit up. Applause is in order, then. Sneaky and under-handed. Well done. On the somewhat more likely chance that he is, indeed, that arrogant and stupid, then I submit that we come come down on him like a starving fat man at a buffet.
  24. God damn it, Linkjing Donuts... OK, now you are the new Gafgarion. Gafgarion, you're taking over Linkjing Donuts's old spot. Congrats. There. I hope you're all happy.
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