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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. It's over. Too bad we still get stuck with all the crap they had before and during the strike.
  2. Hey, fuck you. The north is where I keep all my stuff. Sure, it's in an igloo, and there are polar bears all over the place, but at least I know no one's going to steal anything. Go nuke somewhere else. So, he's not 20 years old, but he's meeting the complete asshole and gave us a big "fuck you". Yeeeeaaaah, my over-the-top idea just came down to earth a bit. School, you say? Principle, you say? Mother and grounding, you say? Maybe a few well-worded and presented letters to the right people are in order. Just a nice, polite request that he just do what we ask. And then... Eiffel Tower butt raping.
  3. http://www.ocremix.org/info/Submission_Standards_and_Instructions There's your answer. Extremely limited seems to be more like 10% or less, not 50%. Even 20% might be too much.
  4. No, I can understand why they only have one save file per game. Aside from the ridiculous amount of data that a save game makes up (even with technical increases in hardware; there's a list somewhere I found that goes over the whole range of things that a game has to save. Items, pokemon and their stats, order in boxes and your roster, placement on the map, executed variables to date... a save game is actually quite large), it's also a matter of the game being for one person. It's meant to be played and used by one person for a long time. I had my original Red game for over three years, and it's still intact on my cartridge. I had my Silver game from launch date to the day that Ruby and Sapphire came out (too bad the GSC games had that damn battery failure... I lost my old team, including my legit Mew!), and I still have my Sapphire cartridge intact. No, one save per cart makes sense. Besides, can you imagine having three save games that you could copy and save at any time? That Mew or Celebi you have is now worthless, because every single person could just trade from one save file, and then copy it over and over as much as they want. And don't mention trading glitches, those are glitches, not intended game mechanics. Then there's the logistics of multiple saves and trading. It would just fall apart on a conceptual level. No, one save per game is what a game like this need. Each player has their own cartridge, and that one cartridge is supposed to be unique to that player.
  5. So, what, exactly, is the village curious about? Can't they just look up whatever it is they want to know? Don't they have a library where they can read about the thing they are curious about? /oh, that kind of curious.... gotcha //it's a gay village. So, the population could be called the village people?
  6. I think that the game itself (for the most part) s fine. It's just the writing that needs a big push in another direction. It's the same simple plot each time: you're some local kid that has lived in the smae little town for all these years, and it's only today (when you start the game) that you finally try to step out into that grass by the town entrance. And then, some professor gives you a pokemon. OK, I get that we need a way to choose our starter, that's fine. But at least shake this up a little. Then it's off to run a few errands an- damn! A vaguely and slightly evil group of pokemon trainers/poachers/thieves/fanboys appears!Who will step up and save the world from them? Only a ten year old kid with a level 10 starter, that's who! The bad guys are never really bad. They might do some minor damage to a building, or maybe block off a road for a few hours. Oh noes! How terrible! And your character is so flat. Most RPGs have some basic background to them. No, not this series. There's a pro to having a silent protaginist, but only when it's not supposed to be you. Link from Zelda? That works. He's an established character. Even if you've never played a Zelda game before, you know going in that this guy is somebody. Pokemon? you get a generic boy or girl. Speaking of, it's the 21st century. I think it's well within our means to have customizable characters at this point. Hats, coats, pants, skin tone... throw in a half dozen body types and we're good. The long, drawn out point to this whole thing is that Gamefreak can make some decent games. They just either don't want to change anything, or they're incapable of doing so. They need some new guys in there to at least give the plot some tweaking. I know, I know... tl;dr.
  7. Yeah DS, calm down. You're the one overreacting here. Maybe, MAYBE, if it was some asshole that just stole and stole and stole, never made any attempt to right things, he was an adult, and he gave us a giant, collective "fuck you" for our efforts to get him to take OCR stuff down... MAYBE it would be an idea. It might be feasible and even entertaining. Again, let me use a big MAYBE here to get the point across. You need to calm yourself, DS. You're reading way too much into this.
  8. The Gamecube Pokemon games blew ass and sucked balls. I bought the first one mainly for the Jirachi disc, and after trying to get through the main game, I just said "fuck this shit". I still haven't "purified" about twenty of the poor pokes. They are doomed to be trapped on that memory card until the day it just stops working. Sorry, little critters, but I'm not playing that game again. Not even to erase my save game.
  9. Those words do not belong together.
  10. What, in actual forums, or fake ones? I'll just give it a try, I guess. EDIT: Meh. Pass.
  11. Wait. What? What is this? Explain. The "About" from the site had jack shit for explanations and how it works.
  12. http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5hKHy4OUtBzC0af0U1NXkiVNx76DQD8UNRLA80 Bye bye, shark hunter and captain of a four season sci-fi show that wasn't Star Trek (Sea Quest, in case you were wondering).
  13. What's the matter, son... Doncha got a sense of humor? /picture fight!
  14. Can we put some sort of biological weapon in there somewhere? Maybe after the fires die down, we drop a disease-ridden cow from a plane on what's left of his house. Yeah... Monty Python seems ready for a comeback.
  15. What? 14? I didn't think it was some little kid. Maybe a 16 or 17 year old, but 14? Fuck that. Maybe if this guy was in his twenties or something, when he should know better, then I could see doing something. But a 14 year old kid? Has anything change since this started? Anything taken down yet? So, the two "Guides" videos are official then? Weren't they made by members here without the staff knowing or helping out with it? If not, then why do you show them? Nice double-standard.
  16. Ah, I had a filter on for a certain categories... that's why I didn't see it. Silly filters.
  17. It's all in jest...hopefully. Actually, I was thinking that a show of shear and utter force would make people think twice about stealing from here in the future. Nothing illegal, just something embarrassing and on Youtube. That you could show at cons and stuff. Sort of a companion to that "How to get rejected on OCR" video. And let's face it, OCR would go down in history as a site that did the most awesome and amazing retaliation in internet history. Of course, it would be completely unofficial and not from the site's owners and operators in any way. It would be entirely the work of private citizens and whatnot.
  18. Someone we can all trust here would have to set up a paypal account or something, and then we feed some money into it. Once an opportunity like this arises, we then use said money to pay for hiring said stripper (preferably one that also sings, as I'd like to have a little song and dance bit) and for travel expenses for the person nearest to said thief's house. Or pay the extra bit to have them record it for us and then give us the tape. Ideally, it would be done out in front of his house, where the neighbors can see the whole thing.
  19. How much has this fucker stolen? Look at http://bluebomber.imeem.com/publiccontent/ and see for yourself. Almost every song he has listed, he slapped his name on. This guy hasn't just taken a few songs. No, he's taken dozens of songs. And now there's artwork as well? I say we pool our money and hire a gay stripper to dance and sing at his home. I'd be willing to send $50 as long as someone tapes it and puts it on Youtube. Who's with me? It's be a great way to show future thieves not to fuck with us.
  20. Wow! That's amazing! You should go to gamefaqs and have him write about it on one of the twenty other threads about how they should make the game into a MMO. I think it would really help.
  21. You know, I looked up a torrent for it, but the only one I could find was dead. So, unless you know where to get it, it ain't happening.
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