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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. If it's a flight sim, then it was based off of one hell of an aircraft. What, with he hovering, zero-g turns, massive weapons payload, vertical strafing and all that. Trust me, it's a FPS. It's just one of the most kick-ass FPSs ever!
  2. And that's the end of January 1st. Back to work. Anyone seen Poinko at all? Poinko, if you're reading this, PM me. And get whoever is working on the webpage to PM me as well.
  3. I've got music to games that I've never even heard of nor played.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBHH-H837gg Basically the same tests, but one's in Spanish! Or something! Whatever! Those languages are all the same any ways!
  5. HAA HAA WAHT? There are lots of games on console systems that don't work. Ones I've personally run across range from FPSs and hack-n-slash games. Metroid Prime 1 did this annoying thing where it would freeze trying to enter doors. And there was this one X-ox game that crashed and started spitting out programming code or something. As much as I like console gaming, it's not perfect. Except for Gameboys. Man, those fuckers were rock solid all the way through. Drop them down stairs, dunk them in water, kick them down a hallway, throw them at someone else... and the fuckers still worked!
  6. Addendum to my previous post: 32" HD LCD TV set, from me, to me. Boxing Day sale, $500. And it's not some shit piece, either. It's a rather fancy Toshiba.
  7. Dude. http://ocr.anticlan.net/ Sign up and get in on the internet DS playingness.
  8. You other-side-of-the-planet types and your multiple hours ahead of us. One day, we're going to blow up your part of the sun, and watch you freeze in the dark like the pinko commies you are! Then you'll be begging to be part of Mountain Standard Time, and we'll let you in. FOR A PRICE! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! On a more serious side... I already know what I got, so here goes: Mario Galaxy Zelda Phantom Hourglass Wii component cables (should go nicely with the new HD tv I'm buying later this week) Some other stuff. Really, who cares? Mario Galaxy!
  9. Oh, and on the subject of using a Wiimote for non-game stuff... where you control a robot gladiator. Enjoy!
  10. So, being the holiday season that it is, I decided to take the Wii to the family get-together in a few days. But where is my Wi Sports disc? They all seemed to like it last year, so I thought, why not bring it again? I found it. It was in its little cardboard sleve thing from when I bought the system on launch day. Hadn't used it much since then, of course. Zelda and all those other games. It has a giant scratch across the side. I put it in, and the damn games doesn't load at all. I vaguely recall noticing it before but since it was a long time since I used it (pretty much last christmas), I hadn't thought about it. After a few hours of trying to get it to load, it just wouldn't take. So I called Nintendo and asked what my options were. Even though it's well past the warranty expiration date, Nintendo is sending me a new free disc to replace the dead one. They said it should be here in time for christmas; if not that, then New Years. +1 for Nintendo's customer service.
  11. In case anyone else was wondering what this guy does with projectors and cameras and shit... http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~johnny/
  12. So, that guy that figured out how to use a Wiimote and a laptop to create a cheap, working virtual whiteboard? He's figured out a cheap, working way to make 2D displays into pseudo-3D monitors. http://kotaku.com/336960/another-brilliant-johnny-lee-wii-vid Did Nintendo ever think of these kinds of applications when they came up with this system? Because if this one guy could, they must have figured out something with fifty or so guys.
  13. Actually, Descent did it first. The level editor allowed you to place cubes (which were what each room was made out of, only they could be stretched and shaped in almost any way, and most rooms were multiple cubes bunched together) inside of other cubes, creating chambers that occupied the same space. Tricks like, if you entered a door from one side, it would go nowhere, but going through the same door the opposite way led to another room different from the first one. It was mostly used in player-made maps, but I think one of the original in-game maps had this trick in it.
  14. Then I suggest you check your house for some form of hidden nitrous oxide tank. It seems to be leaking. That, or you made this, and are trying to show it off.
  15. OK, it's taken them this long to release a teaser trailer. That can only mean that in about six years, they will release a full trailer, and in 12 years, we'll get the demo. Then it's only another five years until the full game comes out. Sure, the patch will take a two years to come out, but once it does, all the little glitches and bugs will be gone and then you can play it on your holocube system. It's worth the wait, guys! Just be patient!
  16. Five bucks it's just the 2001 trailer with ever so slightly updated models and graphics. I actually did laugh out loud at the quote at the very end.
  17. The rumor has been flying around for years now, so I guess they finally went ahead and did it. Class, here is an example of how Hollywood can take an idea, and inject pointless action, needless pumping music, and clichéd dialog into it, and ruin the original idea completely. For anyone that has ever wondered what it is like to see a story physically suffer, or even die from the torture writers can inflict it with... now you know.
  18. Yeah, might as well make it all in one place, so that we can just look up it once.
  19. Descent was the first fully 3D FPS. It not only had 3D models for each player and enemy robot, but the levels themselves used all three dimensions in their layout. Caves and tunnels ran in every direction and there was often no real "up". If you're going to say that Quake did it first, Descent came out over a year before (Feb 28th, 1995 to June 26th 1996)
  20. QFT. Seriously, guys. PPR is that way.
  21. So, did anyone else notice all the "future" movies that appeared as posters and billboards in the background? Namely, the Green Lantern and the Batman and Superman ones? Someone else said they saw a live-action Teen Titans poster at the video store in a scene. Subtle hints of movies to come, or just rubbing it in our faces (seeing how those movies never came to be because of the whole death of mankind thing)?
  22. Damn right. Some guy on a LEGO site I frequent decided to take one of the fancy new MOCs that a well known builder put up on his personal site. This thief didn't even bother making it using his own pieces and claim the design as his own. No, he just copied the pictures from the original site and didn't even bother altering removing the tiny little watermark in the corner. Other members caught him, and after a few days of making his life hell, he closed his account and left. I had a few emails with him, and after calling him a fucking douchebag of a thief, he whined about how sorry he was and how it wasn't his fault. If he had just confessed to stealing, it would have been fine. But when he said it wasn't his fault? Ohhh... that pissed off a few of us. The little fucker deserved the grief he got over it. Be it music or a design for little plastic blocks, taking someone else's creative efforts and then slapping your name on it... that's something I won't take lightly.
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