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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Buy 3, get 1 free at Toys R Us this week. http://kotaku.com/gaming/sale/toys-r-us-offers-buy-3-get-one-free-334400.php Maybe I can go pick up Galaxy now that I'm done with exams... and then find three other games that I want.
  2. Spoilers, of course. Highlight to read, blah, blah, blah... Man, did they just hire the guys that did The Mummy or what? Those "vampires" were... uninspired. I expected them to start spewing locusts out of their mouths at any moment. The rest of the movie wasn't too bad. I think I heard people crying a bit when the dog died. Overall, I think it was actually pretty good. Somethings sort of stuck out, but for a guy that was stuck in a city filled with creatures trying to find and kill him every night, and being alone with only a dog and random mannequins... Will Smith did a good job. A far cry from his early acting (namely, Fresh Prince) Spoilers end.
  3. Isn't that pretty much what's been happening the last year or so? Someone steals one of our songs, claims it as their own, someone else notices, and we get told. Then we stomp on them.
  4. Yeah, so with the holidays and work and what not, everyone just keep working on your stuff for now, and we'll get back to work on everything after the new year starts. And that's not the Chinese new year. I mean the January 1st kind.
  5. Poor black people play the saxophone? This is truly a week of revelations!
  6. Wait... you're not black? Man, why didn't anybody tell me?
  7. No, all accounts are that you spend Wii Points on a VC title, and then send it to someone on your Friend Code list. There's no "regifting" of titles.
  8. Anyone see that rumor about Wiis attracting roaches? So... actual, crazy unknown thing, a complete misunderstanding (someone with a roach-infested apartment made a connection), or hidden Sony attack? Also, Nintendo's stocks have gone down. OH NOES! MY GOD! Sell your stock and all your Nintendo stuff now while it's still worth something!
  9. If you think that was a "bite his head off" sort of post, then you're over-sensitive. That was a perfectly calm post.
  10. Uh... No it's not. None of the writers, producers or directors from Cowboy Bebop are listed anywhere in the Gun X Sword staff list. Nor did they share any common voice actors (maybe some minor ones for secondary and background characters, but that's usually not mentioned in cast lists). They had different composers and performers for the soundtracks, and they even used other animation studios from each other (again, there is some overlap, but that's because there are only so many studios these days. Everyone ends up using them all at some point). Seriously, go look it up. Wikipedia and IMDB have both staffs listed. You can compare yourself.
  11. I liked it enough to get the soundtrack, so... It was ok, for the most part. Typical harem anime with a space-battle opera theme mixed in. Giant robots fill in the rest. It's not a remarkable series, overall, but it's still good for killing a few hours a day or a whole day if you feel like sitting through it all.
  12. What's this about a new update killing my Wii's ability to play MP3 files off an SD card? Destructoid has a post about it. I have a tiny little 256 MB card, and I've never used it for playing music on my Wii... but still... having the option is nice. Also, now you can buy VC games for other people and send it to their system. Nice. North America confirmed.
  13. You... you were expecting anything else? Have you never seen it before? Last years was just one long muddle through a pile of crap. I don't bother watching it, and I don't bother following it.
  14. It works sooooo well. Grab some Yoko Kanno here and there (Brain Powered's "Bridge", for instance) and you got some good battle music. Though I'm really more of a Cataclysm guy, myself... Siege Cannon FTW.
  15. I think someone took a crack at it in the Portal thread, but has since removed it or something.
  16. Onyly if you played the single player mission. Multiplayer... not so much. I liked panning the camera around while three or more fleets of frigates and destroyers headed towards each other, blasting missiles and beams and plasma shit and exploding ships and cruisers and fighter wings circling around, blasted into fireballs as they fly right into ion beams... all to "Ode To Joy", right at the high point of the song. It's much better that way, trust me.
  17. Homeworld with a lot of epic opera and classical music playing on Winamp FTW.
  18. Yeah, good thing Gamespot thought this whole thing through, huh? Otherwise, there would be some sort of backlash from people. Anyone see this hit mainstream news yet?
  19. Nintendo was excellent customer service. Call them up and see what your options are. They may very well just send you a new one.
  20. Yes, because I know what alias Steve uses there. No one has their real name listed. And not one email address is close to theone you said above.
  21. I've looked, and I don't have that guys address. Got it handy? PM me with it if you do. And YES, we're still doing this, but some of us (including myself) are busy with christmas and school and stuff. Me? All three. Busy, busy, busy...
  22. I thought that was because of a sudden lack of talent. Or getting married. Weren't you getting married or something?
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