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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. That revenge is a dish best served as a meat pie.
  2. Yeah, those reviews are setting off my "this guy is a plant to seed positive reviews" sense. I would not be surprised that at least one of those three is a viral ad campaign worker.
  3. Spoilers? Probably. In the second series, they explain (very vaguely though) that each story arc is actually some sort of "temporal loop", where one of the characters is trying to alter the town's fate. But something goes wrong each time, and things don't just repeat themselves (the town dying, someone murdering someone else), but even the reason for all the deaths changes. One time, it's an alien virus or something; the next, it's a secret government experiment with gas weapons; another time, it's all in one of the character's mind. The person is question is actually Rika (sp?), the youngest girl, with the purple hair. She's some sort of bridge with the local god or something. They show another young girl in a miko uniform sometimes. It's why she's always talking in two different voices and personalities. Basically, you need someone to walk you through the maze of confusing stories and characters and whatnot. I charge $35 a tour, and there are no refunds. Understand?
  4. http://www.mocpages.com/moc.php/44218
  5. Fun fact: my cousin Tracy is married to one of the writers, Luke, at Bioware. We're going to go see them tonight for some sort of family event. I'm going to pester him endlessly about it.
  6. Yeah... every major pokémon site is saying the same thing. What a fucking letdown. You know, Nintendo has all that money and all those people working for them, including GameFreak. You would think that if the fucking director of the game said there was going to be a surprise on a certain day, someone would have actually gone out and made something actually happen. What a massive, fucking massive letdown. A fucking bullshit "snow" effect that already occurs randomly? Fucking bullshit. Where're all those promised WiFi events and gifts they talked about when the game was announced? When it was revealed to use WiFi? When it was released? Fuck you, GameFreak.
  7. A bump for related news... Hey Pokémon players. You know that Mystery Gift option on your game? You don't? Go here then. Any way, tomorrow, January 12th, there's something happening on Wi-Fi. Reports are kind of sketchy as to what it is, but it is official. Don't believe it? How about if it came from the game director himself? Might be a rare item, might be a generic thank-you note. Who knows? But it seems to be for all regions and versions.
  8. Hey Pokémon players. You know that Mystery Gift option on your game? You don't? Go here then. Any way, tomorrow, January 12th, there's something happening on Wi-Fi. Reports are kind of sketchy as to what it is, but it is official. Don't believe it? How about if it came from the game director himself? Might be a rare item, might be a generic thank-you note. Who knows? But it seems to be for all regions and versions.
  9. Spice and Wolf is a new show, and it's kind of endearing a bit. The ending credits is sort of like Still Alive from Portal (a similarity that I am sure is less than coincidental). I think I'll get the next few episodes and see how it turns out. And I found a site that has High School of the Dead translated. I'm reading it right now, even though I just finished binging on a bunch of zombie and Aiens Vs Predator comics last week. Seems pretty much par for the course.
  10. So, the Wii version is going to get, what? C3-PO?
  11. FAIL on Jirachi Kirby. There's no real difference between the two in the first place.
  12. OHMYGOD A GIRL! TITS PIX PLS! Long time no see. Or hear from. I would also like to include Snake, Rattle and Roll (I think that was the title) and Marble Madness.
  13. Negitatory. 360's on the list of "stuff I wouldn't mind getting", but it's going to have to wait until christmas bills are paid off. And when they make ones that don't die randomly. But then, ooooh, yeah, I'm thinking some Dead Raising and shit.
  14. The old Mega Man games were brutal but fun. And the music was all bouncy and "beep-boop-booop-boooop" and stuff. The very definition of the Capcom style.
  15. So I saw a bunch of Puzzle Quest games in a bargain bin today. Worth the $15?
  16. Any way, some random updates. I've got some demo tracks up in the pokecenter rap thing. And Poinko has album cover ideas that he gave me, so go take a gander. Where the hell are all of you people? I know some of you went to Magfest, but come on, some of you must be around.
  17. I'm just glad you guys went after the FF7 album first. That's a big act to follow.
  18. Oh, wow... you've been around since 2004, and you didn't know about that?
  19. I think a post was deleted by a mod. I can't find the original comment either. Fuck, now it's out of context!
  20. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=3483 Sort of out of the way, and most people don't even go in that part of the forums... so I'm not surprised if you didn't know about it. Maybe it needs to be moved to Help and Newbies or something?
  21. Yeah, but that pic wouldn't have worked then, would it?
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