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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Oh oh oh OH OH! Can we do horrible things to him? Like, send big black guys in leather to his house and ask for him by name? And then have everyone in the neighborhood ask why this kid has big black leather-clad men showing up at his house? No, better yet, a singing stripper. A gay one! And he's sing something about how he shouldn't steal other people's work. And someone has to video tape it for us. Yeah, that would be awesome. Sometimes, I wish I was rich, so that I could send gay strippers to the homes and offices of people that steal music from here. I would do it. Seriously. I would.
  2. You think that looks like an A-Wing? You need to find a picture of an A-Wing and try again. That's not even an E-Wing, for fuck's sake. Where did you get you internet nerd license? Tell me now, so I can get that place closed down! They'll go easier on you in you cooperate! /that's no A-Wing, that's a space station //wait, no it's not. It's an espresso machine /how many movie quotes do you see?
  3. Isn't this like.. two years old or something? I've seen this video at least a few times. If not this exact one, then one just like it. Nothing new.
  4. I'll have you know that the Pokémon project already claimed the tentative release date of "TBA 2008". You'll have to wait until 2009.
  5. I wouldn't say "very few". There have been a lot of changes and advancemetns since the original games. First gen: Well, it was the first gen, so there's nothing to compare it to. Second gen: Well, where to begin... day and night (with the effect they have on battling), the weekly calender of places to go and people to get stuff from, genders, two new types, the Special Split, held items, weather moves. Third gen: Natures and Abilities, mostly. Oh, and Double battles. Fourth gen: Special and Physical moves swap... and that's about it. So really, the game underwent a gigantic change in the second generation, but nothing after has really gone outside the box, so to speak. I guess after GSC, they've basically been updating and tweaking the battle system with each new game. I doubt that we will see anything in the fifth generation that really changes things. A new type would shake some things up, but seeing how the variety of typings and base points spreads that exist to date, doing so would wreck a highly balanced system. It's taken at least two gens to get things under control, and another to get it smoothed out. I don't see why they would now or in the future.
  6. Don't we already have a PS3 thread? Oh, we do. Right on the same page, even.
  7. Yes, we covered that just a few posts up from here. And a few pages ago. Thanks for following along.
  8. Shinji is a little fucking whiner. Oh, my daddy doesn't love me, and my mom died mysteriously but that's ok, someone made a fucked up clone of her as my classmate and I'm slightly freaked out by her but she's kind of sexy in that "I'm too quiet to file charges" way, and there are these two other women- ok, one teenage girl and one real woman, but still- and they so obviously have feelings for me even though one a German bitch queen and the other is a total slut for me, and I get to pilot a giant fucking robot all the tie and blow shit up and get paid to do it, oh woes iz me! I'm glad he suffers throughout that entire series. He deserves it for being such a little bitch. Asuka should have strangled him in his sleep. Man, I love that show! Anyone catch the "new" version that came out late last year?
  9. Guys, this is a LEGO thread. Take your talk of other connecting toys somewhere else. By the way, it's "LEGO", not "Lego" or "lego" or "legoes/legos". LEGO is both singular and plural, and the name is properly in all caps. (someone was going to do it eventually) Anyone got any MOCpages or Brickshelf accounts?
  10. Hey, if you google "walmart not selling lego", this thread is the first hit. Awesome.
  11. A great show, but it just... stopped. The last episode just ended the story with no resolution or closure. Shitty way to end the series. On the other hand, the opening credits song was kind of cool. I still have it, even though the rest of the soundtrack was bland at best. I remember seeing this and thought it was very relaxing and calming. It was like watching fish swimming around gently in a tank while soothing music was playing. Never got past the third episode. Awesome sauce. Period. Opening credits, pointless excursions into other genres, random mecha fights and helicopter rides made this a favorite when it came out. I took this girl I had just started seeing to the local anime club (she was a rather big anime nerd, which was great, because she was a hot petite Phillpino, and her family liked me. Too bad she was all fucked up from something else... Catholic issues or something... I don't know) and they showed this. The second episode, with the cat? Yeah, that's what they played. Oh, did I mention she brought her seven year-old sister with us? Because they were going to show Sailor Moon? And that said little sister saw the whole cat scene? And she cried for an hour afterwards? Yeah, I think that was the beginning of the whole crazt girl thing, now that I think back.
  12. Toys R Us is still selling LEGO. I doubt that they will break any ties with each other considering that there are special Toys R Us only sets that come out. Then there's Zellers (think Target for all you Yanks) and the various little stores here and there... we're not hurting, but Wal-Mart had a decent selection, and if you live somewhere that doesn't have a Toys R Us nearby, this means you can't get it now. I can only hope that such people have some other store in the area.
  13. In Canada, at least. http://money.cnn.com/news/newsfeeds/articles/djf500/200802051608DOWJONESDJONLINE000583_FORTUNE5.htm I wondered why I didn't see any at the local Wal-Mart the last few weeks. I know there are quite a few LEGO fans here, and I know some of them are from Canada as well, so I'm just spreading the word.
  14. Stop playing until 4 in the morning. Problem solved! As for getting multiple 31 IVs, it helps to get parents with 31s to begin with. I had a few random ones that had perfect IVs and then just bred them until I got right natures and the IVs carried down through the off-spring. The other ones weren't bred at all. I just managed to catch them in the wild without any real effort. I actually have two that I hadn't planned on using at all until I saw what they had.
  15. Weird... drow elf Link is freaky. Drow elf Wind Waker Link is freakier. And that second Captain Falcon is just faaaaabulaous.
  16. I think it's a matter of convenience. Even with the automatic level adjustment for Battle Tower and WiFi battles, it's still time and effort when EV training a pokémon. Even a quick vitamin boost, the EV items, Pokérus and ideal training spots, it will still take several hours. And that assuming you've managed to get the exact pokémon you wanted in the first place from breeding or soft-resetting for who knows how long. If you want to put the effort into it, it can pay off really well. I have a few bred pokes that have 31s in multiple IVs. But if tie or patience are not on your side, then a AR and knowing the right codes is a hell of a lot quicker. And if you actually don't care for the game's story or any of the other stuff to do (Contests, Underground, pokedex completion, etc.), then something like Shoddy woud be ideal. But I just think that playing through the game and experiencing it yourself adds to it. Just a personal opinion.
  17. Several months ago, I downloaded all of Kenran Butou Sai (The Mars Daybreak). I just todat, got around to thinking of watching it. Anyone got any comments on it? I haven't even looked it up for any reviews, so I'm completely going in blind with this show.
  18. I just said Shoddy needed to fix a lot of things. It's still some time before the successor to NetBattle comes out, and until it does, it's what people will use. As for training versus creating, it's a personal matter. I never said it was a bad thing, just something that some people do. Due to the fact that tone is difficult to convey through simple text, you may have read some of what I wrote in a negative way. This is most certainly not the intent. Calm down.
  19. Shoddy Battle is a fan-made Pokemon DP simulator. It's put together using the known (and somewhat unknown) aspects of the battle system from the DS games. It's not official in any way, but it's becoming the de facto standard for people that either don't have the games or don't wish to invest the time and/or effort into training their own team. Personally, I find the whole training thing to be part of the fun.
  20. You can just go back and edit said post rather than double posting.
  21. I just brabbed the torrent with full file names. And they're accurate. And then put them into sub-folders of each series they are from. And then removed the numbers and letters at the beginning. What? I like folders.
  22. It's called Shoddy for a reason guys. Did they ever fix that accuracy issues from a few months ago? Something about OHKO attacks landing every single time? Or the evasion problems?
  23. Kirby was stylus only, and it worked out great. It's all about how much effort the developer put into making it work.
  24. If the DS emulated well, then how could Nintndo charge $40 a game? And then how would that effect PSP sales? Everyone gets them for emulation. If the DS did emulation better, then the PSP would lose pretty much the only thing going for it. Think of the PSP, damn it!
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