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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Oh god, I accidentally started a "All Your Base" thing...
  2. More accurately, you have no time at all. Submissions ended months ago. There were several cut-offs. People have been dropped from this project due to inactivity. Those left have worked on and even completed their remixes. Some of us are working on the non-remix parts of the project, like artwork and site design. You, and everyone else on this site, had well over a year to sign up and submit a sample of your work. I'm sorry, but it's simply too late now. It may seem unfair, but this project has had it's slow periods, and waiting for more remixes to get going and be finished could stall it even more. If you think you have one that's good enough, give it a try through the OCR judges. If they like it, great! Another pokémon remix made it through! But no, there will be no more people joining.
  3. I know this one project that has over three hundred source songs to choose from. (insert shifty-eyed emoticon here)
  4. You know there's this entire thread dedicated to people talking about the new album, right? It's in Site Projects. It even has the name of the album in the title. If you want to thank them for it, go there. As for everything else, there's Reviews where you can comment on each song personally.
  5. Congrats on ruining every other project in progress by being too awesome for them to live up to. (for those who aren't fully awake yet, that's a compliment)
  6. It's a fileplanet download, so in order to get it, you have to sign up. And I think those are paid memberships, so if you don't have one, you're shit out of luck. Anyone got a non-membership required link?
  7. Good job. Alright, everyone make a note in your books: Generic Asian Guy does not get shot after we're done. I repeat, does not get shot.
  8. There's no download link for the music, so I have no idea what this is like. And the videos are really, really slow to load.
  9. I view Jack Thompson like I would view a chimpanzee with a tazer. Yeah, most of the time it's kind of funny, and sometimes he shocks himself, but one day, that fucking monkey is going to zap you when you aren't looking. When we're all laughing at his jackassery, he'll somehow manage to actually pull off an actual victory, and it will be a bad one. Only be keeping an eye on the lawyer chimp can we prevent that. Besides, if someone cool-headed and rational took over, that person could get a lot more of the whole "regulate video games 'cause they're dangerous and I don't understand how any of it works" agenda done than Jacko ever could. We need him to be out there making an ass of himself, so people outside of the situation associate his antics with his agenda. They will see a foolish old man doing foolish things.
  10. You guys are being kind of mean... Any way, I trust that everyone can now see and post in the correct boards? Right?
  11. I doubt it. Between this project, and work, and exams that get me better pay at wok, I don't think I have the time for Magfest.
  12. I said the old forum, not your sister. By the way, how is she?
  13. Those are all heavy, pumping bass kind of songs. Sure, they work for some people, but not me. I like a little more variety. One of the songs I like to include is Fleetwood Mac's Don't stop. When you're driving around in a Goliath... it's great.
  14. So, now that the new forum is up and running, what will we do with the old one?
  15. No, the game's length was about where it was planned. Think about that for a moment: that's how long they intended it to be. And how much does the game cost? And how much does the system cost? Getting your money's worth, everyone?
  16. Luckily for me, VGL was only a half hour drive when it came to town. I even picked up extra tickets for friends so we could all go. I just wish they had done more of the light-hearted stuff, though.
  17. Honestly? Whenever I play(ed) UT, I always turned the music off and opened up Winamp with a playlist. It was just better. Something about shooting people in the head with the sniper rifle to Datte Daisuki! from Tenshi Ni Naru Mon... it just makes everything seem alright.
  18. Does anyone else find it somewhat funny that 9/11 was when a bunch of guys flew planes into office towers, and 9/12 is a day to celebrate games like one where you can fly planes into office towers? I swear to god, September 10th, 2001, we were talking about how much fun it is to crash into buildings in Microsoft Flight Sim. The next morning was very, very awkward.
  19. For some reason, the new board has denied viewing permissions to Private WIPs if you aren't in certain groups. So if you were unable to view Private WIPs, now you should be able to.
  20. So, you'll either love or hate this, then. http://www.ncsx.com/2007/091007/sound_nuigurumi_2.htm
  21. Well, the thing is that is you want an MP3 collection, then it's pretty much asking for "illegal" files, seeing how the Play! people wouldn't release it that way. So requesting music that isn't entirely legal is asking for the mods to smack you. And no, they don't seem to have any CDs for sale. Yet.
  22. The poll we had running at the project forums is closed, and there is a clear, undeniable winner. Henceforth, this project and it's album shall be called "Pokémon: The Missingno Tracks". Thanks to Zircon for the title change!
  23. That... is an insanely obscure... thing. I don't remember hearing, seeing or reading anything about that. I've found an article upon the formation of a league for the card game but not for Stadium. Or any other of the games. And certainly not anything official from Nintendo. Wow. Really, really obscure. I'd have to look around a lot more. Give me an hour or so, and I might have something. EDIT: Or just five minutes: http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4155/is_20000618/ai_n13859503 Not much else, though. It must have been very limited in scope and execution, because I had no idea it ever existed, and there's next to no articles on it.
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