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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. So which of the older judges did you can to make room for the new ones?
  2. That's... that a new level of douchebaggery. I have no idea how you could think posting this was a good thing, and I hope EEX sends your message to his company's lawyers.
  3. DS Fanboy just linked to this thread.
  4. Fuckasaurus Rex. No, it's not one of the big, cool dinosaurs; it's one of those weak, tiny ones that gets stepped on by the big, cool ones. And you are one. So there.
  5. Bolded for emphasize. God, you people drive me crazy with your exactnessities.
  6. It goes sort of like this: FF7 Project ---> Whoever is next (Tales, I think. They seem pretty close) ---> Us, most likely ---> Next project after that ---> Next project after that
  7. If EEX does indeed work on that game, then he should slap the art and music people around for using such shitty animation and music. My god, it's a DS, not a 386.
  8. Proof, then. No offense, but just because you say you are, doesn't mean anything.
  9. Any way, I was surprised to see not one, but four copies of this game at an EB yesterday. I expected it to be a lot more... rare, since Canada isn't known for having a large, or even existing, Spanish speaking population.
  10. I don't really hear the forest theme, but can I still be outraged any way?
  11. I would if any of the eight fucking stores I went to today had it.
  12. I'm watching it right now, and it has to be the funniest stuff from South Park I've seen in a while.
  13. There was a remix from RSE, but it's been left alone for awhile... It will come when it's done, and after the next project is out. There's a schedule for these things, you know.
  14. Replacement Wii-more straps arrived.... but no idea on the Wii-mote condoms. Still waiting on my freebies, Nintendo.
  15. Famitsu is notorious for nostalgia and fanboy service, so it's not surprising that a Mario game gets a high score.
  16. Must not be much in the way of wireless internet there. Hint, hint. (still waiting for those pokes...)
  17. Tell them you're willing to put a deposit for it. Or pre-pay for it. There are options, it's just a matter of what they are, and who will take your business.
  18. He only blew through the backlog because everyone said he was slacking off.
  19. Obviously they aren't. I mean, losing all that money on the PS3, those batteries, the PSP, that lawsuits... They just don't have any left. Hell, they sold cell processors to Toshiba.
  20. AHH! Bottom of the page! Bump, bump!
  21. Oh, and someone from the project is doing Goldenrod. I can't believe I didn't mention it until now.
  22. No offense, but... you haven't found anything. Using a cheat device to walk though walls isn't a discovery. It's just cheating. And if you have the means to cheat like that, you can just make those pokemon appear anytime, anywhere. It would be easier and faster then walking around in limbo or cutting across maps. When someone discovers a means to get to them without the use of an Action Replay or other hacking device, please come and tell us.
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