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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Oh wow... that sucks so much. But don't worry, you're covered for a while because you do such sexy work.
  2. (pushes thick lens glasses up nose) Point of order: the Suzumebachi in Bleach is actually Soifon's zanpakutō, which is a sword, not a character. You fail the interweeboos, sir.
  3. More importantly, they could have just not slapped it on at all. They only put motion control on their system because they saw how much attention Nintendo got when they did it. But even then, there are the developers that could have taken more time getting what little functionality it has, and tried harder to get it to work better. Seriously, Lair seems rushed in almost every regard.
  4. Is that in Japan only, or world wide? Because I was talking about Japan only.
  5. No changing names for you, sephfire. No. Not yours.
  6. OK, so the Japanese fucking loved the PS2. Really, they bought it and bought it and bought it some more. Kind of like the DS nowadays. So how are things going for the PS3 in Japan right now? So bad, a book asking why it failed is number 15 on Japanese book lists. So why is it that Sony went from market leader with a huge lead over the other two guys, to a distant second and getting comfy with the gaijin console in only a few years? How can any company screw up so badly so quickly in their own region?
  7. I find hitting up the IRC channel on the first page of this thread really useful for arranging trades. /hint, hint EDIT: Maybe there's enough interest to make a trading post thread? I know I'm missing a lot of the 2nd gen pokes, and a few of the fourth gen ones. And trying to get a hold of someone else randomly for one of those missing pokes is damn near impossible.
  8. People are stupid and greedy, but there's another reason. Notice all those level 9 Mews trades? The thing is, Mew only comes (legit) at Level 10, so it's an impossible trade. This is because those people are cloning their pokémon. I'm not going to go into details, that's easily found on various sites, but essentially, they need to offer up a trade that can't be completed, so that while they clone, no one comes in and takes their original. This was somewhat countered by a code that allows you to complete the trade, but it's long and difficult, and just cheating up a level 9 Mew is easier. But yeah, mostly stupid and greedy. I don't think I'll be giving up a level 100 legendary exclusive for a level 2 Bidoof. And anyone that does... god damn you.
  9. Ugh... even I have a hard time watching that. Subbed or otherwise.
  10. I would think that the bad publicity a company or composer would receive from going after fan-art and fan remixes would be enough to prevent them from doing so. Nothing says bad like suing your loyal customers. Unless it's fanfics. Then take 'em in court.
  11. Or Nintendo is going for a soft sell.
  12. Microsoft pays for their game system division with their world-dominating computer operating system and the money they make off of x-Box Live subscriptions. Nintendo... well, Nintendo makes a pretty good profit off of their systems, so they don't have to worry about that. Sony? Sony sells off shares of other divisions to cover the losses of their game system division. Seems kind of bad, huh? Selling off pieces to keep another afloat. Anyone still think Sony is doing good this gen?
  13. Oh, I'll find a place to use it. Don't worry about that.
  14. Only on a video game forum could a discussion of a Nintendo 1st party title turn to discussion of a Sony 3rd party franchise... 8 had some decent music, though.
  15. So... where can I do download this CD? Congrats, Zircon. One more step towards music domination?
  16. I can forgive the lack of capitalization, and even the loose grammar, but the chatroom shorthand and lack of simple punctuation is just... god damn it. If you can't press two extra keys to make a complete word, then why bother typing at all? Fuck. And a game should be critically examined, regardless of how much you like it. Otherwise you come off as a blind fanboy.
  17. I know. I want to use it for something, but Prophet and DA were all "IT'S A JOKE DAMNED! HAAA HAA HAAA!" But seriously, I think it could be used for something.
  18. SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAM! (What? I was right about the last three spammers)
  19. It... it won't let me tell anyone. Every time I try to say it, it deletes it from what I'm typing. OK, I just never got around to naming it.
  20. EDIT FOR THE FUCKING WIN! http://www.aku-tenshi.com/doujin/zelda/zelda.php FOUND IT!
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