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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. How about a phone number? That way, you have to actually talk with a mod to activate the account. Think of how easy it would be to spot the bots. "So, you want to join the OCR forums, huh"? "Affirmative." "Yeah, somehow I think you're a spambot. Account denied." "Affirmative."
  2. So, are we getting DQ9 here in North America? I'm pretty sure that 8 was put out here. /not a bump
  3. Yes... the end of the largest software company in the world, with billions upon billions of dollars in the bank, and almost the entire world, both personal and business, using their OS... And they have they little X-Box 360 thing, which is seeing a lot of movement and starting to actually make some money... Truly, you are a sage or a magician or a witch or something, because you've predicted the future. Shut up and come back when you knew what you're talking about.
  4. Good idea. GBA games should be cheap by then, and if I see somewhere that has some bundles for sale, I can kill two birds with one stone. I really think having their own little video game system is a good thing for a child in such a situation. If not for the small amount of escape they provide, then for the fact that that little piece of electronics is theirs, and theirs alone. They can take it with them, they can hide it if they need to, and they can pull it out and play it when they want to. Because being a kid with nothing sucks.
  5. They should. I've found most wireless systems can go through floors and walls with ease. The thicker the walls, of course, the more it has to travel through. So unless your college dorm is an old building and they made the walls out of foot-thick lead plates, you shouldn't have a problem.
  6. I have to go use my gift card at some place, because they're having a massive sale, with everything at 50% off.
  7. For poor kids that don't get much the rest of the year: Lego. Boxes and boxes of Lego. And some Barbie dolls, because girls typically get toys meant for boys, and getting a crappy toy you have no interest in is almost as bad as getting nothing. And I did it last year, and the year before. Except that one year, where I bought GBA SPs and one game for each of them, so that the kids who got them would have something to play. That was a good year. I think I'll do that again next christmas. But with DS Lites, maybe.
  8. Well, at least we know our two mods here are actually doing something to warrant their promotion.
  9. Yeah, that one's posting as a "guest" and is spamming in most of the boards, as well as in the announcements and reviews. This one seems particularly prolific and annoying.
  10. Great... now whenever we're having a good conversation, we have to suddenly keep it down when Bahamut and Xel show up. And we can't use "shtyjdg fgt" anymore. This is just great.
  11. No, that's doesn't seem to be the problem. I was running it perfectly fine for weeks, and then I had to reinstall it. That was when the game started to crash upon booting. And I don't have hyper threading, as that is an Intel P4 thing. I have a Athalon 64-bit system, duo-core. I only got it back in July. But like I said, I could play it with no problem at all for a long time. It was a sudden development, and I can not figure out what it is. But I will still check things out... maybe there is a new patch or someone else had the same problem.
  12. Considering how much a copy of Windows costs these days, I'd keep my current one regardless of what Vista offered. It's just not economical anymore.
  13. Have you tried running CCleaner? A few times I've had similar things happen and that tends to fix it up for me. And best of all, it's all sorts of nice and free. Yeah, I tried it. It found about 430 megs of stuff that it cleaned up, and went through the registry, but the problem still exists. It's actually been several months since I last tried to get it working, so my description was a little off. What happens is I can start it, and it will go through both of the Sierra and Barking Dog Studios clips, but the instant it is about to go into the main menu, that's when it crashes. I get the usual "an error has occurred with (insert program name). Would you like to submit an error report?" box. It must be something really minor, hidden away somewhere. Because nothing else has been affected at all. I guess I'll just have to buy or put together an older computer and use that strictly for older games... It's not like I couldn't, you know. There's only a few dozen old systems between my friends and family. I'm sure if I wanted to, I could pull it off.
  14. Haven't touched it yet. Looking forward to it, though.
  15. http://dosbox.sourceforge.net/comp_list.php?showID=2601&letter=D&search=descent ...you can give it a shot No SFX but the redbook audio always works. I've been meaning to give dosbox a try, but I never get around to it.
  16. If this is a response to my issue, it's not any of those. I was running the game fine on the current system, but I had to reinstall it. That's when everything went to hell. And don't mention Descent 2... I miss that so much.
  17. Sigh.. I miss my Homeworld Cataclysm. I was installing it, and there was some sort of screw up. I had to reinstall. The install went fine. But once I tried to play the game, it wouldn't load at all. Uninstalled. Reinstalled. Didn't work. Repeat. I eventually had to go into the registry and manually remove everything from the game, but even that hasn't solved the problem. Here I have this nice shiny new computer with all this processor and video card power.. and I can't even get Homeworld Cataclysm to work anymore. And I love that game. I happily spent days on end playing it. And I just found out about all the cool mods and map packs that are out there.
  18. I thought so. I even checked the same page on another computer and saw it happen.
  19. In both the 360 and PS3 threads, there's this persistent stretching of the page. Refreshing does nothing, and it's not a large image that was posted by someone. I think someone has a fucked up sig or something. Any ideas?
  20. Some guy on the Gamefaqs Twilight Princess board seems to have discovered some interesting things that were left in the game. He apparently used a few cheats to alter the properties, namely infinite range, instant targeting, and can attach to any surface. Using this, he tried to go into all the areas of the game that are normally unreachable, and he found some interesting places. Nothing really "OMFG! THATS TEH AWESOME!", but it is rather interesting to see how far they developed the world beyond what the player normally sees.
  21. Somewhere in Alberta, this guy who owned a farm killed a bunch of hookers and ground them up with pigs and froze them. Over the course of a month or two, he gave his neighbors hooker-pig meat which they happily ate. I can't remember what led to it, but a sample of the meat was analyzed and there were several human traces from numerous people found within it. That, and the fact that some human remains were unearthed on his farm pretty much confirmed he was the hooker killer that the cops were looking for. Moral of the story: It's good to be paranoid. At least that way you wont end up with some ho's toxic coochie mixed in with your family dinner. Wasn't that BC? No, wait, that was the giant pig farm where they found those hundred or so dead hookers. What the fuck is with this country and dead hookers?
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