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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. http://www.destructoid.com/hackers-continue-to-attack-sony-start-stealing-money-201690.phtml I guess once the blood's in the water, even the small sharks come around for a bite.
  2. As I never bought HG/SS, I can't really comment on the Pokéwalker, but at least it was included with the game, didn't put time limits on its use or require internet access.
  3. Seeing how most people are idiots, then I stand by my "tons of people" comment.
  4. Yeah, the whole thing seems very added-on, like a big afterthought. "Oh shit, we need to somehow put more into the game! uhhhh.... Quick, someone make up a flash site where people can do something! Problem solved." I really hope they ditch this next round of games and just make it something easier and simpler.
  5. My friend Kevin managed to get into E3 1998 or 1999 (can't remember which one exactly, but it was definitely before 2000), as he used his fathers business to get passes. I was invited to go with him, but because I had no money at the time and my parents (mostly my father) thought it was a waste of money and time and I wasn't going to get anything out of it... well, Kevin came back with photos of a 5-star hotel room, bags of free stuff, a few free games and several stories about people he met and demos he played. So yeah, I'm not bitter at all.
  6. Maybe all the dungeons will appear only on really big islands, so you don't have to worry about making your house right on top of one, and have hear all the groans and spiders every night when you go to bed. I honestly expect tons of people to play it and then never touch it again because they keep expecting to hit bedrock and instead fall to their death multiple times in a row.
  7. Sorry, not that far along in Dream World. Seriously, it could have been a random draw of some kind, played right on the DS, and it would have been better and easier. I really hope this isn't how Nintendo and Game Freak plan to do future games. And way, for anyone that might be curious as to how you get your Eeveelution, it's simple. Sign on to Global Link as usual, but this time, go here next. http://en.pokemon-gl.com/campaign/ Once you "play" the finding game (it's one click. There are static images with more interaction that this game), said Eeveelution will be sent to your Dream World account. Go inside your house, and on the board, you will see the one you chose on it. Then simply wake up your pokémon on your DS, and your Eeveeution will be in the Xtralink. Seriously, this is overly complicated. It could have been much simpler, and I can't help but think this was all done to artificially inflate playtime by way of pointless external connection. But at least I got my Espeon.
  8. You people and your ability to attend something I've always wanted to go to... I am not crying, shut up.
  9. OK, everyone that has ever seen anything about floating castles in the sky has tried this at one point in Minecraft. So, I guess that means a lot more deaths from falling in the future?
  10. Someone also took my jack o lanterns from my garden. No big loss, but come on... Seriously? We can't even leave useless, decorative stuff on top of our houses now without someone taking them? But Gilliam and I did have a somewhat epic mining and dungeon crawling expedition today, so that was cool. I think we took down 4 dungeons and covered each others backs, tossing porkchops to each other when health was getting low... Yes, it was definitely some amount of epic.
  11. E3 2011: Sony announces a new product, Sony Playstation Lock. It's a giant lock that attaches to your PS3 and prevents your personal info on PSN being hacked by blocking the PS3 from going online. Features include cast iron construction and firewall (made of actual fire and shit), costs $229.99 US. MS and especially Nintendo soon announce their own system locks, because just for once, it would be nice to have Sony come up with something and then have everyone else copy it later.
  12. Guys, guys, it's alright. I hate all the inferior races equally, so it's not racist at all.
  13. OK, long time no post in this thread... like, anyone at all. Any way, remember that Pokémon Global Link game where you could get one of the Eevee evolutions with a new ability? Tomorrow is the day you can pick it up. So if you haven't made an account, played the game, picked the one you want, and still want it... get on it now. You have about twelve or so hours left.
  14. A disguised birthday thread appears!! Post ->Run Pic Spam You can't escape!! Post Run Pic ->Spam Moderator: You can't use that right now!! Post Run ->Pic Spam It's kind of effective...
  15. Any particular kind of style you want it in? Personally, I'm thinking German death metal, with lots of deep, guttural screaming. In German, of course.
  16. So, what is it when a game borrows multiple elements? The only thing that really separates it from Minecraft is the PvP combat and boss monsters, which I thought Notch was going to include in the final version of Minecraft anyway. I mean, even the trailer video makes it look like it's Minecraft. When you're trying to make a new game and distance yourself from being compared to anther existing game, your video really shouldn't help people think it's that game.
  17. Ugh, she's claimed to have made entire albums of video games, offers her services to people (sometimes for money) and posts in wrestling forums. I'm requesting a tactical uterual nuke strike.
  18. Christ, Brandon, break that wall up a bit, I actually reread the same line twice because I couldn't tell where I was.
  19. I actually couldn't read that text with that wallpaper in the background. What a fucking mess.
  20. The thing is, with a few exceptions I could find, she doesn't actually claim them as her own work. She just states she likes said remix, she uploaded it to share, and she hopes everyone enjoys them. The one that she seems to kind of claim as her own (but not directly) is when she states "I improved this previous piece hence I reuploaded it..." But I did find one where she clearly state "I had a great time working on this song" when responding to a commenter. She's being careful with her descriptions and not making direct claims if she can help it. It will be up to commenters to prove these remixes are not hers and that she intended to make people think they were her works. Which is going to be difficult once the accusations start. The best one can hope for is she will amend every video to give proper credit to the original remixer(s), but I doubt she'll even bother with adding "This isn't my remix". If it's true she is the same person and has done this multiple times before, then this won't stop her from doing it again. Sad, but that's the way it is with some people.
  21. Whhaaaa? It it a fine remix, and I'm glad it's posted. Good job, you guys.
  22. It's a three console market. Two of them each had the problems he listed. By process of elimination, that left the third console. Or is this supposed to be snarky commentary? I can't tell, my snarkulator is plugged up.
  23. So, if there was a console that didn't RROD or leak info, you would buy it? There's this one console called a Wii, might want to look into it. They slapped some motion controllers onto it a while ago, so it's kind of like the Move and Kinect.
  24. It's "I have said this once and I will say it again", damn it. The way you said it, you're contradicting yourself. Eligible Receiver, that's who. Back in the late 90s, they did exactly what you're talking about: they had non-military people do whatever they could to get into everything from the CIA to the Pentagon and supposedly even the White House. While it did take a few years for the US government to take the whole thing seriously (as well as a second round of successful attacks), they eventually did, and now the very networks you talked about are secured as much as possible. The US government, for all it's various faults, isn't stupid when it comes to making sure they aren't covered on their home territory. They secured that shit up good over the last decade. Comparing a private company that had lacking security to the US power grid's security is apples and lemons. Because fuck oranges.
  25. It was good. Definitely fits in with the other Avengers-based movies. Also, the Cosmic Cube stinger at the end... OK, that might be interesting. But first, we have to get the Captain America movie out, and then we'll see how things turn out. But yeah, this batch of Marvel movies is such a huge difference from the older ones. They were all disconnected, random in quality, and most of them were just terrible. I'm glad Marvel is making these ones fit together so nicely.
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