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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Well, either way, happy birthday! Strip-a-gram has been sent, hope you enjoy older women. 70 isn't older now, is it?
  2. haa haa, it's your birthday, now you're old!

  3. Then put in some colored cloth blocks somewhere. Grey, black and brown make everything look flat and boring. Blue and yellow really help make things look nicer. Some variety would really help things out. Also, I noticed that no one has any problems with admins or OPs handing out free blocks, despite that it's the same as duping: free items with no work put into it.
  4. New update. Says that the server is out of date. Now I'll never finish my scale LEGO brick.
  5. What? Really? Without access to the different colored cloth blocks, we're stuck with grey, a slightly different grey, and brown. Duping some diamond blocks to get anything other than grey seems pretty OK with me. It's not like gold and diamond are used for anything besides tools, and since you can just toss a worn out tool and then pick it up again to restore it to full, it's not like it's game-breaking. Maybe if diamond had some really important use or did something really cool. But since we don't even have any monsters and damage is turned off, it's not like having diamond armor means anything. Hell, when Fireslash was running the last server, he handed lots of stuff out like it was Halloween candy. I must have been given two trunk-fulls of cloth cubes, and nobody said anything about it.
  6. Got a link to said mashup? I can't find it on YouTube.
  7. Wait, it costs how much for a server for a year?
  8. Yeah, that was shitty hotel "high speed", but now that I'm back home, I have my own cable modem to use, so my dropping in and out should be a lot less frequent now.
  9. I've noticed that the trees seem much thicker then before. They're so much more closely packed and join into each other. Is this just part of the new update or is the server running some sort of mod? If it's just because the trees are so packed... but that doesn't really explain random fires. Do torches cause fires now? I've also noticed that coal is showing up in huge clusters, like up to 20 blocks at a time now. It used to be that I would only come across ten or less, but now... it's like you can't NOT find lots of coal. I wonder if there is any connection.
  10. This thread makes me so happy. So much GameBoy music. I'd quote all the songs I like that were mentioned, but that would take too long. Instead, I'll just thumbs-up this whole thread.
  11. That article has so many things wrong. Satoshi Tajiri is the creator, and is very much alive. Takeshi Shudo was one of the writers of the anime. He was there from the beginning and had also worked on several of the movies. Might want to change the title, as it's pretty inaccurate.
  12. Yes, it's coming out, right after all the other albums are released. There are, what... four or five in the queue right now?
  13. Well, they did use my name without permission, so I had to sue them.
  14. Yeah.... it sucks that he died, sorry to hear that. But he had absolutely nothing to do with the games, which this album is strictly about, so saying this would be a "tribute" is just all kinds of wrong.
  15. With the graphics fix, I can now see that the clouds I had hoped to be on top of are actually going right through my first floor. Cloud house, indeed.
  16. It seems that the old issue of having Minecraft crash when using higher display settings is fixed, because I've been playing on the server with everything maxed out. Which is really quite useful, as that I can now see the other buildings and bases everyone has made without having to wonder randomly into them. Last night, I finally found that giant tree, a giant castle enclosed in cobblestone walls (complete with a Gondor-like structure) as well as the creeper temple area. By the way, Creepers have filled the place up, and while trying to escape them (I know there's no damage to you on the server), they blow up and took a few blocks with them. The weird thing is that the entire area is covered with torches, so I don't know how they spawned in there. There must have been a hidden area with no torches, or maybe a spawner. Good times are had when you can see things more than twenty blocks away.
  17. He's 25, so that makes him legal in... well, every place that doesn't require you to kill something to become an adult. He's a remixer, a chick magnet, and possibly some sort of time-wizard. I'll have to check on that last one, but the rest I'm pretty sure about. HAPPY BEING OLD DAY!
  18. Since they only have a small set of composers, I'd say it was any one or combination of Go Ichinose, Hitomi Sato, Junichi Masuda and Morikazu Aoki. They handled all the music for the DS games, with Go Ichinose having done some of the music since Gold and Silver.
  19. A friend had a SMS, and this game was he only one that I remember with any fondness.
  20. Well, don't look at me, I haven't been able to get on the OCR server at all this week. The new address on the first page gives me a "you took too long to log in" message... and that's if I can even get past the log-in screen.
  21. WE WANT MORE UPDATES! So we're going to prevent everyone from getting them by DDOSing your ass! Learned your lesson yet?
  22. Agreed. Let's make it a glorious end of the world. Any time and date when the end of the world will happen so I can hop on and watch?
  23. Yeah, the spawn point is fucking nuked. Most of the area is a mess of random bricks. It's clearly done by lots of stacked TNT blocks. I'm going to make use of my newly realized ability to dupe things to try and fix it a bit, but it's pretty bad. I don't even want to see what happened to anyone elses bases.
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