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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. If anyone wants it, I put a fuckload of that green-veined cobblestone in the spawn point chest. It comes from an encounter I had with a mob spawner while blasting a cave out. Turns out that mob spawners can't take a dozen TNT blocks to the face. It makes for a nice accent. I think it looks best around water, like plants or moss is growing on the rock.
  2. I've finished my first base! It's complete with a working waterfall elevator. It took forever to get the blocks in the right places, but it's worth it. From the spawn point, head towards the big "N" compass point. From there, follow the signs up the stairs. Hop on the boat (there are more in the chest if it's gone) and ride on up! Just don't forget to jump off at the top. I've been so busy with my base I haven't been able to find many of the ones everyone else made. It's a big world, and even with the signs, there's just too much space to get lost in. But I'll try to find them. Prophet's is pretty cool last I saw, and that was only a WIP. TO's is also pretty cool. In fact, I'd love to see the overall map at some point.
  3. Well, let's just agree that the other guy is a dick. Sounds good? Also, I'm in need of a fuckton of white cloth cubes. If anyone has any, or can spawn/dupe a lot, I'm willing to trade for them. Need a lot of refined stone? Maybe some nice red powder?
  4. Yeah, so those that said was overreacting or just being a dick about Brandon there... told ya.
  5. http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Crafting
  6. More like coming down to see what happened. Just because I'm holding a pick doesn't mean I was mining right then. You want to shift blame, fine. Just don't expect me to sit by as you do it to me.
  7. You blow up half the fucking area, and caved in who knows what else. If it was a honest mistake, that's one thing, but you then gloated about it and mocked us for telling you to stop it.
  8. Yeah, Brandon there is being a giant fucking asshole. He blowup most of Proph's base. Can someone do something about him? Prophet worked hard on that, and this guy is just being a massive asshole.
  9. I can connect to the server, but after about three minutes, the game crashes and gives me this error message: I've sent it off, but until it gets patched, I can't join in.
  10. Yeah, so I'm in. Just "The Damned", nothing fancy or extra. Hopefully there are still a few spots where no one has started going nuts with mining.
  11. I'm more interested in his definition of "epic remix" in four of the requests. Is that like, epic hoe-down, or epic glass harmonica, or maybe even epic cat meowing? Glass harmonica anything is pretty damn cool, though. Anyone play it? But there is a pretty good Gym Theme remix on the Missingno Tracks, so that's essentially one down. Congrats! You're on your way!
  12. I know that the news clip says it's for HeartGold and SoulSilver, but I do wonder if it's not also available for Diamond, Pearl and Platinum. They have, in previous events, stated it was for certain games and in certain regions, only to later be proven to work for all the games. That's how I got a bunch of event pokémon on my Pearl game.
  13. But how will we make it djp? As in, the thing, not the guy. Can you make blocks shift down and to the right? Also, against my better judgment, I bought Minecraft. Now I have no choice but to play until I'm far too tired, and to be late for everything. Thanks a lot, guys!
  14. Yeah, that plan didn't go so well. I played a few games on a friend's computer. Bad idea. Goodbye regular hours of sleep, hello, Minecraft.
  15. I say, good chap, well played.
  16. We did get a wav of your stuff. There was some dark wizardry involved, but it's there. I would still like it at some point, for the eventual CD release. Better to have proper wavs for it, I figure.
  17. Soooo, seeing how a lot of us are playing a game where you makes things with bricks... Secret underwater base? Billions of internets to everyone that remembers that from years ago.
  18. I heard u liek mudcakes, so I maked u one. OK, not really. Someone else made it.
  19. Destructoid's review of it is up, and they gave it Editor's Choice and 9.5 out of 10. Not bad, I guess. I'm hoping it will be around still when the 3DS comes out.
  20. Oh, I'm not. I was just thinking he was ignoring me or something. Maybe he hates me. I could understand why. I did kind of run over his entire family with an aircraft carrier. Long story short, they need to keep the keys to those things locked up better, because anyone can get a hold of them. I did apologize after I got caught, so that should count for something, right?
  21. That's cuase they sold out to DA MAN. They is part of the whole thing nao. Thy got in an ao tehy is ownd by DA MAN. Or maybe that's just coincidence.
  22. It gets released when OCR posts it. That's how OCR albums work.
  23. Then everyone carry a boat with them. PROBLEM SOLVED!
  24. I saw a video where they had a super-quick way to travel upwards. You need two things: a boat, and a big, tall waterfall. If you have a column of falling water, and you jump inside of it with a boat, you'll be pushed to the top of the water column far faster than swimming would get you. In fact, the push up seems almost as fast as falling down, so it's the fastest way to travel up. This guy even has an of it.This plus a few people that are more skilled with redstone devices could result in one hell of a public transit system for an OCR server.
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