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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Awesome. Link's Awakening is one of my favorite games ever, and I've been following the remix project for a while. EDIT: Hmmm, it's been two days since I told Liontamer it's been done, but no reply. I hope he hasn't fallen into a mineshaft or been attacked by crows. Neither one of those ends well, from my experience.
  2. Epic trailer is epic. http://www.joystiq.com/2010/10/08/lego-universe-is-live-for-pre-orderers-full-launch-coming-octob/ While most of us are very interested (and rightly so) in Minecraft, this has similar block-building mechanics, as well as a plot, voiced by Captain Picard. Anyone else interested in this game?
  3. Yeah, that's a joke. It's more like 20 albums.
  4. I saw a video on making powered mining carts. When I get the game, I would like to plan some sort of OCR Light Rail system between areas, like bases and mining operations. It would really help with people trying to find diamonds and getting back to their homes. That's right. I want to implement public transportation in a video game to mimic real life.
  5. I don't have access to the list of which albums are out next. I'm assuming anywhere from 1 to 36 others albums are ahead of this one. Possibly 37.
  6. Oh shit, I haven't played the latest mutation yet. Thanks for reminding me, Neko.
  7. Don't laugh: there was a point when it was the lead choice.
  8. Oh fuck... must resist urge to buy game until after October ends. Resistance failing... ooh, cookies.
  9. All posted remixers are fgts and should be banned for fgtry. All of them. Weeeeell, maybe not anyone that was in OCR001 to 500... they is cool. The rest of you can fgt yourselves the fgt out of here. subtle?
  10. I have decided that I will play this game... after this latest batch of work. I don't need something that will sap all time away from me when I need to be in bed at a reasonable hour. Maybe this winter, I will cut myself off from all contact and play this non-stop. Also, those videos from earlier in the thread = a taste of the addiction that will surely set in. I watched almost all ofthem in one sitting. Not a good sign. Goodbye, health! Hello, Minecraft.
  11. OK, it's sad, but I have to do it. Brand New Day and Cycling With the Wind are going to have to be cut. For now. Maybe they will appear as some sort of secret download you can get later... kind of like a Mew. That's right, I like to twist things to my advantage using game mechanics-based logic. Don't like it? TOO BAD. That means that we now have all tracks completed, and all files are finalized. That also means... that we're ready to hand it all over to the good people here at OCR and let them do all the dirty work for distributing it. First page updated, thank you for being patient and I hope you enjoy it when it comes out.
  12. I've been listening to this for, like, half an hour. I think this is what it's like to be you on this site. Like that one guy you trolled to hell and back earlier this year... this is what I imagine your mind was like the entire time. I guess the links we provide can really color our impression of each other. HAAA HAAAA HAAA HAAA HAA HAAA HAAA HA, HA HA, HA HA!
  13. Well, that's the thing; the big companies aren't making any of those games for the iPhone. You have some ports and remakes but nothing that can really compare. Maybe a few FF remakes (wow, there's a new idea, let's remake a FF game for something) and some ports or mini-games connected to major titles (like some of the FPSs I've seen that are based upon console FPS series), but those are more like demos than full games. Now, as I understand it, the SDKs for iPhone games are really cheap, like $100 or so. That's great for any size of developer. But those kits have been around for how long at those prices? And how many of the big developers have been making lots of games for them? If they aren't into it by now, I have to wonder why that is.
  14. Vest and all. No, seriously, he has a really nice vest. He should show it to us all at some point. You have to see it.
  15. Exactly. Most people seem to forget that most Nintendo systems have lower prices in North America than Japan. Even if it's only a little bit, it's usually lower. Not to mention that the Japanese 3DS system comes with a cradle and a 2 GB memory card for storing DSware and whatever else. They might just cut that out of the NA version, saving us even more money.
  16. The 3DS's price is based upon currency conversion, which changes over time, and ignores the fact that many Nintendo systems have been priced lower in the NA and European markets.
  17. Nah, here it's mostly the biker gangs trafficking through the various towns. Turns out that here in oil country, there's a big demand for illegal drugs. You get a bunch of people from all kinds of places making lots of money, they tend to spend it on booze, cigarettes and drugs.
  18. I heard someone mention $400 US, but nothing official, I think.
  19. Yeah, it's pretty much pre-2000, dial-up speed, poorly executed tripe compared to what the dedicated tablets and smartphones can do. Seriously, if you want to go online with a hand-held device, get an iPhone or a Samsung Galaxy or something. Leave the DS for playing games. And holy shit, this got really off-topic. So, anyway... Jungle. It got fun and games yet?
  20. Maybe that's because they passed it through with record time? Or you didn't mention it to anyone until you started passing it? Hey, if you Yanks get fucked over down there, her in Canada, we don't censor our media content. You're welcome to move on up. But only if you bring more gadgets at your prices. Electronics are a bit more expensive up here.
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