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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. I saw Dale North's post about it on Destructoid, but I didn't know that was Virt. That wily bastard. It's a good set of songs. Too bad I don't have a DSi, or I would get the game.
  2. Oh, you people and your Japanese copies... I'm going to hold out for the North American release, as I don't want to get poké-saturated right now. I'm thinking I'll be more than ready for it when March or April comes around. But I trust some of you have already gotten the special event pokémon, right? I think they were giving out tickets or something for them. Also, I see that Dive is a HM again. Are there diving spots, like in RSE? I loved those parts.
  3. They're done, it's just the few finishing touches that are left.
  4. Then they pulled it off perfectly, because that is exactly what it came off as to me. Good job, then.
  5. Ugh. Suffers from "look how awesome something is by making it MATURE and DARK!" too much. Technically, it's not bad. The CGI is decent for that level of production, but the audio needed a bit of work, like during the scene at night where the gang is talking to Team Rocket. You can hear the background noise too much. It's a decent idea, but held back entirely by "DARK AND MATURE! WITH GUNS AND SHIT!" that people seem to think makes everything better. Also: I'm going to go with "lol".
  6. Pdomey there once did something for me, I can't remember what exactly, but it was good enough for me to not have him killed, so HAPPY CONTINUOUS LIFE DAY!
  7. Nintendo sent us a Cease and Desist order, calling for the removal of all music and artwork containing, in part or in whole, any Pokémon That's what we get for using ROMs to get the original songs to the project members... Oh, wait, that's Serebii.net. We're still waiting for a few people to get their little write-ups done, and one more remix to be handed in.
  8. If someone wants to direct him to this thread, then by all means, go ahead. I've kind of given up on a bi. I'd like to find out at some point, but it's not a big thing for me anymore.
  9. So... TGS and some people playing the games early have resulted in a lot of info today. http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon.shtml Yeah, a lot of them look weird as fuck, but that's what happens every generation. In a few months, they won't be so weird, and most of them will seem kind of cool.
  10. Wow, necro-threadage. No, I never did. I had actually just forgotten about the whole thing until now.
  11. From Serebii.net, a list (no names, though) of some new pokémon: * #633 through #635 are a Dark/Dragon-type evolution chain * #638 is a Steel/Fighting-type Legendary * #639 is a Rock/Fighting-type Legendary * #640 is a Grass/Fighting-type Legendary * #641 is a Pure Flying-type Legendary * #642 is an Electric/Flying-type Legendary * Reshiram is to be #643 * Zekrom is to be #644 * #645 is a Ground/Flying-type Legendary * #646 is a Dragon/Ice-type Legendary * #647 is a Water/Fighting-type Event Legendary * #648 is a Normal/Psychic-type Event Legendary * #649 is a Bug/Steel-type Event Legendary Interesting things: Bug legendary, first pure Flying type, and a Dark/Dragon. New type combos this gen. Rock and Fighting? Awesome.
  12. I'm assuming that you've already checked OCRemoved?
  13. I just noticed that you have my quoted in your sig, from a spam thread from earlier this year.

    That, or you're calling me a spambot. :dstrbd:

  14. I was under the impression that it didn't get good reviews because the games are garbage, not because of any politics that happened at Gamespot.
  15. No, my contention is that they don't have any events for Canada, which is bullshit. The conspiratorial rambling was just me being silly. I can do that now, you aren't my parents, I hate you all, I WISH I WAS NEVER ADOPTED!!
  16. Or they are real, and this is all counter-intelligence done by Nintendo to thwart our attempts to get info early! They don't want anyone to get any information about the games until they're released! That can only mean one thing: the games will suck so badly, that no one will buy them if they found out before it comes out! They are trying to hide the truth from us to get us to buy on day one, before we know better! CONSPIRACY! CONSPIRACY! Oh, the shit you read on some sites these days...
  17. According to Bulbapedia's translations of the article, the reviewers liked the variety of the new pokémon, the new online features, the new graphics, and the "fresh approach" of the game over the previous versions. That means good things for those playing it.
  18. Then how did you get one? :lol:

  19. Which are never done outside of the US. Canada is only a few miles away from some of those events, and yet, they don't just go over the border and have them anywhere here. It has to be some sort of issue with Nintendo, some sort of anti-Canadian policy. Thank god the DS games have wi-fi events, though. I got a few of those when they came up. I even have some of the Japanese and European wi-fi events as well, thanks to the servers not being regionally locked out.
  20. I'm fairly sure that ones I found were either from a member here that attended the event in Japan and saved the data from the download, or that I got them off of the GTS. Looking back on them, they might be hacked overall, but every hack-check I put them through came out pretty legit. Mind you, a totally hacked Pokémon done correctly will look the exact same as a legit, perfect stat caught Pokémon, so really, it doesn't matter.
  21. Didn't it get finished? I remember the ending quite well. Unless you mean the manga it was based upon, but then it was still finished, as the creator ended the manga. But yes,it's one of those shows that will stomp on your heart at the end. Fucking Haibane Renmei... you made me cry at the end. I hate you for it.
  22. You haven't heard of Dream World, have you? It's a off-game sort of thing where you can get pokémon with new abilities they normally wouldn't have, including starters. Examples are things like Vaporeon with Hydration, or Glaceon with Ice Body. The list of what pokémon get what abilities isn't fully revealed yet, though. I have all of them, legit, so if you need anything, PM me and we can trade. Friend Code is in my sig.
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