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The Damned

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Everything posted by The Damned

  1. Artwork. That's all that's left. I'd hate to release something that had nothing to look at.
  2. Haa haa, he's gay for his wife! Wait a minute...
  3. No one ever said that was the release date. Ever. At all. Even in mistake.
  4. Bleck always gives me some minor chaff for talk about the story getting a change, so I expect him to do it to you now. Any minute now... Yeah, because you've played already, ahead of the rest of the world, right? Right? Personal experience with a game mechanic that hasn't been released in the series yet? Also, I'm pretty sure lots of other RPGs have had 3-member team battles. Like, you know, Final Fantasy.
  5. OK, seriously. What is it supposed to be? The trailer left me slightly confused and maybe a little hungry.
  6. Poor, poor, Xatu. Now it has nothing going for it. Until now, it was the other Psychic/Flying type. Now it's just the one no one will remember exists.
  7. So, lots of news this weekend. Scans, pics from the latest movie in Japan (and the laughable drama that took place because of it), and new pokémon revealed! http://www.serebii.net/index2.shtml Black City (kind of like something out of Earthbound, I think) and White Forest are going to be version-exclusive areas, which is a nice change for once. Next is Dynablade... I mean, Wooguru, is a new Flying/Normal type. Also, three new pokémon, named Kibago, Koromori and Minezumi, from top to bottom. New characters include two new childhood rivals, and some green-haired guy that might be the devil himself. Or not. No real details on him so far.
  8. You have a Pokémon Red/Blue overworld map-based sig. For that, I salute you.

  9. Haa haa, you're slightly older now! Maybe someday, we'll be able to send birthday cakes over TP/IP, and then you can download it to your moth, and then eat it. But by then, Google will have patented downloading cake, and make you pay for what used to be free.

  10. Dude, epic trollage in your threads. I'll play along with ya until everyone else gets it. Until then, epic troll is epic!

  11. Yes. Someone remixed it, it was judged, accepted, then vetoed because of some of the samples were from an old TV show, removed, then brought back again due to changes in the submissions and acceptance rules, then vetoed again because of concerns about plagiarism, the member was asked to provide his WIPs, he couldn't, the remix was removed permanently, and the remixer was banned for life. So, yeah, lots of new stuff. You just missed all of it.
  12. I was under the impression that it was released on CD to Club Nintendo members. Because I'm pretty sure that asking for a download link here is against the rules. But you didn't ask for that, right? If that's what you are looking for, then I can only suggest Google. Hell, you might even find a copy of the CDs on sale somewhere.
  13. No one said anything about it, so you're not only fired, but you're set to be executed on Sunday. Sorry, but I don't make the rules around here.
  14. There are a few members (I think we know who they are) would have been very happy to rip you apart. I gave the nicer, politer version of it. Simply trying to spare you some of the spite that floats around here, that's all.
  15. This topic is now about BlazBlu fighting videos.
  16. Someone here is going to say it, but in a much worse way. I'll take the bullet so you don't have to. Here goes. These are old. Yes, there is a chance that some of us haven't seem them before. But they are old videos, and most of us have. I get that you're trying to fit in and add something to the community, and that's great, but posting ancient videos of old jokes isn't going to work. Original content, like a thread about the theoretical number of extra lives you can get in a video game... that stuff gets you awesome points. You have some artwork that people would lie, post that. You got a brand new video that you're really sure no one has seen before, go for it. There. At least you've been spared the wrath of a few of our more "edgier" members that would have chewed you out for less.
  17. This is what happens when you have fans of a game doing remixes of its music. You get good stuff.
  18. I ninja'd in when no one was looking. "Ninja'd" is totally a real word.
  19. More like four year. That first year OmegaDonut did nothing wasn't on my watch. Also, SHUT UUUUUUUP.
  20. Oh no, I didn't update the title in the first post! Now we have to shut down EVERYTHING, and start over from scratch! If only you hadn't drawn everyone's attention to it, we could have ignored it and carried on like nothing was wrong. But now, now we have no choice but to completely redo the entire album. Sorry everyone. I'll be expecting your new, completely redone remixes by December 1st. I know it's hard, but we have no other option now.
  21. That's a little intimating. Finally! I need wavs for your two remixes, and I couldn't get a hold of you for some reason. I thought you were kidnapped by Guatemalan militants. Don't got it. I'm pretty much thinking that it would pass anyway, so you might as well send the final wav file to me.
  22. My guess? They either didn't have the organization or means to make their own con, or they were trying to stir shit up. Maybe they thought they could do their thing and no one would be bothered. Either way, they pissed off not only the staff and the attendees, but also the Japanese consulate. Yeah, that's right, the Japanese consulate. Since it was "a celebration of Japanese culture" (as the guidebook put it, I still have it somewhere), the Japanese consulate sent some guy to be a guest speaker at the opening ceremony. I think he was none-too-pleased at the yiffing incident. He didn't come back for a while after that. Yeah, freaking out a Japanese ambassadorial group. Awesome way to present yourself. I wonder if I should go back this year, just to see what's up...
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