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Everything posted by ambient

  1. So having actual fighting experience against people of other disciplines is a flawed frame of reference? Do you have a better one? If so, please, do share!
  2. Thank you! Great to see at least one person who knows his stuff.
  3. None taken. I can actually understand your frame of reference as well. You draw from your experiences, I draw from mine, and there is nothing we can do to convince each other otherwise. Plus, anyone, including myself, would be very defensive about their respective discipline in an argument. I wouldn't be as critical of the traditional arts if I hadn't sparred with some of the guys with background in karate and tkd or actually attended some traditional dojos. But having seen what goes on there first hand, I have to say that I was unimpressed.
  4. I hope you are not suggesting here that boxers are not some of the best conditioned athletes out there... It's common knowledge... Not to rag on Judo, which is a rather practical skill, but most of the Judo practitioners I know do not look like athletes.
  5. With the popularity of MMA nowadays I am very surprised that people over here are sticking to karate and tkd. Not a single boxer, thai boxer, or a bjj practitioner here? I do all three, but mainly focus on boxing. And actually, I can understand why someone would stick to karate or tkd instead. To practice MMA one has to be rather athletic and not be afraid to take some punishment. No one likes to get hit in the face or choked out, its quite normal. In my opinion, traditional martial arts are focused on the form and the art itself rather than on fighting. They are great if you want to become more centered and disciplined. However, due to the lack of athletic preparation such as conditioning, practicality, and full contact sparring, traditional martial arts are not quite as useful in a real fight. Penfold: Aikido and similar passive self-defense techniques are useful only against unsuspecting opponents with little or not fighting experience.
  6. The monster says "Now I have no choice but to kill you". Meh, the dialog sounds a little pretentious. But then, it's still true about a lot of video games, regardless of origin.
  7. The main reason why neither of your mixes got a reply is because you are using megaupload.
  8. Cocksucker! What a blatant ripoff! Zircon, what can I say, you rock! Good job taking care of this motherfucker. I'm still going to leave some smartass comments on his myspace.
  9. Totally sick and kicks some major ass.
  10. Hey man! Been a while, glad to see you are around. I will check this one out as soon as I get a chance. Good luck on the panel!
  11. Hey guys, I rarely post my WIP's on the forums and I do it for a number of reasons. However, this time I am going to make an exception. You see, this remix is pretty much dead - my hard drive crashed and I was unable to recover the file. There was still plenty of work left to be done on the remix, and due to my schedule it probably wouldn't have gotten finished until late spring anyways. The version that I am posting has a number of issues - the intro could be smoother, the bass synth could be better, and even though the beats are intentionally 808/909 bassdrum could use a little more kick to it. The idea was to make an oldschool dance track, complete with a vocoded vocal section worked around the main riff of the Syndicate theme from SOR2. Unfortunately, this is not going to happen now. But hey, I thought I would still post it here and let you guys hear what could have been. Let me know what you think. http://amb.siamey.com/baddest.mp3
  12. No need to get discouraged or upset. I am just telling you how it is. I could go on a tirade about the standards on this site, but that has been done before a million times. The thing is, you are not too far from producing a quality track. So don't give up and keep at it. Why settle for mediocrity, when you can make something truly good?
  13. Ok. Quick notes. Improvements are good. There is too much reverb here and there. Around 1:13 the bass synth could be better, and also all the way up to the point where the piano comes in, the mix is too bare, you need more going on. Can be anything, a percussive pattern, a synth pattern, doesn't matter. You just need to beef it up. And that piano that comes in is a little loud. You did not fix the bad notes at around 2:37, I know you are going for some variation but you are mostly hitting all wrong notes there. Maybe it is your stylistic preference, but you will be hard pressed to find people who like cacophony. Also, there is no outro. Now, I am not dogging on your mix. I like what you have going and want to see it develop and reach its full potential. Before you submit it I would suggest running it by a judge, but I am pretty sure that their comments will be similar to mine at this point, so trying to get feedback from them would be redundant. Keep working on it and you will get there. Just out of curiosity, what software do you use?
  14. A new SOR wip! Alright! Let's see what this one is all about. Alright, looks like this one has potential,but will probably need quite a bit of work to make it an OCR level remix. It's sparse at times, occasionally repetitive. You could definitely sacrifice some length and redundant material. I think your levels need some fixing too, some instruments are too low, others too loud. Your drums need to be spiced up a little, with more fills and variety. The part at 3:13 has a lot of bad notes. 3:20 sounds much better. 3:40, I like what you did with the source here. Clubby outro is not necessary - you will actually catch some fire for it from the judges. Hopefully more people will chime in and give you more feedback. I would like to see how this wip improves over time. Good luck!
  15. Wow! I can't believe it! Someone is actually doing a Sub-Terrania remix. For a while now I have considered its soundtrack to be one of the best ever electronic sountracks on Genesis. SOR gets a lot of attention (and rightfully so) but Sub-Terrania was awesome in its own way. Now, let's see what you have cooked up. As I am using my laptop speakers now, I can't really objectively comment on the sound quality. Not bad. But you don't really take it where the original didn't already go. Style is almost exactly the same. Arrangement is not an exact cover, but close. I feel like at its heart Crystal Space is really a trance tune, and so are most of the other tracks from this game. To make an OCReMix, you need to make it more original, give more of its own personality. Ok, here is something for you. It won't help you get any fresh ideas, but this one sounds like it was lifted directly from the Sub-Terrania soundtrack. http://youtube.com/watch?v=X9ZnFvjFZBw
  16. There you have it bro. Sounds like the snare issue does not exist, and it's just my personal preference. For example, the drum patterns at 1:45-1:56 are what I like better than drums at 1:05. Repetition is not an issue, as you definitely change your drums up pretty well. Glitch fills are great, as people have already mentioned. I will definitely look forward to hearing more dnb from you!
  17. Nice work. Changes worked well. As a pure dnb tune this is definitely good (even though I still think you are going overboard on the snares, but maybe it's just your preference, in which case I can't judge). As an ocremix, I don't know. I say, run it by a judge to see what they think about it arrangement-wise. It's a strong genre adaptation, but as you know, they are arrangement-lovers over here. Still, I am sure you can make those drums sound better.
  18. I remember your really old stuff from PRC and this is lightyears ahead! Really good work. I think supporting instrumentation is exactly where it needs to be, I just don't dig the main lead that comes in at 1:04. I am confident you can make it more interesting, both sound-wise and pattern-wise.
  19. Being a big fan of dnb, I think this is pretty tight. One thing, your drummage is a little snare-heavy as your phantom snares are not that phantom. Also, the track is a little drawn out for OCR purposes.
  20. It's hard for me to comment on tracks for three main reasons: when I think that the parts I don't like are artist's preference and a matter of taste, I cannot give a useful advice since I am not familiar with the genre, or the remixer has so many different areas to improve upon that I feel like my detailed comments would interfere with the remixer's natural development. I think I used to be more opinionated before my mixes got posted on OCR. Somehow, I feel like I am not well-qualified to influence someone's artistic destiny. However, at times I believe I do have some useful insight to offer. Anyways, let's get to this mix. Arrangement did not impress me, even though I am not familiar with the original, I am sure you could have done something more interesting with the melody and the supporting instrumentation. The mix is pretty sparse in the first couple of minutes. The synths are generally not impressive. You could probably make the soundscape more interesting by picking better synth patches and playing around with them, gating them, arping them. 2:40-ish and on is pretty cool. But once again, synthage seems to be lacking. The electric guitar patch was pretty good though, some might disagree, but I liked it. 2:46-3:00 is the best part of the mix. Drums are seriously lacking. I grew tired of that dry 909 snare very quickly. Sequencing is decent and could sound better with higher quality samples, more pump, and more processing. Still, I think you have a lot of room for improvement in drum sequencing as well. Good luck!
  21. This is gay. Why did you all have to pick a Chrono tune for mixing exactly when I have no time to partake? Weak... Just kidding! But not really... Anyways, will be looking forward to the entries! Good luck guys!
  22. It's a pleasant remix, but there are a lot of reasons why this would have a hard time on the panel. Good start though. I feel like I owe a more detailed review, since this gave me some ideas. Anyways. This is not ready for the panel. Take your time and listen to the feedback you have gotten so far.
  23. I was really excited to hear that MGS4 was happenning, especially after Kojima declared that he would not be doing any more MGS games a while back. However, after watching all the trailers, I have to say, it is starting to look like over the top self-parody. At first, I was ok with Raiden flipping around, I was also ok with the mechs. But what is up with the Beauty and the Beast squad for chrissakes? The concept and presentation are preposterous!
  24. Pretty fucking tight so far. Mad props man!
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