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Everything posted by ambient

  1. Good luck with getting feedback. If you are not sure where to take the remix, why are you remixing this track at all? Sure, you might have a block, but isn't having the idea of where to take the remix one of the main motivations behind wanting to remix a tune? If you are not feeling it, and you don't really know where to take it (I am sorry, but there is nothing you can take anywhere in this mix, its just a sparse intro) I say ditch it. Do something you have passion for. Like Pokemon.
  2. Man, I actually still listen to the very first version of your mix. It is very close to the original in every way, doesn't really have drum fills, or any groundbreaking ideas, but it is such a great upgrade of the original. To be honest, I don't really dig the changes you made to the mix. Right now it sounds kinda messy, with occasional bad notes here and there. The snare roll sounds very simplistic, surely you could go for a more interesting fill. Honestly, I don't know what to recommend. I think you should have stuck with the enigma vibe more, and modify the arrangement so it mirrors that enigma song (i dont remember the name). You HAVE to change up the supporting instrumentation. Don't leave the bass and arps pretty much the same, and then alter the melody. It is always better (for OCR at least) to alter the melody slightly, or maybe even leave it the same, but definitely change up the supporting instrumentation. The easiest thing would be to get a midi of that enigma song, look at it, see what they are doing for the arrangement. Then try and adapt your SOR theme to reflect their arrangement ideas. This way you will have a SOR remix with a strong enigma vibe, and it will definitely qualify as rearrangment. I know, it sounds cheap, and some people will be hating on me for saying this, but that is the best way to learn. It's not plagiarism, since there is no law or rule protecting arrangement ideas. Melodies - yes, but not arrangement techniques. If this was not the case, then most trance, house, and dnb artists would be breaking the law right now. I hope this helps.
  3. Love the acoustic version. Sounds perfect for the source. Much better than the overdrive guitar. I say, stick with the acoustic version. It's more pleasant and I like the interpretation ideas you have in there.
  4. Is that what she said?
  5. Jiji, Fix the link.
  6. Pretty freaking tight so far. Will be very interesting to see where you take it from here. I will be checking back for updates.
  7. Monobrow, you do sound a little too harsh. At the very least you have to admit that the 303 synth sound pretty good, and I somehow doubt that FL defaults would have such an authentic sounding 303. TGT: Overall, I think your synths and drumwork are well delivered. The track does get a little too repetitive though. I think you need to work on the structure a little more, so it flows better with less apparent repetition. Once again, I think your synth quality and overall mastering is pretty good. Though you could make that 303 a little wetter, it would make it sound a little dreamier and I think it would fit in better. Now, I have to admit, I am guilty of not recognizing the source at first. I was about to write some hatemail here saying that I own the soundtrack and listened to it in its entirety a lot of times, yet I don't recognize this track at all. Though when the chorus came in, I turned the song off immediately. I can't listen to this track, even after so many years it gets me emotional, for reasons that do not really belong in this forum. So, I will not listen to your track again. But before I sign off, I have one last pointer - arpeggiate the theme when it comes in. Maybe you did, and I turned it off too quickly. But if you didn't, definitely do it. If you are struggling with arpeggiation, PM me, and I will help you as much as I can (even though my resources are limited now). Good luck! EDIT: Actually, I listened to it again. More suggestions. Drums lack the punch a little and samples are not that hot, especially the snare. The pads you are using in one place are not that great either. This mix has a lot of potential. It is not yet ready for the panel. So work on it. Actively solicit feedback from people who make good trance and electronic tracks.
  8. <3 you more!
  9. Not a bad start. Supporting instrumentation is solid, drumwork is too. The snare is a little harsh, it kinda doesn't fit with the rest of the mix, try out other samples, or make this one a little smoother. Also, you kinda wandered off the theme in the last part there. The riffs from Auron's theme could be pimped in many different ways. And by pimped I mean changed up to make them interesting, a little different, but still recognizable. You will need to work on the arrangement of the melody a little more.
  10. Dude, I will listen to this tonight and let you know my unbiased opinion. I would hold off on toning down the overcompression. And if people are hating on squashed drums, they should listen to some Hardknox. Also, there is nothing wrong with squashed drums. It's purely a preference. EDIT: Just listened to it. It is definitely not the same style as Hardknox. Sounds a little too "in your face". Not what I am accustomed to hearing from you. I wonder how the arrangement factor on this one is. I would actually be inclined to say that would pass on the panel. But then again, who knows. As far as I remember, you DKC remix had some dissention among the judges, so its hard to tell.
  11. So after all, anything happening the last week of August?
  12. I will be in NYC during the last week of August. Going on vacation. Would definitely join you guys if it happens that week.
  13. Just want to follow up and say that your original WIP version of this track (the one without the chanting) has been on my playlist for a while. It's an awesome cover of the source tune. But that is the main problem, it's a cover. I saw that you got rejected by the panel, and to tell you the truth I did not expect it to go any other way. All I can say is, please work on this remix more, especially on varying up the drums and making your arrangement (much) more interpretive.
  14. I think people who have given feedback to you so far are really doing you a disservice. The reviews are not helpful, as they give you confidence in material that needs a massive amount of work and improvement. I am not sure, but this sounds like Reason to me, especially the drums. The drums are ok in the first part, but after 1:05, the beat is off, and it just doesn't work. Maybe you wanted to have a syncopated type of beat, but this sounds like sloppy and chaotic drum programming. Arrangement-wise there is not really much going on here. Maybe one lead and one bass playing at any given time. Production is equally weak in every aspect. You have a lot of room for improvement and you should take every opportunity to work on your skills if you want to get better.
  15. Regardless of arrangement, this doesn't sound any better than a midi file would. The WIP is too short, and doesn't go anywhere arrangement-wise. If you are making a midi file first, before you drop it in some program and use good samples, its fine. But then, I think, we need to hear something more substantial in the arrangement department before anyone here can really give you constructive advice. On the other hand, if these are the best quality instruments you can get, I would start looking for something better right now. Like I said before, this sounds just like a midi file would, not any better.
  16. Mid-way through the series I actually grew to dislike both L and Light for their methods (murder and torture) and personalities. This was the first time I loved the series but didn't actually like any of the characters. However, when the second season began, I found myself respecting Light's intelligence more. As for the ending, I think the manga ending was a tad bit better, even if it really wasn't that much different. This is a different kind of ending and I can understand why many people didn't like it. Personally, I think it was a very powerful conclusion to the series and I didn't feel cheated at all. Definitely one of the better anime series I have seen in a while.
  17. Guys! Whoever is still not watching Death Note, I highly encourage you to definitely give it a shot. I liked the series from the very beginning, and let me tell you, I have never experienced suspense quite like this before. Last week's episode left me hanging and, honestly, I have never been so excited in anticipation of the next (in this case final) episode. It's hard for me to admit, but I think it is now ahead of GITS: SAC in my book.
  18. What software are you using? Just curious. I like the clav.
  19. Since this is SOR, I feel obliged to comment. Ok, let's take it from the top. 0:10 - seems like there is an odd note in there, sounds like a mistake. Even if it is intentional, I would get rid of it. 0:20 - drums sound super-tight to me. Even though they are pretty much the same as the original. 0:54 - arrangement so far is identical to the original. This has a strong Enigma vibe (the source kinda does too). Still, I like that. 1:00-1:34 - more instruments come in. The synths work well imho. But I think there might be some questionable notes there. Don't take my word for it though. 2:44 - No, no, no! By the time the main riff comes in there, you have to bring that EP down a notch and pick a better lead for the riff that comes in. Its too weak and distorted, it drowns in the supporting instrumentation. 3:07 - changing up some harmonies. Not bad, but not great either. 3:54 - same comments from 2:44 apply here. 4:17ish - more stuff going on and once again we stumble on some bad notes. The cymbal crash doesn't sound all that good. Alright, let's see. I really like how the drums sound, but, they are repetitive as they almost never change up. Also, you need a better crash cymbal. Arrangement-wise this is pretty much a cover of the source with very little interpretation, so for the purposes of OCR that's a big issue. The style and feel of the remix is also pretty much identical to the source, that's not going to go over well with the judges either, since it doesn't sound like you are putting a personal spin on this very popular theme. Synths are good for the most part (other than what I noted above), and the sound quality is fine.
  20. FALSE. Trenthian reworked his remix and successfully submitted it to OCR. Here is the link: http://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01443/ Still, I remember that PRC. I think it was actually my first one. PRC was a great way to practice and improve my remixing skills.
  21. Oh, ok. Didn't know that.
  22. Why BioMetal? There is no hope that any decent remix that comes out of this will ever get posted on ocr, since this is technically not VG music. And I have seen at least one mix make it from PRC to OCR. Still, if you extend the deadline until 6/18/07, I will definitely contribute.
  23. Yeah, Noisia is rocking really hard. Exodus is a great track, and I would also recommend Believe and Meditation.
  24. A lot of off-key parts. Very obviously off-key. Please fix that, because it is difficult commenting on other elements when this issue is present.
  25. This new album was a huge letdown for me. Hybrid Theory and Reanimation were great. Meteora was fine, but didn't quite have as many powerful and catchy songs. Minutes to Midnight did away with almost all electronic music influences in favor of a more generic contemporary rock sound. Hate that. Mike Shinoda can spit all the bullshit he wants about how this album is their natural evolution, maturity and what not. I'm sure it will sell really well and have mainstream success. But for me and many other fans, this album is not quite satisfying to say the least. Well, at least we can bet on "Seconds to Midnight" remix album in a year or two. That one will probably bring back some elements of their more edgy sound. As for politics in their music, I don't mind that at all. Now though, seems like Rage might be coming back, and nobody did politics and music better than Rage.
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