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Everything posted by ambient

  1. Same here. Totally loved it. My fav FF to date. Great characters and story. Always wished they did an offshoot of Braska, Jecht, and Auron prequel, that would have been awesome. Better than the cheesy FFX-2.
  2. I was expecting this to be a flashy Tarantino movie, but in the end it was just too boring. Sure, certain characters were great, and a couple of scenes were well executed, but overall I was very underwhelmed. Not going to watch it again.
  3. Sick shit man! Love it! Lead at 1:43 and on is kinda weak. I am sure you can do better than that. Yeah, that high pitched lead not working for me. Maybe get a vocalist to cover that part. Otherwise - "put it on a while label and send it to the clubs".
  4. Absolutely loved the production on this track. Like djp says, can't ever go wrong with bLiNd!
  5. Pain in the ass logging in on the berry, but I absolutely had to. Great going man, awesome progress on the mix, agree on the comments about the lead, but once that's fixed, get a good outro in there and it should be all set. I'm glad you fixed up the arp to flow a little better with the lead. One day we should do a proper collab.
  6. The most recent link is on page 3 at the bottom.
  7. Ok, so I feel totally stupid since I can't figure out a shortcut for private messages from the forums. But whatever. I have some comments, and they are mostly related to the track structure. 1:06 - I am not completely sold on that lead yet. I think it is just a little too in-your-face, tone it down a little, put some verb or delay on it. I know you are not committed to it yet, but I don't think you need to replace it, just tweak it a little. 2:15 - instead of the lead, you should probably filter in the arp at this point, probably just the first couple of measures. Then when the mix comes in full force, bring in the lead. But, I am not so sure my arp flows with the lead well. When I made the arp, I was designing it more as a lead in itself. Actually, I think it plain clashes with the lead. Let's do this. Mix down the track exactly how it is, minus the arp and minus the lead after the 2:07 mark. I will get it from you over aim. I will play with it for a bit and see if I can come up with some ideas. If not, feel free to drop the arp altogether. Your mix has a lot of potential and I don't want anything holding it back.
  8. I like it! Even though it is quite repetitive. 2:31 and 4:23 are my favorite parts. You gonna finish this one and submit?
  9. Would be funny if no one participates in this one... Actually, it would be sad...
  10. I just listened to the source - and it's amazing! No comments yet, I really don't have much time right now to give you the kind of feedback you deserve.
  11. Guys, guys, take it easy, I was just quoting the sample "cut the midrange drop the bass" popularized by the House Crew. The sentence that avaris put together just reminded me of that. 1:22 - the original sample used in a million of techno tracks since.
  12. Drop the bass! But seriously, good update. I may have a couple of suggestions, but will have to get back to you later.
  13. Thanks guys! I am really surprised with how seto placed in the competition, but then again tastes differ. I have a source in mind and will forward it to Bundeslang shortly. It's a dancey track from a fighting game. I hope the source will encourage higher participation, since the game I am selecting it from is highly underremixed.
  14. What program do you use?
  15. I was about to say I hate you for making such great trance. But then you had to go ahead and pick that lead. Maybe it's a purely stylistic choice, but I am not feeling it. Everything else is fantastic, the beats, the synths. The mix is really jumping. Just not digging that lead.
  16. When is the final deadline for this project?
  17. BIG BOSS!!! Yes! I might actually buy a PS3 and play this one.
  18. Done with the mix. Probably won't have time to work any more on it during the week. Need help with hosting though. Can anyone help?
  19. I don't want to offend anyone, but the source is absurd. Whatever remote hint of melody is in there, does not fit with the rest of the track at all. I am talking about the part around 1:07, where it reminds me of Delirium's "Silence" (I can't believe I am even referencing such a groundbreaking track while talking about this source). I think the source is godawful and whatever remixes we submit at the end of the competition will all be several steps up from the crap source. That being said, it is a great choice for PRC since it presents quite a challenge. Can't wait to see what other remixers are going to cook up. One thing, I am refusing to include that part at 1:07 I was talking about, so don't look for it in my mix. And don't hold it against me.
  20. Gosh, a tough source to work with, very minimalistic to begin with. We'll see what can be done with this.
  21. Great mix. I haven't checked out many remixes recently, but definitely glad I dled this one.
  22. Man, sucks that no source has been selected yet. I was gonna partake in this one, but doesn't seem like there will be enough time as my weekdays are pretty much all packed. Any way to expedite this?
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