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Everything posted by Citris

  1. Once I memorize it it will just go into my mental jukebox storage rather than staying in the foreground playing over and over trying to remember all of it.
  2. So SSB is really an advanced AI that can evolve beyond its original code? If you can do it in the game, then it's in the coding. Period. Whether this was an unintended loophole the designers overlooked is irrelevant. It's still allowed by the game, or it would not be possible to do. Also, tournament play is the highest level of play, thus those rules are the law of the game. So, if it's possible to do in the game, and is allowable in tournament play, then it is in no way shape or form cheating! This is of course excluding the previously mentioned casual play rules you and your friends set up.
  3. Actually I have fallen deeply in love with Still Alive from Portal. I've listened to it dozens of times just to try to get it out of my head, I'm still not tired of it.
  4. It's sites like these that remind me how weak the internet can be.
  5. Who in their right mind has NOT picked it up yet?
  6. The past tense verb scared the crap out of me you bastard.
  7. I really hope they they realize that they are creating something truly epic and capitalize on it. Take all the time in the world to TRY NEW THINGS. People will be as rabid for this in 6 years as they are now.
  8. So I just beat it. I'm almost in tears at how awesome that was. Also the first time I watched myself fall through a hole in the floor while stepping out of the wall at the same time bended my mind. My mind was bended. EDIT: Also chasing myself down an inter-dimensional hallway I made was one of the coolest things I've ever done in a game. EVER.
  9. Moer leik GAYbox amirite ?!?!?!?!?lololololol Anyway. I'm glad this is for PC as well. I'm getting this.
  10. I like Kirby more and more with every game I play. I've beaten Dreamland, Dream Course, Amazing Mirror, and Canvas Curse. I can't wait for this to come out so I can see the best game ever too. Also I play Air Ride, but I doubt that really counts. Fun game though.
  11. It keeps you on your toes. The only experience with wacky platformer battle games is Digimon Rumble Arena 2. But I had a blast playing it. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume SSB is a better series, so I think I may get this... after I get a Wii.
  12. Stop posting like an idiot.
  13. Absolutely amazing. Thank you. '97 huh? Right, I must have been in 6th grade when I played it. I was using the friend that gave it to me as a time reference as well, and I met him in 4th grade. Wrong end of the friendship time line I suppose. This game is awesome, by the way. I recommend everyone get it.
  14. Ok, here we go. It was a Star Wars computer game I played in 1995 (I remember because I played Warcraft 2 a lot at that time). You played as Luke. I can't remember if there was a set story, because I'm pretty sure the maps were random every time you played. It was 2D isometric, a lot like Zelda. In fact, it was almost a Star Wars styled A Link to the Past. The graphics were SNES in quality. I believe it came on 3.25" floppy. Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about? I've searched everywhere and haven't found any leads.
  15. Right now I'm just trying to do 100% type stuff on all the games I already have so I have an honest excuse for new games. Most of this is grinding in FF3. I wish I could find my copy of Lost Magic (heh) so I can beat it.
  16. That PSP slim and Daxter pack look mighty tempting. I just wish I had $200...
  17. I finally beat Bioshock. It took me a while since I don't own a 360 so I had to play my friend's at his house. Seriously one of the best games I've ever played. I've never felt so proud\happy to play a good guy in a game before. I don't have to be afraid of the internet and it's spoilers anymore!
  18. Queen of the Damned. The soundtrack was the ONLY good part of the movie.
  19. Unless you decided to marry one I suppose.
  20. I fell in love with this style of playing as soon as I saw this video. Mostly because I figured it out on my own a few months beforehand. I got tired of practicing so I just decided to see all the different things I could do with my guitar. I of course didn't do anything of this caliber, but it made me happy someone else has thought of this and turned it into something great.
  21. I just got married last Thursday! I got so excited when he announced us husband and wife I nearly jumped the gun kissing her. I had to stand there fidgeting for a few seconds until he said I may kiss the bride. Benedick was right when he said: "Man is a giddy thing."
  22. S.h.o.d.a.n.
  23. I probably just don't understand electronic music. I've grown up on rock and only in recent years gotten into electronic music. Heh, actually one of the reasons I used to dislike electronic music was because I felt the people making it didn't have as much talent as "real" musicians who could play the instruments. That has obviously changed. Maybe this is just the next logical step in thought.
  24. :'(... I was not aware of this. I liked Daft Punk. This makes me very sad. I'm a fan of sampling\covering\remixing. It's cool to hear someones else's take on a song, I just don't feel it's right to make money off of it. I'm glad I've never bought one of their CD's.
  25. I got really excited when I read about it in GI, seeing as how System Shock and Thief are two of my favorite series. I saw the trailers for it the other day and nearly started crying in happiness. I need a 360 bad.
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