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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. I remember being able to get through, but I never got a confirmation email.
  2. ...but I distinctly remember posting in it mere hours ago.
  3. OK, now I'm confused: wasn't there another thread called "What are you currently reading?"
  4. I'm currently listening to my old Mario Party WIPs through a new pair of headphones.
  5. Hot damn I just noticed that.

  6. I was gonna say E, but I don't really know what writing a game is like.
  7. I don't think my larynx can recover.
  8. Röyksopp - "Happy Up Here" Goddamn, it's like "Eple" on orgasm-steroids.
  9. Forget after; what about a prequel?
  10. I think part of my brain just exploded.
  11. They might've put that in Billy Crudup's contract. EDIT: I just noticed that Neil Armstrong says "Good luck, Mr. Gorsky."
  12. The opening credits sequence was damn awesome. I'm not sure about the grassy knoll bit though. I'll have to think about that. Also, I like how they seemed to revise the ending for a post-9/11 audience.
  13. ...and Daft Punk is doing the film score.
  14. I was gonna joke on how it sounded like a certain tune, but I think I'll keep that to myself and use the resemblance to my advantage.
  15. How can it be retold if it never ended?
  16. Jumping in the post-your-albums-from-previous-thread bandwagon...
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