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JH Sounds

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Everything posted by JH Sounds

  1. ...and you get to play as Kristin Kreuk. Awesome.
  2. Dude, yes. "Non-remixes" just means material unrelated to games. I think. Lemme check...
  3. http://compo.thasauce.net/rounds/view/PRC126
  4. Oh, and that one part in Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time with the really long staircase and the pretty song playing in the background.
  5. Plus he already has experience performing in live-action anime.
  6. Why is this thread in the "non-remixes" section?
  7. Missed it by that much... EDIT: Wait... It was extended? Fuck. EDIT 2: WHOAMG it was extended again
  8. Don't worry. You'll probably win the jewerly, anyway.
  9. I just noticed the cover of the December issue:
  10. I'd enter, but I'd hate to potentially ruin a winning streak.
  11. Well, I'm working on a sequel to a previous entry I submitted. It should still work as a standalone piece, though.
  12. I dunno... I'll probably end up doing somewhere around 20 tracks in total. The production aspect of the project is sorta bogging me down lately.
  13. I hope people actually vote this time.
  14. Having the same name as a thread title is pretty epic.
  15. I went ahead and did that one early, cuz' I knew it would come back and bite me later. Yeah, Microsoft released an update for that.
  16. Wait... So what happens with my subscription?
  17. Heh, looks like he upgraded his headphones after the first one.
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