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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. Sooooo, thanks to pixietricks mailing list, I got reminded to sign up for the site. Voted. Also, I think i may submit a track in the future.
  2. Oh shi... better late than never! Happy exposed crotch rock day! wooo, hooozah!
  3. I'm gonna expand parts of mine, & edit out other parts. It's weird, now that I finished it, I have all this ideas I wish I had while I was making it in the first place.
  4. I didn;t like the preview to much. I totally dig The Fragile, but this new album (at least the teaser pack) just sounded... meh. Like solid starts for awesome tracks, but not developed enough.
  5. thanks dude! Sounds good enough. I highly enjoyed this! Also, for anyone wondering, my remix sounds more like a medley than a proper song. I had to many ideas & couldn't pick one to stick with. I'll probably expand one of the sections in the future. thanks again analoq
  6. fixt that, now just waiting for the answer to the riddle I presented in my last post before this one
  7. WTH?? I keep trying to upload a remix, & i keep getting this message: ID3 tags could not be updated. Did you upload an MP3? So, yeah, lemme know what's wrong, because as it stands, I can't submit my track.
  8. Buck Wild, Awesome Birthday, motherfather!
  9. I love this type of style! So, naturally, I like this mix. Ergo, it's pretty good. The only thing that sprouts to mind, is maybe adding a Cello at around 2:40-3:04-ish. Just to give it a bit more thickness. Also the idea about the right panned piano playing something, even simple sustained chords would be awesome.
  10. Also, for the record, what I meant by barely gaining mainstream acceptance, is that DVD's are no longer a luxury item. Most people now have more than 1 DVD player in their house. That's what I meant. It has become big enough that it's the de facto video player now. As for true 1080p, I've seen it, it doesn't impress me. It's just not that much of an improvement. Unless, you've got a 60" HD sitting in your living room. Then, yeah, you got a point.
  11. I love it when someone says there's a huge difference between HD, & non-HD. What, maybe a few more pores on show for everyone to see? The fact is, most people don't really care about 1080p/720p. I sell electronics, & to be quite honest, most people just want HD because it's HD. Not because this TV is so much clearer than that one, but merely because popular culture declared HD to be all that & a bag of chips. They really can't tell the difference, unless I point out this TV has slightly better contrast than that one. Why I say I can't tell the difference, is basically because I'm not nitpicking every inch of every frame. Even an Xbox only looks slightly better then my regular TV. The only difference being that it's much more crisper, & I can see the graphical mistakes that much clearer. Basically, what I'm getting at is, why do we even have a different format to begin with. DVD barely got mainstream acceptance, yet Sony wants everyone of those people, both early adopters as well as recent ones, to buy an entirely new box. I know the extra content is a big deal, but really, how many of us really watch, or have time for, the featurettes on current DVD's?
  12. I actually love my source a little. It just sounds like the type of thing I've been wanting to remix. All ominous & shizz.
  13. You know what fomrat I think is gonna win the war!!!! HD Upconverts. They cost, what, $40 for a decent one. Hell, I have one & i can't tell the difference between it & one of the "true HD" formats. Besides, everyone knows downloadable HD movies are the future!
  14. I'm cool with it. Though, you might need Luiza's okay as well, & maybe DA... & BGC (They said yes already, well, DA & BGC at least).
  15. I'm cool with it. I'd even go on record saying I'd help as an assistant on this. Even though I'm seldom online at times when others would be.
  16. Mine's up at my myspace! Also, here: http://joker.escariot.net/Remixes/Zircon%20-%20Mindbender%20(DLP%20Remix).mp3
  17. OMG, Request! Game: Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Song: Omicron Crimson Composer: Nelson Everhart Copyright: Was Acclaim 2000, I suppose it's now Touchstone. MP3: http://joker.escariot.net/Turok_3%20-Omicron_Crimson.mp3 MIDI: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/n64/Turok3-OmicronCrimson.mid
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