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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. Can't guarantee I can have something by the new wip date, but I'll see if I can.
  2. Route everything but the bass & kick to a channel that rolls off the lower frequencies. I.e.route your synths & other effects on that channel, leaving the bass & kick to be full without eating up the rest of the stuff, while still maintaining the power & oomph of the bass without raising it really loud volume wise.
  3. I just might try doing a Eraser type remix for Opening to Hell, provided I have enough time before the release to do it. And if the track is still really open.
  4. Dude, I'm totally finishing up my next relese... for real this time. It'll be soon. also, I totally dig that new site layout.
  5. Actually, that particular three way (though, ours=awesome) was the one between Kureeji, Hemo, & I. You know, since we were talking about pure orchestral music. But, yeah, I can't wait to hear the new version of Apogee, as it was pretty damn awesome on my stereo set up (hint: send it to me).
  6. I've lready reworked like... 3 of my tracks already. Man, I really need to get on the ball with that last one.
  7. I may or may not try out for this, if I can find some time in my schedule... so, yeah, I'll take a listen to the entire soundtrack & see if I can get some idea of what I can remix. Then send you an audition.
  8. I've got at least 2 orchestral tracks on there. One of them is an awesome 3 way (mind outta the gutter) collab! 3 ways are awesome (minds outta the... you know what, just... perverts).
  9. I actually get into this type of debate with my... ahem, "musician" buddies. It always kinda sucks talking music with them. For one, I've becom pretty good at making music. Not pro by any means, but on par, if not a bit better, than the common garage band. Whenever I try to get in on these conversations, they always say something to the effect of, "Dude, we're musicians, your just a producer." Which is... really odd, considering a producer is a musician in technical terms. Always pisses me off. I can make a killer hip hop beat, sequence an orchestral que, & still, I'm just a "non-musician producer", whatever the heck that means, who's makes cool sounds. To start a new paragraph, & a slightly new thought, I say this to CTE, & all of the other l33ts, pick up a sequencer & try to make something yourself. You actually try & succeed in making something listenable, & I'm %100 sure you'll appreciate it. I've learned a least a little guitar, as well as some drums... & a fiar bit of keyboards, & I still appreciate the music that comes from a sequencer, & few FX, & a buttload of work. Really, when it comes down to it, a computer, a guitar, or a trombone, it's all "pushing buttons". P.S. JJT is right, get over yourself.
  10. OMG! You found the princess! OR whatever was said at the end of SMB3. Good luck, & God Bless, brother.
  11. Check the forum. I dids an update. Dropped a deuce, but not really, cause that would be nasty.
  12. Spooooooon! I mean, yeah, Happy Birthday, \m/
  13. I'm actually not entirely sure I'm gonna submit Freeze again. That's a decision for another time, later on in the future, a bridge yet to cross for the fact that it is far away.
  14. Also, I'm working on a totally revamped, uber better revision to the remix of Freeze.
  15. I'm actually still waiting for Luiza. If things keep going the way they are, I may need to find a new collab partner, as I haven't heard from her in a while. So, yeah, I hope she comes through, as she is totally awesome & our stuff sounds great when we collab.
  16. I'm always late to these things... so... Happy Belated Birthdays, you have some nice monitors... as well, too!
  17. Nice, laid back album. I've totally been in the mood for this type of chill music. Wish I had something more substantial to say other than I liked it... so, I liked it, bro, keep it up!
  18. Dude, if you're in the collabing mood, we should totally do lunch, figuratively speaking, of course.
  19. vis a vis, it's sucktastic! Nah, I'm just joshing, it'll probably rock, I'm pretty sure I've heard it... & it rocked then, if I'm right, so yeah, ROCK!
  20. Hot Sheet, man! One things though, it needs a clap/snare combo, instead of just the snare. You do that, & it'll totally sound like tMibalands.
  21. Lemme remix it! It does sound great by the way. I likes it!
  22. Yeah, it would be nice to get official confirmation one way or the other.
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