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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. I always get older people buying games over at my workplace, I work electronics at the Devil(Wal-Mart). It's atually pretty cool, I get into conversations with them all the time. I even got one to buy Condemned 2, & he thought it was awesome.
  2. Awesome set, guy. I've been shying away from trance type stuff for a while, but I'm slowly getting back into it. So, thanks for posting these for d/l, it makes a great way to... get back into the trance.
  3. I wa sso hoping for some old school platforming adventuring with the new Banjo... but, I'm sadly not really interested at all in this new game. I've still got hope that there is a true Banjo-Threeie in the works, & that this is a "side game" in the series. But, yeah, if it has bosses, it better have overly epic, elfman-esque music. Dammit.
  4. 'Tis awesome, it it. I wanna buy this mug as well. Though, I've no doubt it'll get released on itunes soon, which I hate, itunes that is.
  5. I love me some butt rock, and damn if this song don't rock some butts. I loves it! Totally can envision this being one of the harder songs on a Guitar Hero.
  6. Think of it like a GTA4, or better yet, an id game.
  7. I was totally gonna ask the same thing. I totally want to make a remix of one of these tracks (probably Twilight Chaser... though Avalon is my favorite). So, yeah, count me as another remixing pack requester, if at any point you should do such a thing.
  8. got my cd a few days ago (like 2 since it's passed midnight). Got a little personalized letter, with the name "Mr. Joker". A name, I might add, I'm seriously considering using from now on. also, thanks for it Jill, you didn't need to, but thanks!
  9. So the pre-orders already shipped, awesome. The anticipation is making me hungry, so I'll probably eat a lean pocket or something. But really, I've been so in the mood to hear relaxing, calming music. It makes driving 10 times better. All chilled out & shizz.
  10. I agree with everything he said... almost. While the Wii is a current gen console, it pretty much is only living on the fact that college kids & moms dig the simple party games, no matter how much they suck. Let's be honest, other than the first party ttiles, the Wii isn't good for much. As for zanier stuff, yeah, I like them & all, but really, how many of us will willingly go out & buy a game starring a big bright chibi style hamster, trying to save his people from the vacuum cleaner? Not many of us. As for No More Heroes, that really panders to the same stuff the FPS's do. It's violent, full of sexual innuendo, &... well, it's violent.
  11. I totally love that your remastering older stuff. I liked it then, & I like it even more now that it's remastered! Can't wait to hear the rest!
  12. Happy Birthday, Pacawud*! *that's a spelling of how i pronounce Pacaud, not some silly double entendre for peckerwood, though, I did giggle at the realizatio... happy birthday, maing!
  13. Abso-lute-ly friggin beautiful! I've been wanting a new McVaffe remix for a while, & to finally hear it, well, it's as good as I imagined it would be. Great use of asian instruments. Actually makes me think of exploring a field in a Zelda-esque game, with the b-side being the credits theme. Can't wait to hear more from one of the guys that made me want to start ReMixing!
  14. You know, the one thing that really makes me feel old (I'm 22) is when I load up CoD4 online, & realize I miss playing Perfect Dark with 2 of my cousins, split screen style. I mean, that was some fun "back in the day" stuff. Where you could just order a pizza & chill out. Though, games like Rock Band bring back that nostalgia. I actually kinda miss that. The interaction. Sometmes I feel like that old geezer saying, "Back in my day we actually had some human interaction. None of this new fangled spider web hullabaloo." This is mostly when some punk kid is calling me gay because I totally out gunned him. Though, I take solace in the fact that I can say I'm old school. You know, the atari & amiga generation. The only reason why I loved garage sales, back in the day.
  15. I'm still working on Grunty, which now has a bit of the other boss music from the games. I should finish it soon-ish, then I'ma see if Lu's still got time to do the rocking.
  16. I've redone my tracks a few times. Especially Cold memory. I've tweaked that one like... 7+ times?
  17. Also, disclaimer: I voted Pixie, zirc, & SGX as i did, because they wer ebetter than the other tracks they wer paired with. If I liked one of the other tracks... I'd probably (& probably,. seeing as there are still... I'm in for a few dozen more matches) will choose the one I like.
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