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The Joker

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Everything posted by The Joker

  1. The mulitplayer campaign has really bad slow down. I'm not sure why, hopefully MS will release a patch when it's released. Also, yeah, if your lucky, you too can find video rental employees that could care less about so called "street dates". The only really sucky part is that there is no one to play mutliplayer with, except my cousin who also rented it. Find some copies, me wantsa teabag some peeps. It's awesome! Reminds me a LOT of DooM 3 & Quake 4 for some odd reason.
  2. My tracks done! I just have to find time to upload the wrench.
  3. Maybe, just maybe, this project will release & be all types of goodness.
  4. If i get some time where I'm not doing anything else, I'll let you guys know! I still want to be part of this.
  5. I thoroughly enjoyed that mix, especially the lyrics. Great song to remix man! Can't wait to hear more remix work from you in the future if this is any indication of what to expect.
  6. Awesome mix from one of my favorite guitar players, here in ocr & outside of the scene! I remeber hearing this as a very early wip, & it sounds even more awesome now, than it did then. (note: it was really awesome back then as well) So, yeah, I like this mix, & I reccommend it to every one who likes the gritty, let's get into a bar fight with some drunk bokers, then get all cheeky with their chicks (the ska section would be this part), then face off with their leader. Who smells of, what can only be described as whiskey & urine. Long story short, JTown Seal of just-friggin-download-it Excellence.
  7. Good news, I'm almost done with my other track projects! So, barring any unforeseen happenings, I'll be able to devote the time I was devoting them to this. Yay!
  8. good news, I just have to tweak the new bass drum in Cold Memory, & ahua(<spanish yell), it's doneded!
  9. S'pretty good. I dig it. I'll even go as far as to say to some of the songs: Oooh, you touch my tralalala, my ding ding dong.
  10. I'll be sure to send mine with a dirty note attach It'll probably be about touching a tralalala or some crap.
  11. Just thought I owed it to you guys to officially say, I may not be able to remix Gambit. I just haven't had the time, & the few times I did try, I didn't have any good ideas.
  12. Then why won't you let me back on the project. It's because of that love letter I sent Lea isn't it. Your jealous. I'm sorry, but get over it man, & lemme back on the project!!! I'm actually on the project still. So, yeah, suck on that Global Warming!
  13. dude, it's taken damn near 2 1/2 years to finish the Tales Project. Not to mention the Sonic 2 project.
  14. I'm curently in the process of clearing up the other stuff I have to finish, then I can devote more music time to this project.
  15. Spoilers... maybe. I'll throw in some speedbumps, & even make the text white, so highlight it! Is it just me, or is this game not only (provided you didn't harvest any little sisters) about family & doing the right thing, but also about abortion, & embryonic stem cell research? I mean, think about it, in the game -SPOILERS- if you harvest a little sister you get a to become more powerful & basically get an easier game. -SPOILER-On the other hand, if you save them, you get less adam, & the game becomes a bit more difficult, it takes longer to get the more powerful upgrades, but in the end, -SPOILER- you give the little girls a future that they would never have had other wise. Or you destroy them to get it "easier". Or maybe I'm just reading to much into it. Basically, what did you guys take from the story? Keep in ming that these are the 2 overwhelming themes in the game, seeing as the original trailers focused on the litle sisters, as well as the way the good ending unfolds. I'm just curious as to what you got from it. Like, when it comes right down to it, after beating the game, or during if your still playing, could you get yourself to harvest, or was it to icky to get yourself to do it, as it was for me.
  16. I too am waiting to purchase this album! If I were good enough, I'd totally love to help produce a track for the album. But, eh, hearing it when it's done will suffice.
  17. This game is pure awesomeness. I've been playing on my HDTV, & it friggin incredible. There's been 2 especially great games I've played lately, both them them being FPS. Between this, The Darkness, as well as COD4 & Halo3, this years got a whole bunch of top notch shooters. Translation = me happy!
  18. I would've done the same thing, except for the fact that she tried to kill me as soon as I got near her. Long story short, Twas electrifying... then heart wrenching, as well as other bad puns.
  19. If CD baby is a bit cheaper... I'll totally get one. I just can't get myself to pay $21 for a CD when so many good games are coming out. But, I totally want this album, regardless... my poor wallet.
  20. Seeing as I still have to finish a track for another project at almost the exact day of the new due date (maybe even the exact date), I might not be able to have anything. I'll try & add a few things that have been gestating in my head, it should be enough to show some progress.
  21. Cold Mammaries it is! Make it so... also, I jusht kidding!
  22. I should also say, I'm considering renaming Cold Memory. But, eh, we'll see.
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