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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. FFX on the PS3, with real voice actors instead of the homeless people they dredged up for the PS2 version.
  2. awesome, dafydd! thanks so much. we're waiting on stevo (end of the week) and theophany (probably within the next day or two), and we'll be done with music. calebyte's sending me a cut of the website in a day or two as well. we're close, folks. real close.
  3. growing up in buffalo, this was always played at the Sabres games at the hockey arena. brings back memories.
  4. hah, i love that one. similarly, there's a lot of pep band/fight songs that have hilarious names. for example, (4:16). the whole video is awesome, though, they are really into it =)
  5. hey, cool. i remember listening to the original CSRP back in college and enjoying it. thanks for doing this, man =)
  6. glare will paralyze them! how do you expect them to work when paralyzed!
  7. i'd be a big fan of a game that took the excellent voice acting and spaceflight combat and the decent storyline of freelancer and combined it with the functioning, dynamic economy, huge amount of enemies and character models, and beautiful graphics of a game like eve. of course, an offline version of eve would be fine by me, too. i loved that game, i just can't see myself paying for it.
  8. who knows? i don't have it in front of me. it could be something really spacey, like magnetized dust in the case that's screwing with his hard drive, or a random short in the case caused by a screw that got loose or something. but i doubt it. since all of those people had the same problem as him, i'll bet it's one of those options.
  9. hey, at least you're trying to say something helpful. you managed to do it without meaning to. i'm thinking it's one of two things. your MBP is getting locked up (possibly a video card issue, do you have a discrete card? what is it?), or something to do with cooling and power consumption (check this out). it's mac hardware not liking windows, almost definitely.
  10. we're just waiting on the website, stevo's mastering, and sinewav's recording at this point. almost there =)
  11. i recommend this. until you know what your guitar can do, and what sound it gets, you don't want to go screwing with it.
  12. seriously, trilian takes a LOT of ram =( it sounds amazing, though. haven't found anything that compares to its upright bass sound.
  13. has anyone had a chance to take a look at the 9.5 beta? there's some crazy awesome stuff in there, like improved memory management and a bridging mode similar to jBridge that allows you to run stuff in its own process. i'm particularly pumped about the bridging mode, although i likely won't get it until it's official just so i don't have to worry about corrupting my files in case of a system-wise issue.
  14. fanfiction topic generator nothing but the best for my brosephs after dark, doncha know edit: Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining Sealab 2021 and Frankenstein. The story should use unclogging a toilet as a plot device! edit edit: Your challenge is to write crossover fanfiction combining I Love Lucy and Monsters Inc. The story should use creepy interent fetishes as a plot device! BAHAHAHAHA!
  15. several years ago, wasn't it? it's been like three and a half years now, right? cosmo canyon is one of my favorite tracks from FF7, and his remix of it is one of the best. the pixiekee song is awesome, as well.
  16. sure, that'd be fine. the idea behind the rule is that people can't do a crossover where it's mostly the classical work with some, say, Sonic layered on top of it. it's the idea behind the rule that matters, more than the percentage. if the mix is nothing but classical music plus midi, it's still a midirip. you just stole the other stuff too.
  17. if the drive is nonfunctional, wrap it in plastic, wrap it again in plastic, and stick it in the freezer for a few hours. unwrap it, ensure that there's no condensation on it, and i'll bet it'll function long enough to use DBAN or something similar on it. alternatively, hard drives that are toast make really cool fridge magnets, purse mirrors, and speakers =)
  18. or the cord for the right speaker is damaged. is it one of those 2.1 setups where everything is connected to the left speaker, or everything to the woofer?
  19. nope. but i usually manually map everything i do anyways, so it doesn't matter what DAW i use. a keyboard's a keyboard.
  20. i use an axiom 49. i love it. you'll never use the midi, unless you're using the controller for an older midi-based synth that has no keyboard and midi in. usb is the way to go. depending on how portable you want it, and how much cash you've got, you can get a focusrite saffire pro 40 (8 xlr and 1/4" inputs, firewire based) for 450 used. that's what i'm using now, and it's brilliant. it's a rack-mount unit, though, so you'd want a small and portable rack or case to store it and all the cabling you'll have.
  21. don't buy antivirus. either use Microsoft Security Essentials (free for windows owners, go to microsoft's website and download through there) or something like AVG (also free).
  22. it's an upgrade. upgrades imply that you can trash your old computer and upgrade to a new one, in turn using an upgrade disc. or that you can upgrade your motherboard, which would break most OEM installations of windows (that were legally purchased by you), and then install w7 on the system. as long as you're not simultaneously using both the old and the new installations on separate computers, you are legally fine. irregardless of what M$ is saying, it works fine. there are occasional hitches, in which case you just install something else and then format and install windows clean on top of it. not too complicated.
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