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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. just get me a bio, now, chthonthchthchtic, and we're good. we're still short two songs, Catfish's Maw (sloopygoop decided he didn't have enough time to finish, so he's decided to release his track in the future [iN SPACE]) and Ballad of the Windfish. this is ok, though, because if someone doesn't step forward and take them in the next few days i'll just finish them myself.
  2. probably ebay or craigslist, man, you're not going to find much of a market beyond that.
  3. http://games.slashdot.org/story/10/08/19/139235/PS3-Hacked-via-USB-Dongle can't believe i didn't hear about this elsewhere than slowdot, but it's official - the first modchip works, and it includes online play. i never updated my ps3 to the new non-extra-OS firmware (and, in turn, have never used PSN for multiplayer) because of my issues with sony taking away purchased features over the length of a console's lifetime. will i get this? probably not, particularly since blu-ray burners are so expensive, and there aren't any PS3 games i want to play that i don't already own. this is it, though. the unbreakable console (which was, apparently, unbroken because no one wanted to bother with it and because it was too expensive to burn games, similar to the gamecube) has been broken. considering all the cash sony dumped into the blu-ray drive and the draconian copy protection included in it, i wonder what they're thinking now? heck, i wonder if this would have happened if sony hadn't removed the Other OS option to begin with. edit: fwiw, you'll need to go to the index of the link proved through slashdot, since psx-scene is getting absolutely hammered with pageviews (up by about 2000% from yesterday alone).
  4. hot SHIT, jeremy, i didn't know that your promotion was THAT big. congrats, my man, i'll miss bantering with you at cons.
  5. thanks, man =) i consider this style of music - jazz-influenced, groove bias stuff - to be my most natural style, so this was fun to do.
  6. zircon, that palm mute thing is awesome =) i really need to start exploring this program some more.
  7. i can't believe i just listened to justin bieber for 35 minutes. this is absolutely AWESOME.
  8. there's a lot of people where this type of thing hits home. it's similar to the mosque that's proposed for right next to the 9/11 site - some people view the ability to play as a Taliban fighter (even if it's just a player model) killing Americans as bad. it's the same reason that Germany nixed any WWII or game with Nazis as bad guys - there's too much history there, too many people who died to them.
  9. the drives have to be exactly the same, and i'm fairly sure you'll have to flash the firmware from your old drive onto the new one, required either a computer with an addon VIA 6421 SATA card or a motherboard based on the nForce chipsets or certain VIA chipsets. i only know how to flash BenQ (falcon consoles) drives - hitachi (second-gen) and samsung (launch models) are beyond my knowledge, but they're supposedly modifiable. lite-on drives, with jasper 360s, require minor surgery (read: soldering) on the drive itself to allow it to recieve other firmwares. this route shouldn't ban your xbox, since you're not accessing the net with customized firmware. long story? you can get used jasper 360s on ebay for under a hundred dollars. they don't come with hard drives, but they do have controllers and cords. just make sure it's a jasper, and it hasn't been banned. that's the route i'd take. if you've got a system that's not under warranty, it's not a jasper system anyways (back sticker says 12.1v instead of 14.2v or something else similar). jasper power bricks are plastic as well.
  10. well, now that the due date is approaching, i suppose i should finish my first track, from five years ago working on VSL-ing the orchestral background (which were first Reason strings, then Edirol strings, winds and brass) now. VSL sounds ridiculous, but it's so hard to use when you don't have a dedicated setup for it.
  11. i'm about to submit mine (hey, OA, tell me how i did!). huzzah!
  12. check your pm boxes, people - we need bios, filehosts, and .wav files in the ftp. i'm so excited about this project being almost done!
  13. just got finals from Lashmush and redshojin, and a wip from sloopygoop! we're really progressing.
  14. as far as i can see, none of their stuff are multithreadable. so, yeah, you'll max out just about anything if you don't have a good initial clock speed.
  15. like kanthos said, you'll have to set it as your audio device within your sequencer.
  16. i picked this up for as much as i had available now (being jobless). next paycheck i get i'm going to throw some more money at them, because this is a great deal =)
  17. firewire is a basic port like USB, but it runs with a different protocol and is incompatible with USB. i'm assuming that your m-box plugs in there (make sure your m-box is OFF when you unplug it or plug it in! you can't hot-plug firewire, ever!), and then you just use it as an audio driver.
  18. updated. been a while since i said that =)
  19. there's a ton of value on the low end, and a ton of power and customizability on the high end, but there's still a minimum of quality systems in the 700-1200 ranges. that's where probably 90% of my systems usually sit.
  20. agragragragra ANGRY edit: cool story, got two or three more interested parties at all ends of the pricing spectrum. looks like business is going to be picking up a bit.
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