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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. for example, a man was arrested and incarcerated a week or two ago because his ringtone on his phone was from one of hitler's speeches.
  2. probably because it's against the law to even really talk about that stuff. it's incredibly offensive to them, like a game involving tracking down and killing slaves would be offensive to us. except like a thousand times worse, since everyone there had family who were killed in WWII.
  3. an update to the previous post. if you're only using stock sounds, the drum samples as a whole suck. the fl interface, however, is possibly one of the easiest to get in and make beats with, simply because it's so streamlined. since samples are so prevalent online, however, you'd be pretty dumb to use stock sounds only. same statement regarding the basic included synths. fl's soundfont player, however, is excellent.
  4. slightly incorrect. they asked for piracy by flaunting their hypervisor, repeatedly revising the EULA, and downgrading features out of the system, and people were dumb enough to go along with it. then hotz figured out how to get around the hypervisor, and immediately sony did more of the same, and lost a lot of their hardcore fans in the process. what's more, everyone went along with it, and blamed him for causing piracy. he didn't cause it - sony did, with their bad decisions and draconian policies. sony's business practices for the ps3 have been all over the map. opening up the system for extensive theming, making psn a haven for indie developers, not charging for multiplayer access, and allowing the use of the system for things other than just games (browser, linux, media center stuff) is what put them apart from the 360 among next-gen consoles. those were good decisions. sony's steadily been getting rid of these features, however, between the 3.30 update that removed linux (and forcing you to do the same to play online), taking forever to update the browser to add compatibility, and now charging for extra content access on a per-month basis - AND removing access to that free and paid content when you stop your subscricption (xbl doesn't even do that). as if it wasn't already bad enough that their constant updates for both the system and the games take forever to download and install, and that their content - downloadable and otherwise - consistently comes out months after the 360 and PC versions, and their controller feels like a toy, doesn't hold a charge after six months, and breaks easily. i've gone through four controllers on the ps3, and i play that maybe a quarter as much as my pc or 360. never broken another controller for any other system. they're also forcing in new features that aren't even fully tested yet, be it their clone of the wii controllers or their extensive bid on 3D technology that has the caveat of causing crushing headaches after as little as an hour of playing for a large portion of players, even with a $3k+ television. these are bad decisions that all relate to sony's desperate bid to make the console continue to be relevant through 2015. i don't think it's going to work, particularly if a wii HD or an X720 come out between now and then. edit: this post seems angsty. not intentional. i like my PS3 - i have a CECHE model, a phatty that plays PS2 games. i play quite a few exclusives on there, and am consistently impressed with their quality. i do not, however, play multi-platform games on it. the above reasons are why. everyone who knows me knows that i prefer my 360s for those games.
  5. registered mail, man. it's priority mail plus two days, and someone has to sign every time it's touched. it's made shipping incidents go down from one in three for me to one in fifteen. much better =) and registered includes insurance and everything, so in that one incident we got the cash to fix it, no problem. pm me how much money you've got to spend, what size monitor you're using (screen resolution matters a lot when picking a gfx card for gaming), and what you want to do with it, and i'll get you a rough price asap. oh, and reaif, no, not yet =) we still live in a tiny little apartment. when we actually buy a house, i'll be giving it a shot. my sis-in-law is a vet, so i can get as much of the oil as i need - more than anything i just need some room to build it (and a general use for it, which i don't have right now).
  6. so i guess you got it =) can i ditch the boxes now?
  7. i've no experience with rackmount servers, no. tbh, while a rack is nice, it's way nicer to just put a little tower over in the corner. biggest issue with rackmounts is that there's no bloody space. all you need is something small and cheap that's at least an ATX mini tower, and it'll easily fit four or five drives (probably more since you don't need the optical slots). racks are cool, but it's rare you've got enough to fit in them. stick with a small case, not even a keyboard or monitor =)
  8. i'm missing something here. what instruments do you want? you need to identify what you're looking for before you can scour for it. like, mitsuda, in chrono cross, uses a lot of wind instruments (flutes, oboe, clarinet), mallet percussion (vibes, steel drums, marimba), light strings, fretless electric bass, ethnic percussion (congas, shakers, tabla), and the like. don't look for a generic sample pack - look for good versions of these instruments. squidfont is terrible for melodic stuff, but would work for background and harmonic stuff. most of the instruments have incredibly long attacks, completely unrealistic. i'd suggest finding something like florestan strings for an articulate violin, bhcello for a useable cello (that's what i used on Canvas of Dreams), florestan woodwinds for the winds, and then just browse hammersound or something for the bass and percussion samples. there's tons of stuff out there - but you need to know what you're looking for before you look for it. edit: as for a soundfont player, FLStudio's soundfont player is good. i use that, since i use flstudio. if you're in a different DAW and don't want to switch, sfz's about as good as you'll find.
  9. edirol orchestral is pretty poor overall quality. it's nice to get a whole orchestra for so cheap, but you get what you pay for. similarly, while garritan's gofriller is very easy to play live, it's poor compared to other, similarly priced options when it comes to sequenced stuff. melodyne is the best for fixing vocals. no questions asked.
  10. note that when he says spread your libraries, he doesn't mean to separate the libraries themself, moseph. he means to put one big one here, and one big one there, etc.
  11. sounds like a wide chorus to me. if it's a flanger, it's mimicing a chorus effect.
  12. RAIDs are strikingly expensive for the boost in speed you get, honestly. once you've paid for a good raid card and the three or four drives you need (not two, not worth it), it'd be about the same price for a few 600gb velociraptor drives when they're finally in stock in a week or two. not the same amount of space, but far more reliable. you really won't see that much real-world increase in speed overall. just get a few nice caviar black drives with a high cache size (WD black drives have two processors in them, which actually does speed up large file access a bit), and you'll be happy for much less. spend the extra cash on a big crucial realSSD C300 for your system drive =)
  13. this looks bloody AWESOME. good excuse to get to the city before i move? i think so.
  14. wait, what? i cut it down once and changed it once (to be a little more search-able) in six years. too much?
  15. yeah, larry was going through the changed names for the remixes, and wanted to know if i wanted something a little more unique and searchable than "the prophet". i've been going by this handle elsewhere for a while, and i figured it'd stick.

    can't wait!

  16. halo 2, in the campus center at school. we played a continuous match for six hours, three people total (third seat was rotated, the other two stayed the whole time). i finished with over a thousand kills, close to three thousand points. br start, random secondary weapon, no weapons on map, bonus points on, no score or time limit. got about sixty people in a group, closer to two hundred over the course of the game. we had to stop when they did last call for meals, though - we were hungry after all that.
  17. there's no way for them to know if you're using a router. well, technically they could, but how big is baylor again? they won't care. i went to a college with 1500 people, and they didn't mind. the router was just an idea to improve your wireless connection in-dorm, if you go with a laptop. if your desktop is plugged into the wall jack at your dorm room, and you've got a decent wireless signal anywhere on campus, you can RD into your desktop from a netbook no problem. like i said, i had a lot of friends who did that quite often. contact your tech department about it if you're not sure.
  18. hey darke don't derail threads or you'll get banned or something back on topic... i wasn't talking a gaming pc, either. just in terms of raw performance and long-term viability, that laptop will be toast either from the first drop or because the battery and system bus fry from the extra heat generated by that system. oh, and turbo mode? uber LOLz on a laptop, right up there with overclocking. your computer's raw computing ability will function significantly below a desktop running even an AMD 3ghz dual-core from three years ago =( =( =(
  19. no. 5400rpm refers to the access speed, not the transfer speed. it's still a sata drive, and will still outstrip USB by three or four times. shit, baylor? you'll be fine, man =) just buy a 20$ wireless router, put a password on it, and BOOM! you've got wireless in the dorms. the rest of the campus is more connected than 90% of colleges out there. sounds good =)
  20. new tech always costs more, i guess. 600$ could have gotten you a netbook and a desktop, although the desktop would have skimped on case, psu and mobo quality, just like that lappy (but still easily outperform it).
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