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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. hi stop spending money on hallucinogens and give it to me
  2. get in touch with me when you're looking at a desktop =) i do hackintosh systems as well as PC builds.
  3. i know i keep saying this, but a computer to run SC2, DIII, and all these other awesome PC games coming out is much cheaper than what people think. based on the system specs for SC2, i could probably do something for around 600$ - or even less - that still plays them on pretty decent settings for a big monitor.
  4. no, it's like saying that someone thinks that garth brooks is bad because they don't like country or, more correctly, that a virtuoso like chris thile (the guy from nickel creek) is bad because they don't like bluegrass.
  5. if he was working with stuff that large on a regular basis, he wouldn't be asking for help here but seriously, even just the laptop version of an i3-530 would be light-years beyond that ancient t7700.
  6. what he meant is that your performance will really suffer from using a laptop for streaming massive samples like that, and if you're using it quite a bit it'll eventually kill your HD faster than general use will. but we're talking three years vs. four, not one month vs. four years.
  7. i'm just teasing him, andy =) yeah, everyone talks about 8gb as being this godly amount, yet i rarely see anyone actually utilizing it efficiently. not really worth the money, IMO.
  8. you could, you know, get better at the game
  9. it was WAY overpowered before, though. everyone just used tesla, with one FT. it was kind of bogus. i think the new tesla is awesome for what it is - a support weapon. combine it with the power fist as an offhand and the autogun/p-rifle as a primary and you're a one-man wrecking machine.
  10. this piece is a gem. the people who think tha this song is bad are allowing their general prejudices against rap or hip-hop to show through. yes, this is the internet. in order to be cool, you have to know the memes, listen to obscure (usually shitty) artists, visit 4chan, and be ready to fire off smarmy responses to anything different than the norm. this is different than the norm. therefore, it's being ridiculed. that auto-response is bullshit. for those who don't know, olr came OUT of ocr - meaning that mixes like this do have a place here. ous and ocr have had a history that's been checkered at best - meaning that the fact that it's community 'insiders' doing the track means jack. oh, and strader, you're an idiot if you think rap is the easiest genre ever. give it a shot and tell me how easy it is
  11. 8gb means 64-bit. as long as everything can run on it, you'll be fine. even if you're planning on upgrading to 8 down the line, make sure you've got a 64-bit OS. also, ssd? really? buy a 1tb internal drive and don't stream from a USB/FW external instead. more worth your money. more is that you're buying this nice system (well, decent if you want to use a mac and have a laptop...two choices i wouldn't make), and then you're going to run REAPER on it. just use some of the cash you're getting by not buying 8gb of ram and get a real DAW. biggest bottleneck on that system is the old processor. do macbooks have i3 processors yet? if not, at least try to get a bit better than that cpu, since the merom processors (it's a T7700, right?) were introduced mid-2006. i'm assuming that you know that you could easily get a monster desktop and a great notebook if you went PC, and it'd cost much less, right?
  12. my wife got me the semicolon poster for my birthday. awesome.
  13. link. 1200 MSP, august 11th. gotta love the summer of arcade. the gameplay looks really fun, combining lots of different gameplay elements. everyone's going to say that it's a clone of TF2, but there's a much different game under the hood. i'd cross TF2 and split second: velocity, and add in a little bit of Demigod-style RPG elements. apparently, it's not mutiplayer only, too. there's two modes, a 6v6 competitive mode, and a 1-5 player vs. computer mode. since i rarely play competitive shooters anymore, this second thing is what sounds most interesting to me. what do you all think? anyone interested?
  14. i'm interested in uncharted 2 (PSduh) and brutal legend (x360). say, 30$ for both?
  15. there's little out there that's specifically for jazz, sounds good, and is cheap or free when you get away from bass, keyboards, and drums. good jazz horns are hard to find. edirol orchestral includes all of the major strings, winds, brass, and percussion. as for rock and/or fusion, recorded stuff is always better than sampled. Shreddage is primarily a rhythm guitar thing, and doesn't have a lot of the flexibility you'll want with lead guitarist. so that's kind of up to you. i still recommend guitar rig, though, since it's easily the most versatile amp modeler and effecter plugin i've ever seen.
  16. electronic guitar? i think you mean electric guitar. combine Impact Soundworks (zircon and bustatunez) Shreddage with Guitar Rig 4, and you've got instant metulz. as for orchestral and brass (i'm assuming you mean strings and brass, since 'orchestral' refers to anything in an orchestra), there's a ton of different levels of quality based on what you want to pay. edirol might be good enough if you're on a limited budget.
  17. unless you're recording, you don't need a sound card. fo realz. if you are recording, most of the decent mid-range ones are firewire or USB2, so you don't need to worry about adding on. there are a myriad of cheap 2-input sound cards for usb, usually around 100$ or so. i used the m-audio mobilepre for years, and it worked fine. just used onboard sound beyond that. i didn't get a real audio interface (focusrite saffire pro 40) until about three months ago...after doing music for six years. if you're a student, you can get w7 professional 32-bit for 30$ (USD) at win741.com. it's the 'upgrade' version, but it'll install a full version right off the disc, nothing's needed. as for the graphics card, i probably wouldn't go with the stock card. use this list to determine what's worth it for your needs. i'm an nvidia guy (better drivers, more games optimized for them), so i'd go with the newly released gtx 460. it's only 55 pounds more. edit: don't get kaspersky. legitimate users of windows can get Microsoft Security Essentials, a lightweight and excellent anti-virus suite. by far the best option for free. maximum pc or ars technica (can't remember which) did an extensive test of AV programs a while ago, and MSE blew away every other option in the free category, and was better than most of the paid alternatives.
  18. can't you turn on a Director-style AI?
  19. musique concrete, as originally described by pierre schaeffer, was originally supposed to describe aural ideas expressed through the manipulation of tapes. with the Nazis' invention of the magnetic tape recorder during the war, and the subsequent marketing of the technology in the few years following, schaeffer's ideas began playing sometime near 1948 on an egyptian radio station, if i remember correctly. the nature of musique concrete is that while it was originally based on found instrumentation, the invention and subsequent exploration of synthesizers allowed for an incredible amount of sounds to play with. early composers attempted to utilize popular compositional techniques - particularly serialism - to allow for some form to their creations, but for the most part it really was just playing around with sound - similar to early composers playing with ideas outside the traditional bounds of tonality and the church modes. if you want an example, there's a myriad of stuff out there that really fits this genre, but i'd recommend mario davidovsky's pulizter-winning synchronisms no. 6, for piano and tape. it's hard to listen to unless you've got a good explanation for what's going on, but it perfectly demonstrates these concepts. if you want something more 'found', schaeffer's early works would suffice, i'd think. since this youtube example's got a lot of pitch-shifting and all that, i'd say it qualifies as musique concrete. the use of various effects, like tape delay, stuttering, and timeshifting, kind of give that away. if it's just banging on doors and stuff, though, it's not really musique concrete. there has to be that manipulation of timbre and time to really give it that name. i did a lecture recital on the music of jacob ter veldhuis, and he was profoundly influenced by traditional musique concrete, particularly in his works Billie and Pitch Black (both of which are highly listenable, and really cool works for saxophone/sax quartet and tape). i also did a term paper on synchronisms no. 6 =) did that help?
  20. gates of hell is electronic. in general, the use of non-traditional instruments to make sound is known as percussion. just kidding, doug! no, really, it's called found instrumentation. the vast majority are percussive instruments, since pretty much anything that makes regular pitches has been classified (like, there's five or six kinds of pitched instruments that consist solely of glasses with various amounts of different liquids in them).
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