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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. the nice thing is that the old units are discounted by 50$. buy an arcade unit for 150$ plus two games, and pick up a used hard drive for 30$. problem solved. the 360 can back up saves onto hard drives - even big-ass external hard drives - easily. that's how you transfer stuff between them. you can't save onto an external, or install a game to an external, but you can use them for file transport. like i said about the hard drives - they're not backwards-compatible because they're using a faster drive. this is a GOOD thing, people - not bad. there's no reason to buy another hard drive when the slim already comes with a 250gb one. whatever 360 you heard that was loud was at least 1.5-1.75 years old, since jaspers were released in q3 2008. nuff said.
  2. no, i'm pretty sure that's wrong. i'm pretty sure you're allowed to play backups of games on a pc, as long as you own the game and system and both are in playable condition.
  3. three reasons, chad. 1. your other stuff doesn't have a single-disc tray that comes out forward. the little metal tabs that cause this issue are in there to prevent the drive from being broken off or leaning down when it's extended. 2. your other stuff doesn't spin a quarter as fast as these drives. 3. your other stuff doesn't use dvd9 discs, which are possibly the most damageable discs known to man. oh, and schwaltz, take a kitchen knife and scratch it across your blu-ray disc. notice anything? yeah, that doesn't scratch it. blu-ray discs are made out of the hair of superman, and therefore you could have the ps3 loaded with satanic dolls chewing away at the disc while it's running and nothing would happen. that loud fan is from the launch models, in 2005. people need to give it up already, before they start sounding incredibly stupid parroting crap back that they heard before. my ps3 idling (ceche01) is much louder than both of my 360s running at the same time while spinning discs. did you really just bring up backwards compatibility? again, you don't know what you're talking about. you can play an xbox1 game on the 360, no sweat - you just can't play online anymore, since ms shut down the servers. the games function fine, though. why can't i play ps2 games on the ps3? your atari 2600 works as well as you do because it used less electricity than a wall clock. an xbox 360 is a cheap computer. it uses about 2000% more electricity. more electricity = more heat. more heat = fires. simple as that. why don't computers last as long as they used to? it amazes me how much people don't understand about the stuff that they use (or don't use) every day.
  4. are you certain? if it wasn't, then wouldn't all emulator programmers have to cease and desist?
  5. hey bleck, you don't know anything about what you're talking about...at all. maybe you should just say "i don't really like microsoft's products" and go away. os, i've known about the slims (as have most 360-based game studios) for about four months now, and to be honest there's a lot changed about them other than the glossy exterior, a bigger hard drive and wifi. the biggest change is the chipset update - the jasper chipset (65nm) kicked the RROD problem in the ass, with squaretrade reporting that in the two years that they've been out fewer than 1% have failed, of any problem. period. that's 600% less than PS3s and 500% less than wii's failure rate. now, they've unified the cpu and the gpu into one integrated chip, and made it with 45nm tech, which both reduces the power requirements by almost 40% (down from 203, 164, or 121 watts per version to around 80 or so) and reduces heat by ANOTHER 40% beyond the jasper. so what? so this system is half the volume while running, is cool enough to stack with other stereo components in a cabinet and have no ill effects (unlike the ps3 and the gamecube+), and uses 40% less power than the previous jasper model, 60% less than the slim, and about 10% less than your average HDTV. there's also the fact that they sped up the hard drive a little (spins around 7200rpm now instead of the 5900 that it has since inception), updated the disc drive, and updated the controller (shoulder buttons are more resilient now, triggers feel less stiff and last longer, and all the face buttons including the d-pad is more responsive). lastly, they integrated a significant amount of the power brick and interface plugs into the case, so the power jack's way smaller, and there's an optical plug built into the back now. so, that's what the slim is. i think i'll probably be getting it.
  6. lots of misinformation running around in this thread. it IS legal to back up your psx bios, as long as your unit is fully functional. it IS legal to back up your games in .iso or other formats, as long as your unit is fully functional AND you still own the games. it IS legal to download backups for your games in .iso or other formats, as long as your unit is fully functional AND you still own the exact same version of the game.
  7. this isn't actually totally true. if it was, then rom sites would be illegal, once and for all. you're allowed to download a version of your game as long as you own the discs/carts AND you own a working system AND it's the EXACT SAME version. so, if you own the original and there's a re-release on a different system, that's illegal. if you own the normal version and the platinum hits version includes a bit of extra content, that's illegal. but you can download the rom of Super Mario Kart if you own a working n64 and use it on your computer, no problem. edit: for those suggesting the PC versions, they're glitchy as hell on modern computers thanks to architecture changes and the simple fact that no one's using w98 anymore. it's rare that you can play the whole way through without it taking a dump a few times, too. ff7, particularly, is just a poorly done port, which is why ff8 sold so poorly and then why they didn't make ff9 on pc.
  8. nice job noticing the title: E3: MICROSOFT. we know everyone here is a nintendo fanboy. we don't have to fanboy so much that we discuss their crap in threads completely unrelated to that. as a guy with both a ps3 and a 360, i really just don't like ps3's online play. it feels so much less streamlined. not to mention that for 35$ a year (no one really pays 50$ any more, they just wait for amazon's once-a-month sale) you get very smooth matchmaking that doesn't freak out and drop like psn's does all the time. not to mention stuff that's coming or here like hulu, espn, last.fm, twitter, facebook, and the complete integration with windows through the media center stuff. now that the new 360's got wifi built in, the primary reason anyone would want a ps3 is to get the exclusive games. i don't think there's that many anymore, either. edit: i just noticed toadofsky's post. does anyone else think that this is a gross understatement? i'm sure, dude, that you've never looked at what games your friends have played, or interacted with humans through the voice chat with 360 or text chat (do people really think that ps3 is more advanced if you don't even have cross-game voice-chat until three years into the life of the console still) on the ps3. that's ok. see, everyone else who owns a 360 has taken it online at least once unless they don't have a cable connection. so your majority of one can sit in the corner and enjoy yourself. i'll join the 21st century. have a nice time. edit 2: that came out wrong. i'm not trying to be mean, i'm trying to point out how ridiculous it is to buy a system that costs 300$ and a game that costs 60$ (with a majority of the development costs for both going into multiplayer connectivity) and then never use the online play. why would you even buy games, then? most of the games nowadays would be total ripoffs to you, since there are very few games that are worth the price for the single-player campaign only.
  9. oh, totally =) don't get me wrong - the kinect isn't going to sell on the order of the wii or the ps3. it is, however, going to be probably one of the best-selling "accessory" units ever, behind the motion plus. that's why it's cool, and a big deal. let's wait and see if they make decent games for it, or if it turns out to be more "eye of judgment" crap.
  10. no one cares about the uber-ds. i don't think a console's portable when it's the size of your torso. rising isn't 360 only, but it's being developed lead on 360. that means that it'll look way better on 360, then PC, then PS3 last. lead consoles always blow away the ported console. not to mention that, thanks to this conference, you can now get a 360 for 150$. which is a better price point than any other console - including stuff like the go and the newer DS models.
  11. i think you're all missing something here. MS is the only one of the big three to release new hardware. sure, sony'll show the Move camera again (or whatever they're calling it now), but Kinect represents the first time you're going fully controllers-off on big-name games. plus a new console refresh, which sony proved was enough to take the show last time. plus GOW3, MGS:R, COD: Black Ops, halo: reach, and the crytek teaser. i don't see sony able to bring up that many big-name games. GOW has sold what, 15 million from two games? plus exclusive content for COD, first MGS game on a system other than sony's, crytek's first game in a year or two for a console, and halo reach which will probably sell 10m easy. awesome presentation, i think.
  12. got one coming your way. i knew i had a wave somewhere, just took forever to find it.
  13. anyone else see the trailer for this? looks really good. just look for it on youtube - people have been uploading it ever half an hour to avoid Ubi's copyright restrictions. i was a little surprised - i guess i missed the news that they're going back to italy this time around instead of something newer, but it should be interesting to see how he copes with the ending of the last game. and, by extension, how desmond deals with the end of the last game, too. what do you think?
  14. i love everyone and everyone should too
  15. long story short, i played x3 for several hours today trying to like it. i didn't, and deleted it with the wrath of a thousand gods. it was boring as hell! even with the time speed-up thing! blargh. so i'm still looking. looks like i might be giving eve online a shot, now.
  16. i'm about 20/60 with my current lenses, which are -11 and -11.5, respectively. so i figure i might be getting close =(
  17. there's a reason that you can't do that - mainly because there isn't a way to classify most remixes. some songs may start out chiptune, then go to rock, then to 'orchestral'...(black wing metamorphosis). there are tags, however, that you can use to find remixes.
  18. everyone loves me but no one quotes me in their sig like it's 2007 again =( although, tbh, that phrase is how i've always differenciated between modes and kind-of-tonicized pitch class sets. if you're just using interesting tones, it's not a mode. if you're using it properly in respect to traditional modal harmonies, then it's clearly a mode.
  19. oh, totally. the whole point of modes is that it's the same pitch class of every other mode based around that major key - like, a dorian is the same as c lydian and d mixolydian and f# locrian. it's how those pitches are used - what's tonic, where the dominant is (in a dorian, the dominant isn't D, which is major, or e, which is a form of v, but actually G, which is VIII), etc. that's the point of all alternate tonal structures, really - it's not the size of the pitch class set, but how you use it
  20. 20/200 is all it takes to be legally blind? whew, i'm legally eyeless, then.
  21. if you were to send me a list of what mods i should use for the first time through the game that make the game run smoother, i'd appreciate it.
  22. i remember what cpu you've got, man. i put it in there, didn't i? =) my gaming system is an i7 860 (2.8ghz x 4, plus HT) with a core 216 gfx card, so i'm sure i'd kill it. i'll look into it more. which scripts and mods would you recommend? edit: steam's got reunion, too. i know nothing about the storyline - should i play reunion first?
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