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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. still waiting for someone to send me a midi of some kind to dress up. haven't heard really from anyone regarding this.
  2. >shrug< so a laptop is less cramped than a desktop?
  3. shaun, what did you want? your response was garbled...didn't get much other than PLAY ODST WITH ME.
  4. wow, that took a long time. sorry i didn't update for a while, everyone.
  5. ugh. don't get a laptop. buy a desktop. you can upgrade it down the line, you can add ram and HD space as you get cash, and you can add multiple monitors so that you've got more room easily. you should also make sure it's a pc. macs are nice for certain things, but there's so much more variety of usable software and hardware on pcs. it's a bit of a no-brainer for a musician on a budget. if you buy a laptop, you'll be back in a year saying you need a better one.
  6. meteo (11:07:31 AM): horizontal tango? Is that what you kids are calling it now? prophetofsax (11:07:40 AM): possibly prophetofsax (11:07:48 AM): that's the wife's term for it prophetofsax (11:08:02 AM): after i jokingly said we should get dance lessons for our wedding prophetofsax (11:08:08 AM): and she thought i meant sex coaching meteo (11:08:47 AM): In my day we called Euphedimecides Tragedy: The Weeping of the Gods in the Garden of Midnight Act III Scenes 6-12. prophetofsax (11:08:59 AM): which is why you're a virgin ... meteo (11:10:22 AM): Well I'm not. I love virginity. Sex is like cannibalism. Once you start, you can't stop. prophetofsax (11:10:30 AM): lol i sometimes am surprised that people on ocr will send me thousands of dollars for a computer. before i started doing this, i never thought that someone would really pay that much to a name on a site to do work like this.
  7. if you can get to relatively close to where i am, i'll totally drive you. no questions asked, dude!
  8. there were girls there last year. they had more hair than me, but they were girls.
  9. arrangements on this website take on many forms - for example, take a listen to some of children of the monkey machine's chrono trigger remixes (one called 'ruined world', i think, comes to mind). beyond that, i have no idea what you are asking. music is music - it's progressive, and it takes on many forms. nothing but beeps and blips can be music - take a listen to mario davidovsky's early electronic works, i think electronic study no. 3 is a good example - as well as a midirip. the issue is whether or not it's appropriate for the site. if you make a song that isn't just a midirip with drums, that has a clear attachment to the source material without ripping it off completely, that's a song appropriate to this site.
  10. didn't we already work this out over pm, and i apologize for accusing you without figuring out the complete story? darke gave you his license key. assuming that he either bought an FL multi-license key or FL allows for multiple installations at one time, you're in the clear. if both you and him are installed at the same time, you're not. simple as pie.
  11. so, i'm looking for a monitor arm. two, actually. first one: i don't want to spend a mint - under 150$ max, ideally under 100$ - and it needs to be able to support 14.5 pounds (acer 22" widescreen, al2216w) second one: same deal, but no more than 200$, i'd like to keep it under 150$. this one is for the hanns-g 27.5" beast, around 25-26 pounds. note this is a different model than the 28" one sold on newegg currently - google 27.5" hanns-g and you'll see the deactivated model. i know that these prices look low, but i'm actually on a budget and that's all the room i've got. i'm comfortable paying a little more for the second one if i buy it by itself instead of two total.
  12. you bought a chinese sex mannequin (mannekin? too much dissidia) and you can't go to mag? FAIL.
  13. wait, there's a way to stream mkv to your ps3? how?!?
  14. oh, gotcha. i suppose fishtyjdgfgt can do it once and a while, the moar metulz the better.
  15. well, that question doesn't make a lot of sense. every track here is a re-arrangement of a videogame track - so, how can it be brand new material? if you're writing the soundtrack to a videogame, you've still gotta remix it in order to submit. otherwise, it's not a remix, it's an original song.
  16. hey, i was curious about something, too. how'd fishy get that nice pendulum-style remix on the judging queue when it's from august? is it because he put it in himself? that's kind of bogus, isn't it?
  17. "i pepper my music with sugar": an analysis of selected saxophone works by jacob ter veldhuis so, i'm doing this recital on the 19th. i'll be playing two pieces - Billie and Pitch Black by Jacob ter Veldhuis - after discussing them for around a half hour. should be a good time. for those who don't know who jacob ter veldhuis is, he's an ultra-tonal (read: no dying animal sounds...nice to listen to!) minimalistic composer who writes an abnormal amount of music for instruments with a tape accompaniment. billie and pitch black are both based on famous jazz musicians - billie's based on the jazz singer billie holiday, and pitch black is based on chet baker, the druggie trumpet player who was a leader in the cool jazz movement. both pieces are comprised of complex accompaniments developed from interviews of each artist taken during their lifetimes. jtv's excellent at making music of just generic sound, and does some pretty awesome stuff during the course of the pieces. you can preview both pieces here - it's the first two pieces. check out postnuclear winterscenario no. 10 (written during the gulf war) and grab it! (inspired by deaths row inmates screaming at schoolchildren to not do what landed the inmates on deaths row in the first place) as well. it's on sept. 19th at 1pm, in iger lecture hall on ithaca college's campus. anyone and everyone is invited if you're in the area. not that i expect anyone to be able to come, but i'll have some space for people to stay over if they make the drive. not a lot, but enough. and i've got two n64s, a 360, and a kickass PC for games if anyone's bored. i'm planning on posting the recordings of the lecture and each piece once i get a recording done, so those who are interested can listen online.
  18. it's not the same N anymore, though, what was the 'standard' a year ago when wn devices came out has changed enough that those routers won't get full functionality. which sucks.
  19. i don't use n, and it doesn't really make a huge difference. stick with g.
  20. is there a reason you can't just either direct-download it or use google to make utorrent (bittorrent sucks) work?
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