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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i used the wrong term, yeah - i meant firmware and said hardware. that's pretty clear if you read the rest of the post, where i say that you should have a real card to do RAID =)
  2. hardware raid is outdated. never make a raid with onboard raid. get a real card that supports your drives. also remember to research it when you use drives that aren't supported by most mobos anyways =) also don't raid OS drives. the benefits you get are negated by the fact that SSDs are cheap as balls and way faster. a 120gb SSD is under a hundred now.
  3. he uses crap low-level characters to do it. no loss.
  4. bardic and i put in some serious time this weekend and cleared an act and a half. we just got to act three and are really enjoying it. he's playing as a tanky engineer with absurd AoE fire dps and dual-wielding weapons, and i'm doing an outlander focused in the glaive, daggers, and the repeating fire that lowers armor for anti-bosses with dual pistols. i blow through mana like it's my job but it's really fun to just melt down the biggest bosses with rapidfire.
  5. mike forgot the part where we met at a five guys and i delivered the machine, and then we hung out for a little while while marveling at the 50-flavor pop dispenser. also a critical part of this build.
  6. yes, since that installs all the crap that comes with dells, not to mention probably won't work since your computer isn't signed as a dell.
  7. 5400rpm drives are great for storage, but don't load games and stuf on them. like, my backups are 5400rpms (because i'm poor), and my htpc stores movies on a 5400rpm drive.
  8. i wish some of you were on anvil rock, as it seems that none of my friends are ever on for dungeons. i am level 50 and still haven't had a chance to do one yet =(
  9. it wasn't just my psu that bit it, apparently, because i couldn't get it functioning. so i'm out =/
  10. i will try to hook my primary PSU to my system and see if i can frankenstein my way through the rest of my track, but i'm not hopeful. if anything was fried i don't have the cash to fix it. i didn't have much anyways, but i was really looking forward to destroying everyone who opposed me this year and winning everything ever, so it's kind of disappointing.
  11. no, probably not, honestly. with ivy bridge having released some new CPUs, you're just looking at waiting until the next gfx refresh, which won't be for a while.
  12. power supply in my music system took a dump again, so i've gotta withdraw. no way i can replace it in time to still finish what little i had on my track. =/
  13. i would have linked my HoM stuff, but i forgot my login for guild wars =(
  14. i can't afford borderlands 2 this year =/ not with the burrlet on the way. as it is, though, TL2 and GW2 (which someone bought for me) will be dominating what little time i will have over the next few months, so it's just as well i've gotta wait on BL2.
  15. it's pretty hard to recommend upgrades when you don't tell me what he's running. what gpu, ram, and cpu are in it? how old is it? i would not recommend upgrading to any AMD chip at this point. some of the numbers look ok, but real-world performance is lacking. that said, i wouldn't pay less than 100$ for a CPU on a gaming machine, so there's that too. the APUs that AMD is selling is OK if you know you can't go with a graphics card, but who builds a gaming machine with no graphics card? it wouldn't make any sense.
  16. read this for my opinion on hybrids. i am of the opinion that, since laptops should never be primary storage, SSDs are always the better option. they're more durable to the dings and knocks that laptops often take, they're exceptionally fast, they generate little heat, and they last as long as the laptop if not more, whereas standard HDDs are expensive for the size, noisy, slow, and susceptible to most of the environmental issues that laptops are exposed to. a 120gb Vertex 3 or Agility 3 or Enhanced Cronos is 85$. this is stupid cheap. buy that instead. my desktop primary is a 120gb SSD, and not only does it boot W7 cold in 30s, i've got six games (including two MMOs) on it and don't have issues with space or loading times. get an external for heavy storage.
  17. release in two weeks! who hasn't preordered yet and wants to do a group buy?
  18. blues are fine for general use. HDDs have come pretty far in the last year or so, honestly, as the removal of most of the taiwanese factories from the production line forced them to actually fix the issues plaguing their factories (and in turn, the drives themselves). i'm fine with most of the new seagate drives, and the offbrands are decent if nothing else. i still prefer caviar, though, over other drives if price is equal.
  19. the HDD should be the same as any other one...just plan on formatting it when you get it out. blu-ray drive, no. honestly you can usually sell the whole pile of parts on ebay or craigslist for ~50$-75$ if you really want.
  20. well, shoot - i didn't see this thread for a few days and now i'm two days behind on mixing. gotta catch up!
  21. i should point out that the thread was 52 emails long before i told him to put up (buy the stuff) or shut up (go away) =)
  22. why couldn't he just use an extended KVM to handle it? USB has huge ranges when you put a repeater in there. and HDMI cabling can go over a hundred feet without requiring repeaters if it's shielded and installation-grade. kanthos and i chatted about this over PM and we both think that this is easily solvable by the occam's razor option.
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