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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. there were some pretty significant changes to her =) i've been getting cut up by her in lane a lot lately, so i'm ok with it.
  2. perfect. i knew it was possible, but i didn't know how to do it. this is great =) less memory usage, here i come! and neblix, that's what i usually do with more complex stuff. like, i've got one for gofriller cello, to make the aftertouch and vibrato work properly in FL, etc.
  3. holy crap i love to tank but i hate shen. at least with amumu, rammus, and cho you're doing some damage once and a while.
  4. is it possible to route individual instruments in Kontakt 4 (or Omnisphere, for that matter) through the fruity wrapper into separate mixer channels? being able to split instruments so i don't have to load four separate instances of Kontakt for shreddage would be absolutely spectacular.
  5. here's an idea i hate - that tanks are only good if they get assists. i played a game today with some of the worst pubs i've seen - jarvan was 1-7-0 at 25m. i was amumu, went 3-3-0. we surrendered at 25m because we were getting annihilated. when we got into the late game, i asked the other team to report jarvan and another character for unskilled/feeding, because they were so bad. i was told to "tank more", and "stop qq'ing". their reason? i didn't have any assists. our entire team had four kills. i was three of them. they had over thirty, at 25m. tank more? naw. more like pubs are terrible, no matter what. i hate random games sometimes.
  6. yeah, i'm not blaming you. we got outplayed hard, and rumble's definitely more DPS than tank. as for runes, i bought t2 stuff and then used the combiner to get several t3 runes i needed. it worked out ok. i've got a full set of flat magic oenetration reds, flat AR and flat M/5 yellows, scaling MR and flat CDR blues, and flat health and flat cooldown quints. working on the last one or two that i need there, then i'm getting some ArP and ability power runes (for when i play AD carries and AP carries, respectively).
  7. then you went 0-5-5 =(((((( we had an up and down night overall, though. that one team that we trollrolled was pretty hilarious, but our last game we just got outplayed.
  8. i have the worst of luck with pubs. i also have a smurf account. username is p00d1ck. play with me! i am level 2!
  9. =) i'm so glad that that issue is over with. i can't believe that the ram actually got bumped that much.
  10. free, unless i decide to sell the album, in which case it'll be paid. and i already sent a message to blind, but never heard from him. i'm assuming he's really busy.
  11. not particularly what i'm looking for. i'm looking for someone more experienced with house/trance stuff, and while you've got that represented i want something that sounds more professional than that.
  12. to work on a track with me, to be released on an upcoming remix album. just post a track that you've done that shows off what you can do. mastering and creativity are the two most important things i'm looking for.
  13. shucks, i still have spare parts! let me know if you want one =)
  15. relyance's system fell through due to personal stuff, so i used his parts and build RECKENEFIN of paper mario project fame a computer. i7-870, GTX 460, 4gb of RAM, TX650 PSU (it came in a velvet bag inside the box ), and an asus P7P55-E deluxe mobo, which is gorgeous and awesome and i want it now.
  16. i'm with tensai on this one, even though he hates me =(((((( farming is a way more effective way of making cash before level 12 in LoL than ganking is, unless you play a 1v1 god like tryn AND you jungle AND they're aggressive. after that, it's just a big ratball anyways.
  17. i'm usually at least that much, whether with OCR people or some others that i know.
  18. actually, there's almost always people on. you just haven't sent friend requests to anyone
  19. mozz, one of the biggest things i've found regarding amplitude is that there's a difference between something sounding loud and being loud. i don't know how else to say that, but just because you want something to seem quiet doesn't mean it has to be inaudibly quiet.
  20. ashe's arrow is a 3.5s stun if it's from more than a screen away with no cc reduction. afaik, that's as long as it gets.
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