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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. rozo, i prefer pictures of the world over that computer-generated stuff. mountains, skyscrapers, etc. i've actually found these exact same ones at multiple sites. they're all cut down from stuff found at deviantart and interfacelift and other sites. none are actually originally that size. a few of these are pretty good. thanks =)
  2. if i wasn't a Johnnie Walker man, i'd love that
  3. i'm assuming this is a related topic since it's about computers, if not, well, whatever. i use two monitors on my primary system - a 1920x1200 and a 1050x1680 (22" monitor turned vertical). there are NO good desktop images with the 1050x1680 image size. i've used the custom search in google images and just get jack. half the results either aren't the right size or are completely unrelated. like, i search "nature", and most of the images are celebrities. sigh. i know people use this, it's just that there's nothing out there, and vertical wallpaper dot com hasn't been updated in years. anyone got any good vertical wallpaper, or some good images that can be cropped to look good vertical?
  4. yes. i think this extends to other genres as well, similar to your analogy as well. strategy games like SC2 at their basis are fundamentally flawed because some humans physically and mentally cannot keep up in terms of APM to other people who are simply wired differently. for FPSes, there's always some asshole with the noob cannon grenading the whole level and getting to tenth prestige without doing really anything. most gametypes have a fundamental flaw, the difference is that most try and hide that flaw behind some sort of balancing mechanic. DOTA doesn't...they promotes that as the way to win games.
  5. thing is, i know i can be more efficient. i spent 20m looking for a drumloop and then just settled with a far more inferior version of it (you'll hear it clearly). if i'd known where that was, well, that puts me under two hours, or roughly 1:15 of music per hour. that's ridiculously fast for composing or arranging (not counting mastering time, of course).
  6. i'm judging the genre in regards to what i've played of LoL, that's true. although i've definitely put more time into playing actual matches in LoL than any of you three, having played over 250 games
  7. 1135 was when i looked up the youtube and midi. i finished roughly now, 235. that's three hours. the episode i watched was roughly 45m since there were no commercials. so, 2:15 or so. not bad! i'm just about to upload it now.
  8. 60 hours a week doesn't matter when you only need two or three for a song. most people spend more time on the crapper in a week. mastering mine now. i'd have been done earlier but i watched an episode of NCIS with my wife over lunch. it's short, but it's a very fast tempo so it balances out.
  9. exactly. it's crowd control, not death timers, that make DOTA-like games somewhat poor design. now, it's FUN to make your opponent unable to do stuff, but since LoL's matchmaking system is so damned broken and doesn't take skill into account, just time investment and your recent string of wins or losses, more often than not your opponent's team is better at doing that than you are.
  10. there's also the point that bleck had where he said that any game design based around denying your opponents the ability to play the game - or, more accurately, a game designed around not playing it for half the players - is poor design.
  11. well, shit. i just saw this and remembered that i signed up for it. going to start now.
  12. the problem with kat is that all of her artwork looks great - only new janna has a better 'figure' - but all of her in-game artwork is basically a palette swap. it's kind of great because they make her look like this death goddess and then all you see is this crazy hair-scarf-thingie. i don't play cait enough to want a skin for her, as ranged AD champs represent my worst gameplay in LoL. i used to have a yearly subscription to PC Gamer for roughly 3$ a year, but i got sick of the useless articles and the fact that - gasp - game informer was usually better researched, had more information, and better and more introspective commentary...which isn't saying much, i know. plus PC Gamer feels like it's written on toilet paper, and is clearly marketing to underage boys (see above picture).
  13. you'd be able to see more if your computer wasn't made out of rich mahogany. or a toaster, for all we know
  14. i wish they'd give you a vote to replace leavers after a few minutes with bots that were worth little gold upon death. it means that the other team can get kills, and that your lane isn't completely hosed if you have someone DC.
  15. to be honest, the fact that it's about teamfights and not your one star overpowering their one star is a good thing. i feel it makes for a game where everyone is contributing the whole time. while you still have teams built around one character like karth, sion, or kog'maw, everyone is still a critical member of that team, and any of those players can significantly increase your chance at winning with a skillful play. i don't feel that that is represented in what little i've watched of HoN or DotA. edit: yeah, andy, i know. i don't choose to play tanks in pub games - i usually get stuck with them because i don't jump in and auto-lock my favorite character. singed, however, is someone i'm really looking forward to getting. i think that i'd be pretty darn good with him just because all you need to do is toss shit and stack belts the last few games i've led my team in creep kills, so that's definitely starting to help. it's always hard to farm early-game with tanks, but i'm getting better. udyr and amumu can annihilate creep lanes by level seven or so, so once we're out of the laning phase and the rest of the team is ratballing i'll usually stay in lanes and farm up so i've got my thornmail/frozen heart and FoN/banshee's as soon as possible. i've been getting both by level 12 or 13 lately, which is awesome. it's just that anyone can farm with special attacks like udyr's tiger stance or amumu's tantrum/despair. i'm just not good at using auto-attacks yet. sooner or later i'll get it =)
  16. i've been having the same feeling, zircon, but for different reasons. i think we all know that i have very specific limitations in-game - i'm not the greatest farmer, and i have trouble communicating sometimes - but my frustration is that i tank in pub games, which is apparently something that doesn't happen often. most games i'll wind up with a score like 2-6-6, with a surrender at the 30m mark, and have most of those deaths come because i initiated when told to and then everyone backed off. then at the end-game screen, people will tell me that i did terrible, even though i farmed pretty well and had the items i needed at the level i was at. clearly the defining trait of a tank is not dying, and i understand that - but no character tanks well at level 12 when your team doesn't output damage. the point of a tank isn't to survive no matter what, it's to survive just long enough. if i play as udyr, it's even harder, because i'm expected to spend the whole fight using bear stance to stun everyone rather than using turtle stance. i had two players 'yelling' at me because i was trying to stay alive in a fight rather than using bear stance so they could fight without fear of getting caught. we then went on to get wiped, because i stopped using turtle and almost immediately was focused down and slaughtered. i also have unreasonably bad luck with pubs. i've had seven straight games with at least one member of my team either unable to speak english (and being the jungler, or something communication-critical like that), or AFK for a significant portion of the game. particularly when i tank with a character like udyr, who is so dependent on not getting poked hard early to really be able to tank mid and late game, being stuck in a lane where my gold is exclusively coming from a HoG and a philosopher's stone really gets annoying fast.
  17. most of those links are dead, unfortunately, but the few i got to see were pretty cool.
  18. i'm not much of a mage player - my only AP carry is fiddles, who i play because he's a jungler - but i think that i'd like ryze. he's so obnoxiously dangerous if you are a melee character, because he can root, pop all his spells, and be gone by the time you can move again.
  19. just had a great fiddles game, first with the pirate skin. went 18-13-19, with most of those deaths happening in teamfights where i'd crowstorm in, use zhonya's, and then immediately die. got a triple kill post-mortem, which was awesome. i spend 20% of the match dead, which was not awesome. i had rabbadon's, zhonya's hourglass, rod of ages, rylai's, morello's, and sold my spellpen boots for a rod (ideally going towards void staff). i was well over 800ap, but i only had 319 movespeed =) i would stand in the middle of the map, wait for both teams to show up, and cacawcacaw into them. i had to use both ghost and flash to keep up with them, but i was doing 2000+ damage to everyone on their team except singed. it was pretty hysterical. my team had to escort me around the map because i was going to be melted if i got attacked. if they got too close and udyr or nas got in first, though, it was insta-die for them. very fun, considering we got aced twice and almost didn't survive long enough to push back. we got lucky, but it was a good game. survived early feeders to win, which always feels really good.
  20. i saw this at geekologie, but i thought it was cool enough to link here. basically someone took classic video games and reimaged their boxart to be all minimalist like the criterion collection boxarts on hulu. the original pages include the contents of a fake special edition. they're pretty funny/weird/cool. here are a few. what other games should they include?
  21. zil would be a riot, because of udyr's stun/DoT from tiger stance combined with two zilbombs dealing stupid damage early and mid game. not to mention that udyr could lane and farm pretty hard. i outfarmed our teemo in lane, so it'd definitely be doable.
  22. no samples, even with other instrumentation to hear what they sound like? not cool.
  23. even with the nerf to his turtle stance - which returns way less mana now, not enough to sustain it indefinitely - he's still very viable in lane. i'm interested in trying him starting in lane with either a mana manipulator (if laning with a character with heavy mana requirements) or a meki pendant and two blue pots, and having him going back to grab philosophers stone and boots on his first back. since he can hop in the jungle basically whenever he pleases to regenerate mana and health, i think he'd dominate in the lane near the blue golem. he can get it without smite at level 1 without a leash, so i'm assuming that he could just sustain indefinitely either way. laning him with any ranged AD carry would be domination, because he can just keep stunning and doing his DoT Q while the carry just pokes away.
  24. just played a game with amumu, irelia, garen, karthus, and annie. i went 7-1-22 as amumu, with a final build of FoN, merc treads, thornmail, abyssal scepter, and warmogs. didn't have time for the rylai's. i had philosophers and heart of gold for almost the entirety of the match, and it made a huge difference. i'm not a great farmer as most of you know, but amumu's AoE damage abilities make it really easy to chew through waves of creeps. i laned and roamed with karthus and annie (hence the scepter), and by the end of the game i was able to sit in a teamfight and take virtually no damage when focused. we aced them twice with no losses to our own under one of their turrets, and after my initiation and tower aggro we were able to just melt them almost instantly. it was a good game on a day full of bad games =) i also picked up udyr yesterday and went 4-4 with him on the day (with one of those losses involving me disconnecting at 4 minutes thanks to client issues). in the losses, we got pushed hard early and lost several towers before 20 minutes, minimizing my effectiveness ganking. in the games where we were able to hold towers for a reasonable amount of time (as in, solo top didn't suck), i went 2-6-15 (primary tank) and 7-2-8 (offtank). he's such a great bruiser, able to wade in, stun everything, deal some crazy damage with tiger and phoenix stance, and then get out and heal up almost instantly with turtle. as i'm getting the hang of his abilities, i'm really learning how to build him in different situations, and i'm liking it. he's got so much versatility in the jungle, too - he can start with regrowth pennant, longsword, vampiric scepter, cloth armor, or dagger and be totally comfortable. i still need to try him in lane from level 1 as either melee DPS or tank (likely tank, since i'm terrible at judging timings in-lane for a melee DPS character), but either way he still winds up being an awesome ganker, has excellent staying power in the lane from turtle, and is easily able to chase anyone in the game, ghost or not.
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