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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. thanks =D never played the game, so it was fun to goof with it.

  2. looking interesting. the UI looks a little...old, which is likely because i just don't like the texture map on the bottom UI thingie. still looks awesome =)
  3. actually, it does have a name. the name is "Suite for Violin and Piano", using standard classical naming conventions. just because it's not called "OMG METROID ROXX0RS" or something doesn't mean it has no official name.
  4. =D thanks for the commentary, ori. for leader's lair, the original track was just that stepwise lead with the whole-tone theme playing, so i had to include it. i went with a theremin sound to help make it stay other-worldly. didn't realize it was so...irritating the throat-singing is not me, but it's a cool thought =) i agree that cave dweller gets repetitive. i've never done anything in quite that style, so it was kind of new to me, and i had trouble making it unique. good to know that people like it =)
  5. thanks for the awesome formatting. copypasta was never so easy =) updated now.
  6. saw that this morning. soooo true =) tensai, it's around two seconds, and skarner doesn't move his normal speed when he's got someone in tow. mostly i've seen it used as a stun to let people catch up, and to pull an enemy AD carry off of your team's carry. haven't seen a skarner go positive yet, so maybe i'm just getting terrible players.
  7. skarner's ult doesn't seem quite as powerful as it could be. anyone know if he can flash with it? that'd make it a lot more viable to me =) he seems like a great chaser and 1v1 guy because of his shield, AS/mvmt boost, and ability to heal himself, though. just not as great in teamfights as other characters.
  8. played a few games with galio and wukong today, since they're free. wukong is pretty enjoyable - i can see him doing well as an offtank/burst dps guy, especially mid game. i want to try to build him with crazy lifesteal and see what happens, and also try an AP build with him. he's so much fun to just bushdodge the snot out of the other team, because people don't realize his stealth is a clone and not him. galio is just so much fun if your team knows anything about him. i played a game earlier where i went 5-4-40 with him, and i played a game where i went 1-7-7 with him. he's great if your lanemate knows what they're doing, and he's great in teamfights where you have an awesome initiation or the other team has limited cc, so you don't get knocked around a lot. the 5-4-40 game was against a team with three heavy AD carries, where i could build an enormous amount of damage in the two seconds that my ult was up, and then gangplank would ult and finish up. he got a pentakill and two quad kills doing that =) the 1-7-7 game we got bad pubs and just couldn't get going, but galio's e does a nice job of getting people out of fights that are hopeless. edit: i thought it was funny in phreak's video that his first gank with skarner ended with him being annihilated by the turret on a dive when it was pretty clear he should have GTFO of there. good to know it's not just me
  9. wait, people are complaining and worried because they have a month and haven't started their mix? didn't this happen last year? does a mix take a month to do?
  10. same thing happened with wukong, where he wasn't available for a while after the servers went live. anyone played with skarner? he looks really fun.
  11. i have to say that the first track is definitely my favorite of the whole thing, but that's likely just groove bias talking. the entire album is just fantastic, as i've come to expect from you, theo =) keep up the good work!
  12. this is so good. theophany's definitely one of the up-and-coming artists around here, so i'm pumped to hear more =)
  13. i lane with fiddles because not every team can do 1/1/2, and he's an awesome mid with tons of sustainability. bardic, i have used those colors for every worksheet i've made for personal use, so it's a little highlighter-ish but it looks normal to me.
  14. as both a classically trained musician and someone who has butted heads numerous times with the panel over what constitutes a remix and what doesn't - mine tend to be farther away from the original than what the judges usually want - i can say that everything you have posted is complete bunk, OP. it's particularly funny that you chose Intense Color, which is probably one of the best examples of being creative with your arrangement without losing touch with the original track that i've ever heard. i'm curious your opinion on a track like Dragon Song or the new drumultima/harmony collab. of course, 99% of the time people who post stuff like this never ever come back and actually continue the conversation after making wild accusations like you did, so it's a moot point anyways
  15. i'm going to quote this so it doesn't get buried. did anyone try it and break it, yet? i don't use teleport when i'm jungling with fiddles, obviously. i use smite and flash then. i usually use teleport and flash with him when i lane. i've been debating swapping teleport for ghost, but haven't found an instance where teleport isn't more useful yet, since rylai's basically makes the one big use of ghost - catching up with crowstorm when i'm a bit behind them - unneeded.
  16. they're fixing kayle's passive, finally. maybe she'll be better in-game now. fiddles adjustments aren't too big, but they'll be noticable. honestly, though, fixing dark wind so it always bounces five times instead of four is enough to balance it, as is making sure it keeps bouncing after you die. i've died in teamfights with dark crow on its way to get a kill several times only to have it disappear when i instadie. i'm more annoyed that they fixed trundle's q so it gets blocked by banshee's and other block-one-spell ablities. re: teleport on fiddles. one of the things that you have to accept with him is that you're probably going to die a decent amount mid-game because he can get focused down hard during a teamfight, even after all the cc has been used, once you crowstorm in. teleport lets me get back in the fight right away, and get more assists and kills. fiddles walks so slow as it is that any little bit helps. would exhaust or ignite be better? early game, probably, but dark wind's range is better, and the damage is comparable if you bounce it right. not to mention that people shouldn't be running away if i fear them at the right time anyways. so after level five or so it gets useless anyways unless i have the masteries, and i rarely use anything but 9/0/21 with him anyways.
  17. the issue with any case and a positive pressure system is that there's less actual airflow in the case, regardless of how many fans are blowing in, because there's nowhere for the air to actually flow. i realize that you'd have to do positive with the Lanboy, but that doesn't make it a better case for cooling. it just makes it a really configurable case that doesn't have any specific purpose =) as for OS, if you're using one you've already got, no worries, but if you're planning on buying one, i've got deals on them so don't buy it new.
  18. made a rune worksheet. you'll need excel 2007. basically, you put in what your build needs (only supports 9/9/9/3 runesets, not mixes), your level, and how many of each rune you've got, and it spits out the cost of the new build both at your level, and a total cost of the build at level 30. relatively simple to use - input into green boxes, answers come from yellow boxes. let me know if you find errors. i'll fix them right away. edit: just so you know, bardic, this is way beyond that skeleton i sent you earlier.
  19. there's a very easy way that involves putting an 1/8" jack into your computer, and using audacity some psp iso files have audio in them that is able to be removed and played with a special emulator. most don't have that, but some do.
  20. i figured it out. bought a sony head unit for 60% off with all the mounting hardware, a 12" 275w RMS sub with enclosure, wiring kit, quick-swap plug, and a decent amp for around 300$ total. eventually i'll upgrade the door speakers, but not yet. only one side of the car had to be rewired for door speakers to work, so i'd prefer to not do that again if i can avoid it. i think i can use the in-door wiring for the passenger side, but not sure.
  21. GOSH WAY TO HIJACK THE THREAD TENSAI we had a few good games last night with bardic, zircon, and my buddies wynks and bragon. still can't believe we won the game that they doubled us in kills =)
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