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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. not sure how that'll affect jungling with him. not excited either way.
  2. incidentally, why have you been selling all this, nicole?
  3. stop talking about stuff you don't understand please, sonic. OP, you're looking for something that's USB based and has a 1/4" line input, right? something like this would be a good choice. you could definitely go cheaper, but if you're going to spend a bit of money you might as well get something decent. i've got an m-audio mobilepre - similar to this, older model - that i've been very happy with for the 150$ i paid for it.
  4. it's cool. we've got really different playstyles, so i'm sure that plays into it. i still taunt their carry and shield up, but i primary try to use rammus to extend fights and keep people around when they try to leave while dealing AoE with tremors and sunfire cape as opposed to powerballing in and trying to initiate. i am not very good at surviving when i do that, shield or not, so i've found that i'm better at roaming and chasing than starting said fights. edit: also, don't forget that you jungle rammus, while i lane him. jungling rammus gets him way, way more cash early than laning does, simply because he's usually getting zoned hard, and lets him stay ahead in levels compared to laning him. that extra cash - which is a pretty significant amount, really - is what makes mid fights more survivable. /edit and i still think that that warwick was terrible also, vlad is up there among my most hated characters to play against. i've never played with him on my team, which is unfortunate. i see him as being freaking awesome, since his bloodpool would be an ult on other characters, and way, way difficult to lane against.
  5. yeah. if it's just a few assists, then i usually think that that person wandered off and wasn't participating in teamfights. i just finished a game where i was 3-9-16 as trundle, and although i had high deaths every time i died was to stay back and occupy people so that two or three teammates could get out. so those numbers can be deceiving. plus nasus kill-stole from me four times i usually add kills, assists, and towers, and do a KAT/D ratio instead. as long as it's over 2 or so, i feel it was a good game. in that game my KAT/D was 23/9, so i feel that it's still a good game.
  6. this is so true, and why i hate tanking in pub games. my best game as rammus was a game where i went 4-5-27, and at the victory screen the vayne that went like 25-5-5 complained that i didn't do anything. she got five kills in lane that were directly because i taunted at exactly the right time to keep them in range for the last few hits.
  7. just played a great pub game. got matched up with a nasus, ashe, xin zhao, and jungling warwick, and i was fiddles. other team was lux, cho, yi, lee sin, and MF. we got hosed early, because xin and ashe both soloed a lane and both were terrible. bottom lane with nasus and i got hit hard early as well, and i wound up basically soloing it for most of the early-game phase. once nasus got his feet under him, warwick and i roamed and ganked hard to help ease pressure off of the two solo lanes, and we started getting a few towers...and then got wiped in three consecutive teamfights after we recovered and pushed them out of our base, we got our feet back under us and the carries stopped wandering off and getting wiped. nabbed baron at level 14 and didn't look back. xin and ashe went a combined 3-14-7 before level 15, and finished with a combined 26-15-28. i finished 8-8-17, with five of those deaths coming late after they figured out that i was hosing them hardcore and they didn't have any magic resists, and they started focusing me instead of ashe and xin. best two plays of the game: xin kiting cho from the three-way bush near dragon to top wolf spawn, right into four of us who hosed him in two seconds flat, and our team acing them twice in full teamfights late-game to seal the deal.
  8. i would desperately love to work with a LanBoy Air, but you'd obviously have to pay more since they're almost 200$ retail, and the case i was including is worth roughly 60$ or so, i think. that said, do you REALLY need mounting points for 14 120mm fans? that's an awesome case that i've been dying to work with, but it doesn't look like much and it requires a lot of maintenance to keep it clean since it's usually a negative-pressure system and sucks up a lot of dust.
  9. along those lines, i've actually got two used motherboards and two used CPUs available, so the guts of two systems are available for purchase.
  10. i always hear people complain about balance issues, and i'm a little confused. doesn't that go both ways? like, certain characters are way overpowered in 3v3. i know that. but can't you just play them too?
  11. CT's music is not mostly perfect. if it was, then the only tracks people would remix would be the crappy ones. the other tracks would be un-remixable, since any remix would be worse than the original.
  12. what was it called? had a good soprano sax player and ten tracks. brink of time, maybe?
  13. i didn't read the thread, but didn't someone already do a jazz-themed chrono album? it's darn good, too.
  14. can you make your site...readable? light gray and white don't make things easily readable.
  15. i doubt they'd remove the 4-player coop option, since that's one of the big selling points for the game.
  16. wait, what's the issue with having a new map? am i missing something here? there's benefits of always playing the same map, but what's wrong with two - or, even better, four - that are rotated constantly? also, the new 'dominion' forums seem to be full of people who are excited about it, not complaining. unless i'm missing something huge. edit: read a bit more, and it seems that people aren't pissed about dominion as much per se as they are about the fact that nothing ever gets done on time. people need to shut the hell up and enjoy the fact that the damned game is free, for goodness sake. would it be nice for new features? sure! are there game-breaking bugs right now that prevent any enjoyment from coming from the game? no, there's some balance issues but they go both ways. sooooo, yeah. shut up, entitled asshole people.
  17. i'm hoping they offer four- and ten-packs. i'm assuming they'll do four-packs, but a ten-pack would be even cooler.
  18. uh, yeah, it's been announced for a spring 2012 release. day one purchase for me. i played the first on 360 and didn't get into it, and then played it on steam thanks to stevo bortz buying it for me and absolutely loved it. i definitely prefer it as a coop game, not a single-player game, but even still i'm definitely getting it day one. whatcha think, people? think the ending will be better? game informer's got the 'scoop' next month, so in a few weeks when i get my august edition i'll put more details up.
  19. i sold my account for close to 250$. i enjoyed it while i played, and i liked my character a lot, but i simply spent too much time on it so i figured that i'd get some cash for it and get out while i still could. 250$ ain't bad at all.
  20. a lot of those comments seem to say that it's basically impossible to pull it off because of changes to the jungle, but i'll give it a shot and see how it turns out.
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