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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i appreciate you downloading this stuff! as noted on the website, those tracks are simply too old, and don't have lossless versions. lucidic's computer got run over by a car, villa's computer was stolen, inception...should have a lossless version, but it's a bonus track so whatever, and eagle tower, the mixer moved so he didn't have access to a piano.
  2. note the word used. i got it from someone else. wolfmizu, no, there isn't. this is the next best thing - you can use the kontakt vsti plugin in fl studio.
  3. just an fyi, wolf, i picked up gofriller cello a while back for uber cheap in a sale, and it's actually pretty darn good. if you can get it for cheap - i think i paid 60$ used? - it's not bad at all. uses kontakt, just plug and chug.
  4. lenovo computers are spectacularly durable. when i worked for microsoft, internal employees almost exclusively used the T and X series. it was rare to find anyone using anything else unless it was a hand-me-down. there's a video of a guy pouring water onto the keypad while the computer's running. no worries.
  5. hey, guys. most of you who know me know that i like eve online a lot. a real lot. enough that i don't really do much of anything else when i'm home, except play that game. so i'm selling my account. it's got a month left. it has roughly 24m SP - which is around two and a half years of skill point training - and can fly all the major combat ships in the game except for carriers. i can give you more information in PMs if you'd like. i'll include my alt for free, who is a great scanning and salvaging character in her own right. the account has roughly 1.7b ISK (in-game currency) available to it, which is enough to pay for around five months of subscription using the PLEX (which is an in-game item that redeems for a month of game time on your account). i'll entertain any reasonable offer, and i'm open for trades. i sold my old Guild Wars account for the same reason - i think to kanthos or his brother? - so i've done this before. i'll just give you the account info, and that's that. let me know =)
  6. there's still a ton of songs available. are these going to stay available, or are all finals still due by J1st?
  7. i'm considering selling my eve online account. i don't know who plays, or wants to try it out, but i've got two characters on two separate accounts i'd be looking to move. one's got roughly 24m skill points (over a year's experience), and the other is around a month old and is a scanning and salvaging alt. i'd just include the alt for free, since she represents so little time on my part. the main character has a the skills to fly a hulk (best mining ship), pretty much all combat ships except a few specialty frigates, and has most of the important combat skills maxed out, including almost all shield, all capacitor, almost all armor, and all but three of the gunnery skills. the accounts have around a month left on them in terms of play time, and they've got about 1.5b ISK in assets. in other words, you'd be able to play with them for several months using the time cards available for purchase with in-game currency without paying a dime. contact me for more info. this isn't a definite yet, but i'm thinking hard about it.
  8. i believe that. i need it in excel, however, which is why i've gotta keep it where it is.
  9. i wound up using a few functions - primarily MATCH and INDEX - to just make it work with a few databoxes in the corner out of site. so it works now =) thanks anyways, guys, that concatenate code will be nice for future stuff i've got planned.
  10. actually, i figured out a different way. it's a little sloppier, but it makes it work with the broken database i got stuck with. so i'm good for now =) thanks for the info, justin - i had no idea what concatenate did originally, so that helps a lot.
  11. actually, wayward, that looks like what i want. can you notate that code a little more so that i can see where to plug stuff in? to be specific, the array is A40 to roughly M15750, with A being one set of numbers, B being one set of numbers, and G being the data i want pulled.
  12. phill - right idea, but your thingie doesn't work. try looking for 61 in A - it doesn't return anything, even though there's two with 125 in the second column. even if i change one of them to 124, so that there's only one combo of 61 and 125, it returns 0. nutritious - i'd prefer not to, since we're talking about 15k rows of data. i can't manually assign it special IDs without it taking for eeeeeever. unless you know a way to automatically combine two sets of datainto a stacked set? like, A is 24 and B is F, so C is 24F? because i might be able to make that work, although it'll be a butcher job. i guess i'm looking for a vlookup(DataInColumnA AND DataInColumnB) function. i'd think it's doable with an if function, but i don't know how to tell it to run the if row-by-row until it finds the right information. i tried to get an index or a match function to work in there [vlookup(match(somethingorother), match(somethingorother2)), but i couldn't figure out how to make it work. there doesn't appear to be an if-then-else function, just if A, else B function. i guess i have to do it sloppy, by having two references, then having a stacked set of if(then) statements. i was hoping for a simple solution, or one that i knew would work, since i don't know if i can make it work without searching the whole thing every time. thanks for the help, guys =)
  13. likely the drive isn't toast. he'd be getting write errors aplenty when attempting to transfer the data off if it was. likely it's a rootkit infector that ate his boot.ini and related files. with any version of windows, if you've turned off simple file sharing, you can easily go in and change, remove, or reset permissions, owner, etc on any file in any folder. it's how we used to delete the Vista and W7 folders in XP, where they're normally blocked from doing so thanks to administrative rights and file permissions.
  14. hey, folks. hopefully someone here knows more about excel than me. i'm trying to get a formula that'll reference two data points in different columns in the same row, and output a third data point in a different column of the same row. so, for example, i've got ten rows. i want it to look in rows for two specific data points in columns A and B, and when it finds a row with both, spit out whatever's in column C in that row into a box. i can't seem to get lookup, vlookup, match, index, or a combo of them to work properly. the biggest issue i have is that while column A is in numerical order, there are tons of repeats of the datapoint in column A (hence why i need B to be referenced as well). how do i do this?
  15. if it's causing a BSOD, it's because it's either broke your partition table or it's managed to delete essential windows processes that are required to reboot. i'm assuming you've already tried to boot into safe mode. your best option here is to just back up your files with an external enclosure onto another hard drive and reinstall windows. isn't this like the fifth time your computer got hosed by a virus? stop torrenting and P2Ping, man
  16. zircon, i didn't see this before. cobian backup 5 (i think it's 5) allows you to schedule anything you want. that's the backup i use, have used for years, and it's great. it's a versioning software, though, so you're going to get versions of files rather than the most recent version only. beyond that, bacula might be what you're looking for. edit: http://www.fbackup.com/?
  17. necrobump is when you bump a thread that's three pages old or more. it's easier to buy a 7200rpm drive initially, but you can always buy one later and upgrade. it's just annoying to either clone your drive over or reinstall everything. no, you can't daisy chain with firewire.
  18. n-n-n-n-necrobump! the mac SSDs are faster than standard hard drives, but they're not faster than equivalent drives. a better CPU will benefit more than a better HDD. go with the larger HDD. you alwasy, always, always need more.
  19. spring man knight man tengu man gravity man toad man i have never played a single mega man game, or heard the music beyond remixes. i just went through the thread and picked a couple random ones. here's to creativity, and hopes that people didn't pick terrible tracks
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