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prophetik music

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    prophetik music got a reaction from Matoya in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    edit: we're done! =D

    PROGRESS: 28/28 tracks finished! 
    i've always wanted to get back to the game that got me into remixing, and for the past six months or so, i've found myself listening to this soundtrack again more heavily as i have gotten back into writing music again. mitsuda's work on this album is timeless - the unique sound he created for CC is so consistently represented in these tracks that it's always apparent when you hear a song from the soundtracks. notably, his use of the arpeggiated minor 9th chord comes back again and again and never fails to inspire and move me.
    similar to the Link's Awakening project i directed, i'm interested in using a defined genre element for this project. ideally i'm thinking 20-25 tracks on a total of two discs - half fast/intense and half slow/languid. genre ideas for the first one would be faster rock, edm, or even intense film-style classical. genre ideas for the second would be chillstep, solo piano, groove, etc. the CC soundtrack combines some really fun and funky upbeat tracks with elements of mixed meter and ethnic instrumentation with some incredibly beautiful, more relaxed tunes that thrive on realistic articulation and great performances of solo instrumentation. i want to reflect both aspects of the game as clearly as possible. 
    note that i have no problem with the same tune being on both discs - i would love two versions of the same tune as long as they're heavily different and unique takes on the theme, one faster and one slower. also please note that i'm interested in sticking with an even number of tracks per disc - i'd like to not have 15 fast and 5 slow, for example, so when you note that you're interested in a track, please say which disc it might be on. since there's enough interest, i'll expand past 10 tracks/disc, but i still want to keep them roughly even.
    here's a tracklist. note that i've marked some songs as being repeats, arranged versions of the original, or just noise tracks - i've taken them out. 67 original tracks minus 12 repeats/arranges leaves us with 55 possible tracks. i'm leaving weirder or non-melodic ones like Grief and Fortress of Ancient Dragons on here because, honestly, i'd love to hear a remix of grief done well =) and now that Ophanin took it, you will! i'd encourage you to pick tracks that aren't super popular like Scars of Time and Frozen Flame, but of course would accept WiPs for those too. there's a lot of gems on this soundtrack that have never been remixed and i'd prefer to focus on them if possible.
    UPDATED: we're done, so there's no more room for music =D to reserve a track, contact me first! let me know what style you want to do and what track, and i'll let you know if it's something that should fit within my vision for the project. if i give you the go-ahead, a WiP or demo of what you want to do reserves it. all tracks are fair game until i've heard your vision realized. if i get a few of the same one, i'll determine which one we'll stick with.
    black is available, red is taken, green is done, gray is cut due to similarities with other tracks.
    [Disc 1]
    1.    "Chrono Cross ~ Scars of Time ~" (CHRONO CROSS ~時の傷痕~)    2:29 - claimed by @Tuberz McGee and @prophetik music
    2.    "Between Life and Death" (死線)    2:38
    3.    "Arni Village - Home World" (アルニ村 ホーム)    3:23 - taken by @VGPianoMan, finished
    4.    "Fields of Time - Home World" (時の草原 ホーム・ワールド)    3:26 - taken by @Earth Kid, finished
    5.    "Lizard Dance" (トカゲと踊れ)    2:41 - taken by @evktalo, finished
    6.    "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory ~" (回想 〜消せない想い〜)    3:25 - taken by @Jorito, finished x2!
    7.    "On the Beach of Dreams - Another World" (夢の岸辺に アナザー・ワールド)    2:22 - taken by @The Coop, finished
    8.    "Arni Village - Another World" (アルニ村 アナザー)    3:32 <- Mostly same as D1S03 "Arni Village - Home World"
    9.    "Ephemeral Memory" (うたかたの想い)    2:51 - taken by @OA, @Scaredsim, and @prophetik music, finished
    10.    "Lost Fragment" (失われた欠片)    3:12 <- Mostly same as D1S01 "Chrono Cross ~ Scars of Time"
    11.    "Drowned Valley" (溺れ谷)    2:00 - taken by @prophetik music, finished
    12.    "Termina - Another World" (テルミナ アナザー)    2:43 - taken by @Jorito and @Earth Kid, finished
    13.    "Departed Souls" (去りにし者ども)    3:43 - taken by @prophetik music, finished
    14.    "Forest of Illusion" (影切りの森)    3:25 - taken by @noTuX, finished
    15.    "Viper Manor" (蛇骨館)    2:54
    16.    "Victory ~ A Gift of Spring ~" (勝利 ~春の贈り物~)    0:56 - taken by @Hylian Lemon, finished
    17.    "A Child Lost in Time" (時の迷い子)    3:24
    18.    "Guldove - Another World" (ガルドーブ アナザー)    3:26
    19.    "Hydra's Swamp" (ヒドラの沼)    3:10
    20.    "Fragment of a Dream" (夢のかけら)    1:35 <- Music box version of D3S15 "Radical Dreamers ~ Unstolen Jewel"
    21.    "Voyage - Another World" (航海 アナザー・ワールド)    2:32
    22.    "Ghost Ship" (幽霊船)    2:00
    23.    "Death Volcano" (死炎山)    3:39 - taken by @prophetik music and Tacorina of Time, finished
    24.    "Fortress of Ancient Dragons" (古龍の砦)    3:54
    25.    "Grief" (悲愴)    0:20 - taken by @Ophanin, finished
    [Disc 2]
    1.    "Beginning of a Dream" (夢のはじまり)    0:42
    2.    "A Narrow Space Between Dimensions" (次元の狭間)    2:47 - taken by @Steven Melin, finished
    3.    "Termina - Home World" (テルミナ ホーム)    3:38
    4.    "Dragon Knight" (龍の騎士)    3:01
    5.    "Voyage - Home World" (航海 ホーム・ワールド)    3:22
    6.    "Guldove - Home World" (ガルドーブ ホーム)    3:58 - taken by @OA, finished
    7.    "Marbule - Home World" (マブーレ ホーム)    2:55 - taken by @Jorito and @Earth Kid
    8.    "Zelbess" (ゼルベス)    2:42
    9.    "The Splendidly Grand Magic Troupe" (天晴驚愕大奇術団)    1:31
    10.    "Nap" (まどろみ)    0:13
    11.    "Chronomantique" (クロノマンティーク)    3:18 <- Mostly same as D1S04 "Fields of Time - Home World"
    12.    "Dilemma" (窮地)    2:47
    13.    "Optimism" (楽天)    2:19
    14.    "Isle of the Dead" (亡者の島)    3:11
    15.    "Dead Sea/Tower of Destruction" (死海・滅びの塔)    3:10
    16.    "Prisoners of Fate" (運命に囚われし者たち)    3:26 - taken by @Ophanin, finished
    17.    "A Light for Lost Hopes" (あらかじめ失われし、ともしび)    0:32
    18.    "Island of the Earth Dragon" (土龍の島)    3:16
    19.    "Navel of the World" (世界のへそ)    2:59 - taken by @prophetik music, finished
    20.    "Gale" (疾風)    2:00
    21.    "Victory ~ A Cry in Summer ~" (勝利 ~夏の呼び声~)    0:53 <- Mostly same as D1S16 "Victory ~ A Gift of Spring"
    22.    "Marbule - Another World" (マブーレ アナザー)    3:00 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves"
    23.    "Magic from the Fairies" (妖精のくれた魔法)    0:13 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves"
    24.    "Etude 1" (エチュード1)    0:12 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves"
    25.    "Etude 2" (エチュード2)    0:14 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves"
    26.    "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves ~" (MAGICAL DREAMERS ~風と星と波と~)    2:02
    [Disc 3]
    1.    "Garden of God" (神の庭)    2:45 - taken by @prophetik music, janna mckinley, and @Cyril the Wolf, finished
    2.    "Chronopolis" (クロノポリス)    4:12 - taken by @bLiNd, finished
    3.    "Fate ~ The God of Destiny ~" (FATES ~運命の神~)    3:10
    4.    "Jellyfish Sea" (海月海)    2:55 - taken by @avaris, finished
    5.    "Burning Orphanage" (炎の孤児院)    2:44
    6.    "The Girl Who Stole the Stars" (星を盗んだ少女)    3:48 - taken by @Wiesty, finished
    7.    "The Dream that Time Dreams" (時のみる夢)    4:01
    8.    "Dragon's Prayer" (龍の祈り)    5:37 - taken by @prophetik music, finished
    9.    "Terra Tower" (星の塔)    2:26
    10.    "Frozen Flame" (凍てついた炎)    2:54 - taken by @Ophanin, finished
    11.    "Dragon God" (龍神)    3:21
    12.    "Dark Realms of Time" (時の闇にて)    0:42 <- Just noise
    13.    "Life ~ A Distant Promise ~" (生命 ~遠い約束~)    6:32 - taken by @prophetik music, janna mckinley, and @Cyril the Wolf, finished
    14.    "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory ~" (回想 ~消せない想い~)    1:39 <- Mostly same as D1S06 "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory"
    15.    "Radical Dreamers ~ Unstolen Jewel ~" (RADICAL DREAMERS ~盗めない宝石~)    4:25 - taken by @DragonAvenger and @prophetik music, finished
    16.    "Fragment of a Dream" (夢のかけら)    2:00 <- Music box version of D3S13 "Life ~ A Distant Promise"

    things i'll still need:
    release mirrors, when the time comes website design and hosting - @Jorito! some artwork would be nice! CC has some incredible visuals that would be great to capture. alternatively, some screenshots from the game would be cool too - DeviantArt and Reddit came through for this! i will look into a forum area we can work out of in order to be more organized, but ideally we'll use a private ocr forum section - nah, everyone was too quick in terms of expectations, please note that while i don't expect you to burn out a track in two weeks, i will not accept extended absences without you at least telling me what's going on. my goal for every project i work on is to discharge my obligations as quickly as possible, and i will expect that you're actively working on your track to get it completed within a reasonable amount of time. i personally have no issue filling in gaps where they appear so i can always pick up the slack where it appears. i've got two small children and limited time to work on music, but i'll make sure to do my best to be just as prompt and active in managing this as i am expecting you as a remixer to be in your writing. let's work together and create something really special.
    remix list (subject to change):
    disc 1: FROZEN (slow)
    1. "Departed Souls" [prophetik]
    2. "On the Beach of Dreams" [the coop]
    3. "The Girl Who Stole the Stars" [wiesty]
    4. "Ephemeral Memory" [OA, Scaredsim, and prophetik]
    5. "Forest of Illusion" [noTux]
    6. "Jellyfish Sea" [avaris]
    7. "Grief" [Ophanin]
    8. "Prisoners of Fate" [Ophanin]
    9. "Chronopolis" [bLiNd]
    10. "Radical Dreamers" [DragonAvenger, Chris ~ Amaterasu, and prophetik]
    11. "A Narrow Space Between Dimensions" [Steven Melin]
    12. "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory" [Jorito]
    13. "Fields of Time - Home World" [Earth Kid]
    14. "Radical Dreamers" (alt) [Chris ~ Amaterasu and prophetik]
    disc 2: FLAME (fast)
    1. "Lizard Dance" [evktalo]
    2. "Navel of the World" [prophetik music]
    3. "Dragon's Prayer" [prophetik music]
    4. "Drowned Valley" [prophetik music]
    5. "Arni Village - Home World" [Steven Melin]
    6. "Guldove - Home World" [OCU]
    7. "Life ~ A Distant Promise" and "Garden of Gods" (alt) [prophetik, cyril the wolf, and JohnStacy]
    8. "Frozen Flame [Ophanin]
    9. "Scars of Time" [Tuberz McGee and prophetik]
    10. "Victory ~ A Gift of Spring" [Hylian Lemon]
    11. "Life ~ A Distant Promise" and "Garden of Gods" [prophetik, cyril the wolf, and janna mckinley]
    12. "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory" (alt) [Jorito, JoyDreamer]
    13. "Death Volcano" [prophetik and Tacorina of Time]
    14. "Another Termina" [Jorito and Earth Kid]
  2. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from Black_Doom in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    edit: we're done! =D

    PROGRESS: 28/28 tracks finished! 
    i've always wanted to get back to the game that got me into remixing, and for the past six months or so, i've found myself listening to this soundtrack again more heavily as i have gotten back into writing music again. mitsuda's work on this album is timeless - the unique sound he created for CC is so consistently represented in these tracks that it's always apparent when you hear a song from the soundtracks. notably, his use of the arpeggiated minor 9th chord comes back again and again and never fails to inspire and move me.
    similar to the Link's Awakening project i directed, i'm interested in using a defined genre element for this project. ideally i'm thinking 20-25 tracks on a total of two discs - half fast/intense and half slow/languid. genre ideas for the first one would be faster rock, edm, or even intense film-style classical. genre ideas for the second would be chillstep, solo piano, groove, etc. the CC soundtrack combines some really fun and funky upbeat tracks with elements of mixed meter and ethnic instrumentation with some incredibly beautiful, more relaxed tunes that thrive on realistic articulation and great performances of solo instrumentation. i want to reflect both aspects of the game as clearly as possible. 
    note that i have no problem with the same tune being on both discs - i would love two versions of the same tune as long as they're heavily different and unique takes on the theme, one faster and one slower. also please note that i'm interested in sticking with an even number of tracks per disc - i'd like to not have 15 fast and 5 slow, for example, so when you note that you're interested in a track, please say which disc it might be on. since there's enough interest, i'll expand past 10 tracks/disc, but i still want to keep them roughly even.
    here's a tracklist. note that i've marked some songs as being repeats, arranged versions of the original, or just noise tracks - i've taken them out. 67 original tracks minus 12 repeats/arranges leaves us with 55 possible tracks. i'm leaving weirder or non-melodic ones like Grief and Fortress of Ancient Dragons on here because, honestly, i'd love to hear a remix of grief done well =) and now that Ophanin took it, you will! i'd encourage you to pick tracks that aren't super popular like Scars of Time and Frozen Flame, but of course would accept WiPs for those too. there's a lot of gems on this soundtrack that have never been remixed and i'd prefer to focus on them if possible.
    UPDATED: we're done, so there's no more room for music =D to reserve a track, contact me first! let me know what style you want to do and what track, and i'll let you know if it's something that should fit within my vision for the project. if i give you the go-ahead, a WiP or demo of what you want to do reserves it. all tracks are fair game until i've heard your vision realized. if i get a few of the same one, i'll determine which one we'll stick with.
    black is available, red is taken, green is done, gray is cut due to similarities with other tracks.
    [Disc 1]
    1.    "Chrono Cross ~ Scars of Time ~" (CHRONO CROSS ~時の傷痕~)    2:29 - claimed by @Tuberz McGee and @prophetik music
    2.    "Between Life and Death" (死線)    2:38
    3.    "Arni Village - Home World" (アルニ村 ホーム)    3:23 - taken by @VGPianoMan, finished
    4.    "Fields of Time - Home World" (時の草原 ホーム・ワールド)    3:26 - taken by @Earth Kid, finished
    5.    "Lizard Dance" (トカゲと踊れ)    2:41 - taken by @evktalo, finished
    6.    "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory ~" (回想 〜消せない想い〜)    3:25 - taken by @Jorito, finished x2!
    7.    "On the Beach of Dreams - Another World" (夢の岸辺に アナザー・ワールド)    2:22 - taken by @The Coop, finished
    8.    "Arni Village - Another World" (アルニ村 アナザー)    3:32 <- Mostly same as D1S03 "Arni Village - Home World"
    9.    "Ephemeral Memory" (うたかたの想い)    2:51 - taken by @OA, @Scaredsim, and @prophetik music, finished
    10.    "Lost Fragment" (失われた欠片)    3:12 <- Mostly same as D1S01 "Chrono Cross ~ Scars of Time"
    11.    "Drowned Valley" (溺れ谷)    2:00 - taken by @prophetik music, finished
    12.    "Termina - Another World" (テルミナ アナザー)    2:43 - taken by @Jorito and @Earth Kid, finished
    13.    "Departed Souls" (去りにし者ども)    3:43 - taken by @prophetik music, finished
    14.    "Forest of Illusion" (影切りの森)    3:25 - taken by @noTuX, finished
    15.    "Viper Manor" (蛇骨館)    2:54
    16.    "Victory ~ A Gift of Spring ~" (勝利 ~春の贈り物~)    0:56 - taken by @Hylian Lemon, finished
    17.    "A Child Lost in Time" (時の迷い子)    3:24
    18.    "Guldove - Another World" (ガルドーブ アナザー)    3:26
    19.    "Hydra's Swamp" (ヒドラの沼)    3:10
    20.    "Fragment of a Dream" (夢のかけら)    1:35 <- Music box version of D3S15 "Radical Dreamers ~ Unstolen Jewel"
    21.    "Voyage - Another World" (航海 アナザー・ワールド)    2:32
    22.    "Ghost Ship" (幽霊船)    2:00
    23.    "Death Volcano" (死炎山)    3:39 - taken by @prophetik music and Tacorina of Time, finished
    24.    "Fortress of Ancient Dragons" (古龍の砦)    3:54
    25.    "Grief" (悲愴)    0:20 - taken by @Ophanin, finished
    [Disc 2]
    1.    "Beginning of a Dream" (夢のはじまり)    0:42
    2.    "A Narrow Space Between Dimensions" (次元の狭間)    2:47 - taken by @Steven Melin, finished
    3.    "Termina - Home World" (テルミナ ホーム)    3:38
    4.    "Dragon Knight" (龍の騎士)    3:01
    5.    "Voyage - Home World" (航海 ホーム・ワールド)    3:22
    6.    "Guldove - Home World" (ガルドーブ ホーム)    3:58 - taken by @OA, finished
    7.    "Marbule - Home World" (マブーレ ホーム)    2:55 - taken by @Jorito and @Earth Kid
    8.    "Zelbess" (ゼルベス)    2:42
    9.    "The Splendidly Grand Magic Troupe" (天晴驚愕大奇術団)    1:31
    10.    "Nap" (まどろみ)    0:13
    11.    "Chronomantique" (クロノマンティーク)    3:18 <- Mostly same as D1S04 "Fields of Time - Home World"
    12.    "Dilemma" (窮地)    2:47
    13.    "Optimism" (楽天)    2:19
    14.    "Isle of the Dead" (亡者の島)    3:11
    15.    "Dead Sea/Tower of Destruction" (死海・滅びの塔)    3:10
    16.    "Prisoners of Fate" (運命に囚われし者たち)    3:26 - taken by @Ophanin, finished
    17.    "A Light for Lost Hopes" (あらかじめ失われし、ともしび)    0:32
    18.    "Island of the Earth Dragon" (土龍の島)    3:16
    19.    "Navel of the World" (世界のへそ)    2:59 - taken by @prophetik music, finished
    20.    "Gale" (疾風)    2:00
    21.    "Victory ~ A Cry in Summer ~" (勝利 ~夏の呼び声~)    0:53 <- Mostly same as D1S16 "Victory ~ A Gift of Spring"
    22.    "Marbule - Another World" (マブーレ アナザー)    3:00 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves"
    23.    "Magic from the Fairies" (妖精のくれた魔法)    0:13 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves"
    24.    "Etude 1" (エチュード1)    0:12 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves"
    25.    "Etude 2" (エチュード2)    0:14 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves"
    26.    "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves ~" (MAGICAL DREAMERS ~風と星と波と~)    2:02
    [Disc 3]
    1.    "Garden of God" (神の庭)    2:45 - taken by @prophetik music, janna mckinley, and @Cyril the Wolf, finished
    2.    "Chronopolis" (クロノポリス)    4:12 - taken by @bLiNd, finished
    3.    "Fate ~ The God of Destiny ~" (FATES ~運命の神~)    3:10
    4.    "Jellyfish Sea" (海月海)    2:55 - taken by @avaris, finished
    5.    "Burning Orphanage" (炎の孤児院)    2:44
    6.    "The Girl Who Stole the Stars" (星を盗んだ少女)    3:48 - taken by @Wiesty, finished
    7.    "The Dream that Time Dreams" (時のみる夢)    4:01
    8.    "Dragon's Prayer" (龍の祈り)    5:37 - taken by @prophetik music, finished
    9.    "Terra Tower" (星の塔)    2:26
    10.    "Frozen Flame" (凍てついた炎)    2:54 - taken by @Ophanin, finished
    11.    "Dragon God" (龍神)    3:21
    12.    "Dark Realms of Time" (時の闇にて)    0:42 <- Just noise
    13.    "Life ~ A Distant Promise ~" (生命 ~遠い約束~)    6:32 - taken by @prophetik music, janna mckinley, and @Cyril the Wolf, finished
    14.    "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory ~" (回想 ~消せない想い~)    1:39 <- Mostly same as D1S06 "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory"
    15.    "Radical Dreamers ~ Unstolen Jewel ~" (RADICAL DREAMERS ~盗めない宝石~)    4:25 - taken by @DragonAvenger and @prophetik music, finished
    16.    "Fragment of a Dream" (夢のかけら)    2:00 <- Music box version of D3S13 "Life ~ A Distant Promise"

    things i'll still need:
    release mirrors, when the time comes website design and hosting - @Jorito! some artwork would be nice! CC has some incredible visuals that would be great to capture. alternatively, some screenshots from the game would be cool too - DeviantArt and Reddit came through for this! i will look into a forum area we can work out of in order to be more organized, but ideally we'll use a private ocr forum section - nah, everyone was too quick in terms of expectations, please note that while i don't expect you to burn out a track in two weeks, i will not accept extended absences without you at least telling me what's going on. my goal for every project i work on is to discharge my obligations as quickly as possible, and i will expect that you're actively working on your track to get it completed within a reasonable amount of time. i personally have no issue filling in gaps where they appear so i can always pick up the slack where it appears. i've got two small children and limited time to work on music, but i'll make sure to do my best to be just as prompt and active in managing this as i am expecting you as a remixer to be in your writing. let's work together and create something really special.
    remix list (subject to change):
    disc 1: FROZEN (slow)
    1. "Departed Souls" [prophetik]
    2. "On the Beach of Dreams" [the coop]
    3. "The Girl Who Stole the Stars" [wiesty]
    4. "Ephemeral Memory" [OA, Scaredsim, and prophetik]
    5. "Forest of Illusion" [noTux]
    6. "Jellyfish Sea" [avaris]
    7. "Grief" [Ophanin]
    8. "Prisoners of Fate" [Ophanin]
    9. "Chronopolis" [bLiNd]
    10. "Radical Dreamers" [DragonAvenger, Chris ~ Amaterasu, and prophetik]
    11. "A Narrow Space Between Dimensions" [Steven Melin]
    12. "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory" [Jorito]
    13. "Fields of Time - Home World" [Earth Kid]
    14. "Radical Dreamers" (alt) [Chris ~ Amaterasu and prophetik]
    disc 2: FLAME (fast)
    1. "Lizard Dance" [evktalo]
    2. "Navel of the World" [prophetik music]
    3. "Dragon's Prayer" [prophetik music]
    4. "Drowned Valley" [prophetik music]
    5. "Arni Village - Home World" [Steven Melin]
    6. "Guldove - Home World" [OCU]
    7. "Life ~ A Distant Promise" and "Garden of Gods" (alt) [prophetik, cyril the wolf, and JohnStacy]
    8. "Frozen Flame [Ophanin]
    9. "Scars of Time" [Tuberz McGee and prophetik]
    10. "Victory ~ A Gift of Spring" [Hylian Lemon]
    11. "Life ~ A Distant Promise" and "Garden of Gods" [prophetik, cyril the wolf, and janna mckinley]
    12. "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory" (alt) [Jorito, JoyDreamer]
    13. "Death Volcano" [prophetik and Tacorina of Time]
    14. "Another Termina" [Jorito and Earth Kid]
  3. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from Neemux in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    edit: we're done! =D

    PROGRESS: 28/28 tracks finished! 
    i've always wanted to get back to the game that got me into remixing, and for the past six months or so, i've found myself listening to this soundtrack again more heavily as i have gotten back into writing music again. mitsuda's work on this album is timeless - the unique sound he created for CC is so consistently represented in these tracks that it's always apparent when you hear a song from the soundtracks. notably, his use of the arpeggiated minor 9th chord comes back again and again and never fails to inspire and move me.
    similar to the Link's Awakening project i directed, i'm interested in using a defined genre element for this project. ideally i'm thinking 20-25 tracks on a total of two discs - half fast/intense and half slow/languid. genre ideas for the first one would be faster rock, edm, or even intense film-style classical. genre ideas for the second would be chillstep, solo piano, groove, etc. the CC soundtrack combines some really fun and funky upbeat tracks with elements of mixed meter and ethnic instrumentation with some incredibly beautiful, more relaxed tunes that thrive on realistic articulation and great performances of solo instrumentation. i want to reflect both aspects of the game as clearly as possible. 
    note that i have no problem with the same tune being on both discs - i would love two versions of the same tune as long as they're heavily different and unique takes on the theme, one faster and one slower. also please note that i'm interested in sticking with an even number of tracks per disc - i'd like to not have 15 fast and 5 slow, for example, so when you note that you're interested in a track, please say which disc it might be on. since there's enough interest, i'll expand past 10 tracks/disc, but i still want to keep them roughly even.
    here's a tracklist. note that i've marked some songs as being repeats, arranged versions of the original, or just noise tracks - i've taken them out. 67 original tracks minus 12 repeats/arranges leaves us with 55 possible tracks. i'm leaving weirder or non-melodic ones like Grief and Fortress of Ancient Dragons on here because, honestly, i'd love to hear a remix of grief done well =) and now that Ophanin took it, you will! i'd encourage you to pick tracks that aren't super popular like Scars of Time and Frozen Flame, but of course would accept WiPs for those too. there's a lot of gems on this soundtrack that have never been remixed and i'd prefer to focus on them if possible.
    UPDATED: we're done, so there's no more room for music =D to reserve a track, contact me first! let me know what style you want to do and what track, and i'll let you know if it's something that should fit within my vision for the project. if i give you the go-ahead, a WiP or demo of what you want to do reserves it. all tracks are fair game until i've heard your vision realized. if i get a few of the same one, i'll determine which one we'll stick with.
    black is available, red is taken, green is done, gray is cut due to similarities with other tracks.
    [Disc 1]
    1.    "Chrono Cross ~ Scars of Time ~" (CHRONO CROSS ~時の傷痕~)    2:29 - claimed by @Tuberz McGee and @prophetik music
    2.    "Between Life and Death" (死線)    2:38
    3.    "Arni Village - Home World" (アルニ村 ホーム)    3:23 - taken by @VGPianoMan, finished
    4.    "Fields of Time - Home World" (時の草原 ホーム・ワールド)    3:26 - taken by @Earth Kid, finished
    5.    "Lizard Dance" (トカゲと踊れ)    2:41 - taken by @evktalo, finished
    6.    "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory ~" (回想 〜消せない想い〜)    3:25 - taken by @Jorito, finished x2!
    7.    "On the Beach of Dreams - Another World" (夢の岸辺に アナザー・ワールド)    2:22 - taken by @The Coop, finished
    8.    "Arni Village - Another World" (アルニ村 アナザー)    3:32 <- Mostly same as D1S03 "Arni Village - Home World"
    9.    "Ephemeral Memory" (うたかたの想い)    2:51 - taken by @OA, @Scaredsim, and @prophetik music, finished
    10.    "Lost Fragment" (失われた欠片)    3:12 <- Mostly same as D1S01 "Chrono Cross ~ Scars of Time"
    11.    "Drowned Valley" (溺れ谷)    2:00 - taken by @prophetik music, finished
    12.    "Termina - Another World" (テルミナ アナザー)    2:43 - taken by @Jorito and @Earth Kid, finished
    13.    "Departed Souls" (去りにし者ども)    3:43 - taken by @prophetik music, finished
    14.    "Forest of Illusion" (影切りの森)    3:25 - taken by @noTuX, finished
    15.    "Viper Manor" (蛇骨館)    2:54
    16.    "Victory ~ A Gift of Spring ~" (勝利 ~春の贈り物~)    0:56 - taken by @Hylian Lemon, finished
    17.    "A Child Lost in Time" (時の迷い子)    3:24
    18.    "Guldove - Another World" (ガルドーブ アナザー)    3:26
    19.    "Hydra's Swamp" (ヒドラの沼)    3:10
    20.    "Fragment of a Dream" (夢のかけら)    1:35 <- Music box version of D3S15 "Radical Dreamers ~ Unstolen Jewel"
    21.    "Voyage - Another World" (航海 アナザー・ワールド)    2:32
    22.    "Ghost Ship" (幽霊船)    2:00
    23.    "Death Volcano" (死炎山)    3:39 - taken by @prophetik music and Tacorina of Time, finished
    24.    "Fortress of Ancient Dragons" (古龍の砦)    3:54
    25.    "Grief" (悲愴)    0:20 - taken by @Ophanin, finished
    [Disc 2]
    1.    "Beginning of a Dream" (夢のはじまり)    0:42
    2.    "A Narrow Space Between Dimensions" (次元の狭間)    2:47 - taken by @Steven Melin, finished
    3.    "Termina - Home World" (テルミナ ホーム)    3:38
    4.    "Dragon Knight" (龍の騎士)    3:01
    5.    "Voyage - Home World" (航海 ホーム・ワールド)    3:22
    6.    "Guldove - Home World" (ガルドーブ ホーム)    3:58 - taken by @OA, finished
    7.    "Marbule - Home World" (マブーレ ホーム)    2:55 - taken by @Jorito and @Earth Kid
    8.    "Zelbess" (ゼルベス)    2:42
    9.    "The Splendidly Grand Magic Troupe" (天晴驚愕大奇術団)    1:31
    10.    "Nap" (まどろみ)    0:13
    11.    "Chronomantique" (クロノマンティーク)    3:18 <- Mostly same as D1S04 "Fields of Time - Home World"
    12.    "Dilemma" (窮地)    2:47
    13.    "Optimism" (楽天)    2:19
    14.    "Isle of the Dead" (亡者の島)    3:11
    15.    "Dead Sea/Tower of Destruction" (死海・滅びの塔)    3:10
    16.    "Prisoners of Fate" (運命に囚われし者たち)    3:26 - taken by @Ophanin, finished
    17.    "A Light for Lost Hopes" (あらかじめ失われし、ともしび)    0:32
    18.    "Island of the Earth Dragon" (土龍の島)    3:16
    19.    "Navel of the World" (世界のへそ)    2:59 - taken by @prophetik music, finished
    20.    "Gale" (疾風)    2:00
    21.    "Victory ~ A Cry in Summer ~" (勝利 ~夏の呼び声~)    0:53 <- Mostly same as D1S16 "Victory ~ A Gift of Spring"
    22.    "Marbule - Another World" (マブーレ アナザー)    3:00 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves"
    23.    "Magic from the Fairies" (妖精のくれた魔法)    0:13 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves"
    24.    "Etude 1" (エチュード1)    0:12 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves"
    25.    "Etude 2" (エチュード2)    0:14 <- Mostly same as D2S26 "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves"
    26.    "Magical Dreamers ~ The Wind, Stars, and Waves ~" (MAGICAL DREAMERS ~風と星と波と~)    2:02
    [Disc 3]
    1.    "Garden of God" (神の庭)    2:45 - taken by @prophetik music, janna mckinley, and @Cyril the Wolf, finished
    2.    "Chronopolis" (クロノポリス)    4:12 - taken by @bLiNd, finished
    3.    "Fate ~ The God of Destiny ~" (FATES ~運命の神~)    3:10
    4.    "Jellyfish Sea" (海月海)    2:55 - taken by @avaris, finished
    5.    "Burning Orphanage" (炎の孤児院)    2:44
    6.    "The Girl Who Stole the Stars" (星を盗んだ少女)    3:48 - taken by @Wiesty, finished
    7.    "The Dream that Time Dreams" (時のみる夢)    4:01
    8.    "Dragon's Prayer" (龍の祈り)    5:37 - taken by @prophetik music, finished
    9.    "Terra Tower" (星の塔)    2:26
    10.    "Frozen Flame" (凍てついた炎)    2:54 - taken by @Ophanin, finished
    11.    "Dragon God" (龍神)    3:21
    12.    "Dark Realms of Time" (時の闇にて)    0:42 <- Just noise
    13.    "Life ~ A Distant Promise ~" (生命 ~遠い約束~)    6:32 - taken by @prophetik music, janna mckinley, and @Cyril the Wolf, finished
    14.    "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory ~" (回想 ~消せない想い~)    1:39 <- Mostly same as D1S06 "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory"
    15.    "Radical Dreamers ~ Unstolen Jewel ~" (RADICAL DREAMERS ~盗めない宝石~)    4:25 - taken by @DragonAvenger and @prophetik music, finished
    16.    "Fragment of a Dream" (夢のかけら)    2:00 <- Music box version of D3S13 "Life ~ A Distant Promise"

    things i'll still need:
    release mirrors, when the time comes website design and hosting - @Jorito! some artwork would be nice! CC has some incredible visuals that would be great to capture. alternatively, some screenshots from the game would be cool too - DeviantArt and Reddit came through for this! i will look into a forum area we can work out of in order to be more organized, but ideally we'll use a private ocr forum section - nah, everyone was too quick in terms of expectations, please note that while i don't expect you to burn out a track in two weeks, i will not accept extended absences without you at least telling me what's going on. my goal for every project i work on is to discharge my obligations as quickly as possible, and i will expect that you're actively working on your track to get it completed within a reasonable amount of time. i personally have no issue filling in gaps where they appear so i can always pick up the slack where it appears. i've got two small children and limited time to work on music, but i'll make sure to do my best to be just as prompt and active in managing this as i am expecting you as a remixer to be in your writing. let's work together and create something really special.
    remix list (subject to change):
    disc 1: FROZEN (slow)
    1. "Departed Souls" [prophetik]
    2. "On the Beach of Dreams" [the coop]
    3. "The Girl Who Stole the Stars" [wiesty]
    4. "Ephemeral Memory" [OA, Scaredsim, and prophetik]
    5. "Forest of Illusion" [noTux]
    6. "Jellyfish Sea" [avaris]
    7. "Grief" [Ophanin]
    8. "Prisoners of Fate" [Ophanin]
    9. "Chronopolis" [bLiNd]
    10. "Radical Dreamers" [DragonAvenger, Chris ~ Amaterasu, and prophetik]
    11. "A Narrow Space Between Dimensions" [Steven Melin]
    12. "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory" [Jorito]
    13. "Fields of Time - Home World" [Earth Kid]
    14. "Radical Dreamers" (alt) [Chris ~ Amaterasu and prophetik]
    disc 2: FLAME (fast)
    1. "Lizard Dance" [evktalo]
    2. "Navel of the World" [prophetik music]
    3. "Dragon's Prayer" [prophetik music]
    4. "Drowned Valley" [prophetik music]
    5. "Arni Village - Home World" [Steven Melin]
    6. "Guldove - Home World" [OCU]
    7. "Life ~ A Distant Promise" and "Garden of Gods" (alt) [prophetik, cyril the wolf, and JohnStacy]
    8. "Frozen Flame [Ophanin]
    9. "Scars of Time" [Tuberz McGee and prophetik]
    10. "Victory ~ A Gift of Spring" [Hylian Lemon]
    11. "Life ~ A Distant Promise" and "Garden of Gods" [prophetik, cyril the wolf, and janna mckinley]
    12. "Reminiscing ~ Uneraseable Memory" (alt) [Jorito, JoyDreamer]
    13. "Death Volcano" [prophetik and Tacorina of Time]
    14. "Another Termina" [Jorito and Earth Kid]
  4. Like
    prophetik music reacted to Wiesty in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    @prophetik music
    I would love to hop on board man! Hopefully I can get some sort of WIP to you before things fill up...things are a bit crazy over here!
  5. Like
    prophetik music reacted to The Coop in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    I'll get something to you later tonight. I want to get the WIP up to at least about a minute.
  6. Like
    prophetik music reacted to Wiesty in Chronopolis: Music Inspired by Chrono Cross - History   
    Oh man, here we go radical dreamers v2.0!!!
  7. Like
    prophetik music reacted to Bironzu in I want to build you a computer   
    That's my computer! =D
    For anyone seeing this thread thinking about having a computer built, Brad was awesome!
    I just got a job out of school and actually have disposable income now so I wanted a custom-built computer. I know virtually nothing about hardware, and Brad answered all of my countless questions, and also offered a lot of other great advice and feedback. 10/10 would buy again.
  8. Like
    prophetik music reacted to Flexstyle in OCR Secret Santa 2016   
    And it was probably my favorite Christmas gift of the year!
    I'm in as well. Hoping to get someone with a creative list this time, too!
  9. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in OCR Secret Santa 2016   
    i'm in!
    a reminder - make your 'list' of stuff unique and fun! it's cool to just get whatever you say you want, but it's more cool to say a bunch of weird stuff and then get something really interesting or fun or unique or creative. i gave flexstyle a vinyl album, some artisan hot chocolate, and cans of a hard-to-find soda last year. not much gaming but still a fun thing to do. i'd never have done that if he hadn't had crazy stuff on his wishlist =)
  10. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from Flexstyle in OCR Secret Santa 2016   
    i'm in!
    a reminder - make your 'list' of stuff unique and fun! it's cool to just get whatever you say you want, but it's more cool to say a bunch of weird stuff and then get something really interesting or fun or unique or creative. i gave flexstyle a vinyl album, some artisan hot chocolate, and cans of a hard-to-find soda last year. not much gaming but still a fun thing to do. i'd never have done that if he hadn't had crazy stuff on his wishlist =)
  11. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from Anorax in I want to build you a computer   
    here's a bump. i did a build for a member of ocr who said i could post pictures! so here's a few =) this was a small form-factor build with a really reasonable price point considering the hardware in there. it's got something wonky with the in-Windows temp sensor so the BIOS reports it correctly but hwmonitor doesn't, but it appears to be idling at 24c (75F, in a 67F room) and under max CPU load and heat stress stays below 40c. really incredible machine, considering how quiet it is. just doing the burn-in and then it's ready to ship.
    the specs:
    cpu: i5-6600 graphics card: gtx 1060 mobo: ga-h170n-wifi ram: g.skill 1x8gb ddr4 2400 ssd: kingston 240gb hdd: wd blue 1tb psu: corsair cx600 cpu cooler: h60 odd: asus dvd-rw case: corsair obsidian 250d os: W10
    can i take a few minutes and talk about this case? this case is incredible for the price (85$). it's so well thought-out. so much room for wire routing, so many little nooks to stash stuff, and the fans it comes with are easily 30$ worth up front. i mean, look at how open this is! for a mini-itx case, having this much room to work with is fantastic. it also is well designed to keep each major component in its own thermal zone. the psu draws and vents directly outside the case with no internal air used. the gfx card can do that as well with an EE-type card, but even this one mostly draws and vents directly outside the case. and that little notch in the ODD tray? that's to allow for gfx card power plugs to fit in there easily, so you don't have to pull the ODD tray to take out a long card. so simple, so effective. another QOL thing - there's a notch by the P4 connector to allow you to route that cable behind the motherboard easier, so you don't have a big stray cable right there. the front panel cords are 3x as long as they need to be to allow for routing as well. and - probably the coolest part of the design - it's made so that the psu and hdd bays are externally accessible, so you don't need to climb into the case to access either. so nice for the price, easily the most fun working on this case that i've ever done. and it fits in the tiny case form factor!

    here it is with the cpu cooler in the wrong spot. i had some issues getting that in there along with the ODD - i wanted the pipes to go up, but they interfere with the ODD, and then i wanted them like this, but it blocks both RAM slots then. i wound up with them down, which creates the possibility of air bubbles within the pipes, but this should be fine. these close-loop systems rarely have issues with air and i couldn't hear bubbles after several minutes listening with a stethoscope for cavitation. note the size of the gfx card, up for comparison. it's almost the exact length of the inside of the case

    here's a pic with everything in. look at how clean the sight lines are for the center of the case. there's one cable - the USB3 cable, which i couldn't hide thanks to the mobo design - and that's it. also note the gfx power (yellow/black on bottom right) in that slot. really nice design there.

    a final shot of it all buttoned up. again, look at those sight lines. a nice psu (or one with individually sleeved cables) and some cold cathodes and this design is a work of art, hiding all the junk but leaving a ton of view space.

    a size comparison. i have a fairly small wallet. this case is really freaking tiny.

    hanging out with my gaming system, server, and music pc. i swear those cords are normally hidden.

  12. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from TheChargingRhino in Sale/Want 3.0   
    both the MS store credit and the game are gone.
    i am, however, continuing to debate selling my music workstation. it's an older i7 (8 cores @3ghz) and 16gb DDR3 ram, with a couple TB of storage and a discrete graphics card for multi-monitor setups, in a really over-large rackmount case. it still handles large projects pretty easily, thanks to the huge amount of cores and the excellent i7 architecture, but would get blow up by any current i7 on the market. i could sell it within driving distance of rochester ny for probably 400$ OBO, or shipped for 50-100 more (i'd need a new case for it) plus shipping, likely around 30-40$ for a system of this size. i'd be amenable to trades as well, since it's just taking up space and i don't have any sunken investment in it.
    it is, however, way more computer than you could ever get for 400ish$, so if you're interested, let me know and we can talk it out.
    edit: forgot to mention that this is basically a perfect slave machine if you want to get into that kind of setup. tons of cpu power, no fancy extra crap.
  13. Like
    prophetik music reacted to OceansAndrew in Lonely gamer doesn't know how to make friends anymore.   
    it was fun last night playing league - i'd definitely do some more of that.  
  14. Like
    prophetik music reacted to OceansAndrew in OCR monetizing mixes on YouTube   
    The only thing embarrassing was how you handled yourself here.
    You have a historical pattern of this, and I am personally done with it. 
  15. Like
    prophetik music reacted to Chimpazilla in OCR monetizing mixes on YouTube   
    I have to call this out.  What total bullshit this statement is.  You started this, which ultimately I think was a good thing because it got the ball rolling on some good things, but you set the angry and accusatory tone right from post #1 and maintained it for 14 pages of thread.  We are all getting too old for this.
    Are you even serious?  Dave began providing solid, undeniable answers right from the start.  You continued screaming.
    They are pissed at you because you made incredibly insulting and darn-near libel-worthy accusations claiming you had actual evidence.  You dragged OCR and Dave specifically through the mud, and not just here.
    Whatever.  You need to clean up your act in a very big way.  You had Dave on the border of insanity yesterday and I'm REALLY not ok with that.  I'm sorry but this just needs to be said.
  16. Like
    prophetik music reacted to Liontamer in OCR monetizing mixes on YouTube   
    Have to include some new stuff from Brandon that continues to assume the worst about how OCR is run, including the belief that mixes from popular games were posted in order to maximize YouTube revenue (ignoring all the less popular games we posted mixes from). I want to be sure people can see these accusations. My responses below:
    Sagnewshreds, on 15 Aug 2016 - 01:46 AM, said:
    Need to be clear that Brandon wasn't blamed for "misrepresenting" the situation, as if it were just a difference of opinion. Despite pages of discussion and details, he's continued with over-the-top conspiracy theories, fake claims of evidence, and conclusions in bad faith that were literally libel. We believe the Content Policy gives OCR the permission to republish the mixes on other sites and present advertising in the context of the submitted materials, that fair use allows us to do this without licensing the music, with the revenue going to OC ReMix as an organization and that all revenue is disallowed from being used for profit. He doesn't agree with that point of view, and that should have been the focus of his issues. But negative concerns weren't brushed aside as he claims, and Brandon wasn't the only person who shared them. He also claims there were no apologies and that no commitment was made to transparency and legality. People can read through this thread and see all of the back-and-forth. Everything brought up was addressed. I will say that Brandon is very good at projection, since demonizing people, being disrespectful, and displaying a lack of trust & goodwill are things he was great at in this discussion.
    One thing not mentioned before is that enabling YouTube ads increases the search ranking of the content, the same way that enabling ratings does. Back when we started the YT channel, we actually disabled ratings for everything to match how we didn't do polling or ratings of the mixes. It turned out that disabling ratings made YouTube reduce the visibility of the videos. But enabling those things makes YouTube increase their visibility, so we're trying to get the mixes heard by more people. That may explain why the SM64 mix, which was the first one with monetization turned on, received greater views; YouTube actually gives more weight in discoverability to content that's monetized and allows ratings.
    That said, I'm the sole person that decides mixpost order these days (because I'm tagging them up and staging them), and claiming that we were just posting popular mixes to maximize YouTube revenue is silly and needlessly overthinking things. Sagnewshreds called your suspicions "tinfoilly," and he's right. For posting your Chrono Cross mix out of cycle, sometimes I do that. I just noticed you hadn't had a mix posted in about a month and didn't know you had anything else waiting besides some tracks on the FF9 project that were going to be posted on 9/9.

    We can't state enough how we're not actually motivated by money and don't profit, but in any case, in the 2 month period where ads were enabled on 43 out of 3,000+ videos, we also had mixes from Gradius Gaiden, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Yoshi Touch & Go, Skylanders, ilomilo, To the Moon (yours), Global Gladiators, Lufia II, Rollerball, Alex Kidd in Miracle World, Tyrian, Vectorman, After Burner, and R-Type for the C64.

    Have to say this over and over again: we don't care what game something is from. At all. It doesn't change how we evaluate anything. If the submission is creative and interpretive enough with the arrangement, and produced well enough, we'll post it. We don't post stuff from certain games to boost ad revenue or social media metrics or whatever. Also, all ads were off since the 14th, including when that Chrono Trigger album trailer went up (plus we had already decided not to monetize trailers (which is why you yourself noticed the Esther's Dreams trailer wasn't monetized). Brandon's also saying that even BEFORE YouTube monetization, we were ALREADY strategically weighting mixposts to heavily popular games. This is despite publishing an album from him for the super-obscure game Teen Agent.

    As I've said many times, we don't pick what games are mixed, the ReMixers do. And it almost goes without saying that Chrono Trigger or Mega Man 2 or Final Fantasy VII is more of a nostalgia and popularity draw among the ReMixers themselves, which is why they arrange those games more than others. We don't control that or try to steer anything in that direction. If OCR could have 1,000+ more Tim Follin arrangements, that would be awesome.
    The last thing I'd say is that I don't know why Brandon put up a poll on keeping his mixes up on OCR. It's very obvious that he assumes the worst about the staff, thinks we're pocketing the ad revenue, maybe buying cars or comics or anything & everything non-OCR related with it, that it's some money-making cabal, that all the staff are complicit in said cabal, and that we'd love to illegally and unethically generate YouTube revenue in the shadows and willingly anger hordes of artists. Since he's convinced it's run like that and unethical like he claims, why would a poll convince him to keep his ReMixes up?

    Like I said before, no amount of transparency or actions can make Brandon believe that OCR is run honestly, ethically, above board, and without a profit motive. Weighing that, I can't imagine why or how he'd convince himself not to request removal of his mixes. Due to his overly suspicious, paranoid, and imaginative nature about all of this, I think that's inevitable.
  17. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from CyberSkull in OverClocked ReMix has 4 degrees of separation from Vince Gill   
    i'm only three steps
  18. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from djpretzel in I want to build you a computer   
    you don't upgrade laptop components. you buy a new laptop. the parts are welded to the mobo usually.
  19. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from Meteo Xavier in Sale/Want 3.0   
    both the MS store credit and the game are gone.
    i am, however, continuing to debate selling my music workstation. it's an older i7 (8 cores @3ghz) and 16gb DDR3 ram, with a couple TB of storage and a discrete graphics card for multi-monitor setups, in a really over-large rackmount case. it still handles large projects pretty easily, thanks to the huge amount of cores and the excellent i7 architecture, but would get blow up by any current i7 on the market. i could sell it within driving distance of rochester ny for probably 400$ OBO, or shipped for 50-100 more (i'd need a new case for it) plus shipping, likely around 30-40$ for a system of this size. i'd be amenable to trades as well, since it's just taking up space and i don't have any sunken investment in it.
    it is, however, way more computer than you could ever get for 400ish$, so if you're interested, let me know and we can talk it out.
    edit: forgot to mention that this is basically a perfect slave machine if you want to get into that kind of setup. tons of cpu power, no fancy extra crap.
  20. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from Brandon Strader in Lightning's Modeling Career   
    those poses look pretty standard for modern modeling. don't really see the issue. i think it's sorta fun that a game character (from a game that a lot of people didn't like, too!) is being used in a pop culture ad. nice to see the market penetration.
    remind me what the issue is here? is it because a character that's notoriously not girly being used for a purse ad? or is it because louis vuitton's overpriced? i don't think anyone disagrees with the idea that those purses cost more than they should, but supply/demand blah blah blah. they sell at that price because they can sell at that price.
  21. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from djpretzel in I want to build you a computer   
    never done a big post in this new UI, but here we go.

    huge build!
    H100i self-contained liquid cooling loop
    8x8gb DDR4 2400 (not pictured...i bought 4x16gb by accident, and this board doesn't support 16gb DIMMs of course)
    GTX 980 Ti, GT 210 secondary (total of six displays)
    x99 mobo, firewire add-on card, thunderbolt add-on card
    512gb M2 SSD, 512gb scratch SSD, 4tb storage HDD
    blu-ray burner
    3x quieter case fans
    windows 10 pro

    nice looking case. note the dual removable HDD cages, a surprisingly functional toolless system for the 5.25" drives, the large CPU cutout, and the huge vents on top. the top's pretty nice - just a push-snap to keep the top on, so it's easy to remove it and stash wiring there. wound up having to keep the CPU cooler fans up there because of the motherboard's chipset risers getting in the way of the fan otherwise.

    here it is with some pieces in. no cabling yet. note the cpu fans are absent - they're actually above the top of the case, in that ~3" void between the top of the case and the top of the interior.

    you know it's a nice PSU when it's fully modular, and both the PSU and the cabling come in custom-sized bags.

    not the nicest picture, but here it is with the components in (no cable management yet). that thunderbolt riser's going to kill me, there's just no way to disguise that cable.

    sometimes you just need a pair of pliers. this actually happened =P
    more pictures tomorrow night, featuring real cable management!
  22. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from Nabeel Ansari in I want to build you a computer   
    so connect it one time, then. my connection restriction is due to a static IP that's blocked at the router level from accessing external traffic. it's got full access to the rest of my network that way. i just disable that firewall for a few minutes, activate, and then wall it off again.
  23. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from Garpocalypse in I want to build you a computer   
    there's two schools of thought on that. one is that more cores is better, and even an old i7 (my music pc still has an i7-860 in it, 2.93ghz x8, sells for about 100$ now) can be really nice. the other is that ghz rules supreme, and the i5-4790 is certainly a good example of that. look at what you're using, and what you want to use, and scale appropriately. if you're using a 2500K right now and want to double your performance, a 4790 might not be enough - or maybe it will be, depending on whether your apps are properly and consistently multithreaded. i usually get specific examples so i can suss out what's good and not for this.
    as for keeping it offline, frankly i just buy the software and then download a crack. that way, i own it, and i use it in the way i want to (which is on a pc that can't access the internet). very few VSTs really don't have any offline activation, though, there's only a few i've had to do that for.
  24. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from Frederic Petitpas in KUNG FURY   
    i watched it with friends right before the ball drop on new year's eve/day. it was fantastic. so incredibly 80s.
  25. Like
    prophetik music got a reaction from Rexy in OCR Secret Santa 2015   
    i was going to make a joke about pirating until i saw it was a board game
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