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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. I remember seeing a group with all 4 rock band members naked once. I think it was somewhere on Channel 101.
  2. And tweak the visualization part of the midi-coding to be whatever you want?
  3. Oh shit. I had a conversation with a friend about your video earlier today and we essentially determined it was either the coolest visualization ever or something which took a lot of work. I see it was the latter. Well done. I think your video took more time than mine did.
  4. Yeah... I'm going to have to share a word with those garbage sacks about scheduling there party at the same time as ours.
  5. Awesome. Really good spread again. Glad so many people threw in videos at the last second. I'm really enjoying this challenge. everyone.
  6. I'm officially 100% in. All that's left is render and upload wait times.
  7. Hot damn. I might just pick up a 3DS for this title alone.
  8. 2 come to mind; Once in Chronomaster, a point/click adventure PC title, I had everything done correctly up until a certain point, but there was a conversation loop that let me not join a necessary poker table. That save was broken. and I've noticed that with Super Mario Kart, both with the SNES and the Wii-ware versions, I've managed to 'immediately select quit' due to controller failure. Weird.
  9. Sweet. Good to hear chernabogue. It's down to one day, tomorrow, for me. I wound up having to stay at work all day yesterday and I'm slammed the rest of the week. Also, I'll try for the irc viewing party but once again (I know, I'm predictable) I'll be at work, so it's kinda doubtful. Cheers. Good to hear there will be multiple videos again. That's significantly more fun to watch.
  10. Secret of Evermore - Menu Theme is up there. The Secret of Monkey Island, Super Mario Kart... Echoing DKC & DKC2, Plok, Secret of Mana, Chrono Trigger... all were on a cassette at one point. (Most were rentals? How else was I going to preserve them?) But the sleeper hit was Earthbound. That one took a good decade for me to really appreciate it's brilliance. Also; I only skimmed it... has anyone else bitched about the fact that the title of this thread isn't very grammatically correct? Video Game Music's? Isn't VGM plural because M is already plural?
  11. Other piano mixes expand, add harmonies, take weird avant-garde spins, or re-arrange the music... But where this mix (and JJT in general) shines is the fact that a character was created here. The source tune is cool, cute, melodically rich, and has character, yes, but this song actually tells a story. There is no doubt in my mind that the source tune was payed great tribute here, and it's a beautiful thing to hear. The title is apt, and the movement of the piece fits the 'day in the life' motif perfectly, and the execution of your talent is gorgeous. Really nice stuff.
  12. So I'm making sure to go on a quick little road trip this coming Sunday for filming. I lobbied to make sure the restaurant wouldn't open for THIS Sunday the 17th and I got my wish. As for the NEXT Sunday, the 24th, I'm stuck there. If I'm cooking I'll try to be on IRC on my phone to join you guys... otherwise it looks like I'm missing out on the viewing party action again. Monkey flips.
  13. Make that probably a definitely. I'm in. I'm going to try for the viewing party too.
  14. What guidelines are there that aren't just the deadline and general youtube guidelines? ie: no nudity etc... Also; I am definitely in. Even if it winds up being really crappy and half as good as what I have in my head I should still have one done within a week tops. I got about half done filming today. It will be extremely light-hearted, it might even be cuter than your last vid diotrans.
  15. <3 Shnabubula. Happy healthy day of birth sir.
  16. Killer. Going out with my camera today. Were going to be opening the restaurant on sunday too so I may have to be on irc only on my phone, but at least I could read about the responses that way.
  17. I can certainly try. I've come up with a few ideas for a video I can do in an afternoon. LAOS checks his e-mail. LAOS does his laundry. LAOS goes for a walk. I'm game for two weeks. Also, sorry I haven't gotten back to your e-mail yet. I'm feeding my family a ridiculously elaborate meal tomorrow. (Canadian Thanksgiving)
  18. 1. Who has FINISHED a music video? Not me. 2a. Who has not finished a music video yet, but has one in progress and/or will be able to finish one within the next couple of weeks? I can do one in 3 weeks no matter what. This doesn't have to be emmy quality stuff here. I'll just spend an afternoon filming stuff, and piece it together. 2 hour job. Done. Then suddenly we have 4 more minutes of a viewing party. Just need to find that 2 hours. 2b. If you intend to finish a video soon, how much time do you need? (Be reasonable -- if it's going to take you a couple of months, it's probably best to save it for OCRMVC3.) I will have a better one for OCRMV3 as well. 3. Who intends to attend the viewing party, whether or not they've done a video? I may be banned from ETG but I think I can still find a way. 4. The viewing party for the first MVC was on a Sunday at 9 EST iirc. Does that time work for you, or does anybody have any major conflicts with this? Sunday is still my best day and that time seems pretty agreeable in general. I especially like it.
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