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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. Okay everyone here's the latest... and I apologize personally for the delay on this. I know you've all been waiting patiently. I've managed to finally reach Biznut and we talked via text. Thanks to an urgent call for assistance and some mutual agreement on our parts we've concluded that neither of us has the free time to invest in the very necessary organization. BUT; The lovely and talented: diotrans has come to our rescue and has volunteered her time to make sure the viewing party, second viewing (third? I lost count), and irc all comes together for us. Let's give her a round of applause. Thanks very much diotrans.
  2. This post was made less relevant by recent efforts. News coming soon.
  3. It left me not knowing how to feel. Also; you need to start putting links to the pictures mentioned into your show notes. It's a piss off hearing about Dave's gay phone and then not visually confirming it's homosexuality.
  4. Cool. This is good. In general though, if you need someone to talk to, I'm getting pretty experienced with people in a situation like yours. It's happened to lots of friends of mine as well as myself.
  5. Part with your possessions. Lots of them. Clean yourself. Organize yourself. Forget college; if you're as fucked as you say you are spending money you don't have on an education you're neglecting is NEGATIVE PROGRESS. It's still only October, drop all classes immediately before you can't get any money back. Education is as much a personal choice as it is being in the right place at the right time. Don't pay for what you're not going to use. Find a chef at a local restaurant (a REAL restaurant, not Wild Wings or Burger King) and tell him you want to work in his dish pit for free for a week to prove you'll do whatever it takes to land a job THERE. Then work your ass off, I mean work harder than you've ever worked in you life and endure as much bullshit as they throw at you. Talk to more chefs than 1 or 2. Do it between 2 and 4pm before the weekend. Don't worry about a resume and don't release more information about your situation than you have to, just that you want to earn enough to live and are stranded. You may not earn first and last month's rent for a new place... but you can earn enough in 6-weeks to be on your feet again. You can create options for yourself. If any of this is resonating with you, whether it's scary or not, pm me your phone number and I'll give you my personal cell as well. Things will get better if you are determined to fight for a better situation. I was in your shoes (though not in a situation QUITE so severe) 5 years ago. It's taken until now to really carve something out for myself but it's possible. Think survival of the fittest. If you're going to coast, relax, take advantage, sit on your ass and complain I can't help you. You should be eaten. But if you're ready to help yourself, no matter what the cost, then there is hope. Just my two cents. Good luck man.
  6. Word. They seem pretty remixable, heard a great remix during Nuit blanche this weekend.
  7. As much as the standardization/removal debates continue to spring up from time to time and cause controversy... I don't mind the occasional stirred pot if it leads to better remixes. I recently switched portable music players and without noticing only put on mixes up until about 2008... and you know what I noticed? None of my favourite remixes were on there. At the end of the day, the exhaulted 'higher-quality' platform of having an official 'Overclocked Remix' is exactly that; a platform above the others. A publicity award for musical distinction. If you want more 'mediocre' or less quality regulated video game covers there are plenty of places to go for that.
  8. I'm usually not too big on orchestral. I think, save a few exceptions, it's a genre that rarely engages me like others do. I'm glad this is the exception. There's not only a lot of great stuff going on here but it's all fresh, it's all out of VHD's head, it's very skilled in every way and the execution is flawless. A must have for every Secret of Mana and orchestral fan alike. Well done.
  9. Starving ethiopians! Chemotherapy! Violent rape! You're just not laughing cause you don't GET it.
  10. Thanks for the for the encouragement K.B., it reminds me how much these tracks manage to stick with us. It feels like ages ago since I contributed those, I forget that people still listen to them from time to time, regardless of their quality Not an OCRemixer but a former VGmix remixer Uncle really managed to stick with me. He only did a Kirby 64 mix and an Earthbound - Winters mix. Didn't do anything else except those two mp3's as far as I could see. But I REALLY love the character he brought to both. Anyone heard of him lately?
  11. ...and sephire obviously. Make sure to mention the limitations of each system each step along the way, isolating examples (if it will work for paper) of moments where composers had to get especially creative to achieve a desired effect. When it comes down to it, that's the most important difference between then and now.
  12. Me too minus the getting accepted. Maybe if I came in 2002 as well instead of 2004.
  13. Very impressive. Love it. It really does take the theme in a very new and very emotive new direction.
  14. I stumbled upon an older remix in the ole' OCR Shufflepod today and being shocked by it's quality I looked the mix up. As it happens the mix is nearly 7 years old. The remixer contributing one or two mixes and then, for all we know, disappearing. To all the active members of the remixing community, we generally know what you're up to, and we try to keep up with remixer profiles, but for those from whom we haven't heard from in a while: what's up? What have you been up to lately? Are you thinking of submitting again? Are you still involved with music? Gaming? Where has your life/career taken you lately? Can anyone speak on behalf of anyone else?
  15. Well I'll say this: There's no other Shnabubula. I've listened to a lot of very strange and varied music and no other song has managed to engage & stimulate me the same way Shnabubula's music has. Wow. I'm such an ass-kiss.
  16. Yeah. I've noticed this. Some spcs are REALLY bad for it. Some have essentially 1-instrument-per-channel and you can mute all but one to hear any particularly instrument but then some seem to have each note play on whatever channel they want and are ridiculously meticulous to take apart.
  17. Shit I hope you get an answer. That sounds badass.
  18. When you have time Biznut, throw a post with the hyperlinked videos in here. I don't seem to be able to track them down easily. Also; we should talk in general. Do skype maybe? Get back to me when you can.
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