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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. I'm FINALLY in on this too. 7247 1400 5823 8958 I'll post everything soon. EDIT: Oh wait, that's my WII Friend code isn't it?
  2. I hate that you took the time to add in a drop shadow. What a horrible meme.
  3. Relatedly; i made tacos for George Stroumboulopoulos the other day.
  4. I think it was mentioned on the OCR facebook & twitter accounts but no thread was actually started here. Another reason I <3 Canada. News that is interesting and isn't Fox.
  5. Man this is cool. I wish I had a modicum of free time or I'd at least enter something. I did tell all my friends though.
  6. I've personally never felt the least bit embarrassed about gaming or felt a desire to lead a double life about it. I felt that way about anime though. Also; amazing vid man. I love instinctively and audibly 'mmmm'ing in agreement.
  7. I'm probably out, but don't think that I don't care. Between my last video and ocrmv2 I've thought of about 5 different video ideas and attempted, what appeared to be, the wrong one. I have an idea for a quick bullshit video I can do in this time frame but I honestly don't think I'm even going to have a few free hours to get it done.
  8. sephire, I would recommend re-doing them. Sure it would be a lot of annoying work considering you already did it once but here are some things to consider: 1-the research was already done and you have a lecture model to follow 2-you could improve on any old/rough/rusty things you didn't like and improve upon them in the updated version. 3-you wouldn't have to break the canon of your new series; one wouldn't need to go back and watch your 'talking about these' material to see all of your material, they could get all of the finished rants in one place. and 4-it's a gimme; because I'm sure you'll run out of stuff to talk about at SOME point.
  9. Oh man, I FORGOT about her. Where does this ocean go is a good one too. Too bad it's a complete ripoff of Bjork's hyperballad. Yoko Kanno actually rips off other musicians a lot.
  10. JCvgluvr just said it very well. I'd follow you into war Seph, that quote at the end was incredible. One of your best vids yet period. This series is becoming very very impressive. In a way I kind of hope, by some great unlikely strides, that law does pass JUST so the backlash of protests from proud gamers could be felt. Gamers lining up around the block to step up and testify to gaming's artistic merit? Banned games that in turn get released underground as a political statement and pick up speed and popularity? It would really be such a dumb move, they'd be shooting themselves in the foot if they pass this. It'd be like the premise of Equilibrium come to life.
  11. Double post... sorry; anyone else find the scoring in Inception alone worth the price of admission? I have a theory that the entire score was an exercise in climax and suspension for the ending which resolved in some of the most tender, intimate, and vulnerable sounds ever put on film. I actually bawled at the ending second time I saw it.
  12. Frequently. While I can't remember exactly which songs caused which tears at which moments, I can certainly cite some songs for which I probably did. - Fuck, I'm tearing up now just looking this one up. It's so damn pretty to me.I'll post more later as it comes to me.
  13. If more people would do this kind of thing more often I would be hosting people all the time.
  14. I'm really interested in how fanfic writing of this sort is exists in its own right. The author notably cites mythology, larger words, and structures the the story coherently (at least by comparison). And yet intentionally leaves in plenty of typos and aims for the biggest shock-factor reception possible.
  15. Anything in the Umihara Kawase series but actually finished or with a purpose.
  16. Oh yeah; I want to know this too. I know it will be irc.enterthegame.com and last time I believe it was #ocrmv or something like that.
  17. Have fun guys. ETG still hates me but I'll check everything out after for sure.
  18. Well; irc.enterthegame.com still hates me. I think they just haven't been lifting the security bans without getting personal responses but even still I'm expecting they won't lift my ban in time for the party. Looks like I'm out but I'll be watching to see what people have made. Have fun everyone.
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