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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. Yeah... also... do whatever you want. The rules are basically to help things sound more formulaic. They help people read and interperet but basically it's only their as rule structure. Rules are meant to be broken. It's possible that the thing a song you might be writing could need is a fifth line added on to the chorus so that it doesn't sound to predictable... or a chord that breaks outside of the progression to add more character. But then again I suck at music. Nevertheless, best of luck, thread should be where indicated. tag.
  2. Bahaha, don't worry... I'm fully aware it's atrocious.
  3. Ooh, are we cheating? Cause then I could probably vote like 6 times.
  4. None. lol If I ever visit, beer is a REQUIREMENT. None of this 'sparks' or 'smirnoff ice' either. Lame. Nah, in all honesty, it's probably a good thing you were all sober... we wouldn't want Larry making an ass out of himself... especially not if someone was recording it permanently.
  5. *zzzz* *snubble* Ben? *opens eyes* Oh, I'm sorry Peter... for a minute there I thought it was long ago.
  6. doesn't suck? I need an external midi program based around sheet music layout that isn't gonna be so limited. I am addicted to the speed of the hotkey interface with NWC... and if there was a version with customizable hotkeys that'd be even better... but I'm done with the 10-save demo version and I'm not payin $39 for the full. It needs lyrical control, print options, great copy/paste control... and ideally... it'd be free and/or open source. Anyone got any recommendations?
  7. Nifty video... but... it didn't need to be a video at all. Very visually un-stimulating.
  8. ROFL. That's nothing. Brendan, afterwards, decided to walk around in his underwear. Lol, he's not the one I'm worried about. And what were YOU wearing?
  9. People have had band ideas to do huge band like collaborations before, but ultimately things don't oftne formulate on wider scales like this. There was talk of a PRC Band too and the best thing that came out of it was an animated gif. Your best chance is to be more specific, decisive, and aim for something a song at a time, or, at most, soundtrack at a time. The remixing section has a talent list and a sample list, anything CAN happen with any-to-most of these people... but it happens song by song and case by case. Best of luck man, but this is not the way to do this. Quite frankly, we don't work well as one big happy family, remix projects can attest to this. Also, insulting the mods outright is generally unwise. tag.
  10. Swing your arms, from side to side, Come on it's time to go do the Mario, Take one step, and a then let's do the Mario altogether now! (It's all from memory but yes... would be great!) Hell yeah, now you're talkin'. I think you mean to say... YOU GOT IT! IT'S THE MARIO!! I kinda like the intro as is, only because of the SMW sound effects and it isn't a version we've heard a thousand times before. But it might be nice to switch it up at least once... If anyone has the file, email it to vgdjpodcast@gmail.com. (Less talk, more action!) Action! Mp3 sent! LAOS beat you to it. ^_~ When a pretty lady makes a request, I'm always first to respond.
  11. I heard this mix a while ago and made a blog entry specifically about it: Sam is brilliant. My favourite remixer. I told him once that I think he, outside of video game composers, is the best thing to happen to video game music. Brilliant song in concept, nearly perfect in execution, and god-like in all musical respects. If the judges no'd this I'd find them all and kick each of them swiftly in the groin. THANK YOU OCR, THANK YOU SHNA.
  12. Swing your arms, from side to side, Come on it's time to go do the Mario, Take one step, and a then let's do the Mario altogether now! (It's all from memory but yes... would be great!) Oooh... that is good, I'm gonna have to third.
  13. That's not what you told me last night! Also; GREAT show.
  14. Ditto. Tommy actually said it brings tears to their eyes. I should reiterate how absolutely wonderful all the composers were. Not only willing to be interviewed, but genuinely excited and friendly. What a great bunch of people! Makes me wish I had talent so I could pay tribute too.
  15. MY idea kthxbye. ROFL@that. Is Pixie a trekkie?
  16. EXCELLENT touch with the Star Trek reference zircon.
  17. 4 minutes in, great work guys. The music is helping to remind me how big this is. Very exciting.
  18. Against the brand new Blood On The Asphalt? Scandal!
  19. Apparently custom DS skinning = DS... so... for the record; -Custom DS Skin Shop -Template -Images size down to 1/3 perfectly; 565 x 835 &
  20. couldv said the same for Australia.... Maybe we should just assume he's always gonna be wrong.
  21. FYI Drum, I don't know anyone who calls in "Al-Bear-Ta". I've only heard it "Al-Bert-A". And, unfortunately, it's a safe bet Canada's too freaking big for a meetup to happen.
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