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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. I just came down to find my landlord cleaning our apartment. She says we need to keep the place cleaner. I worked 43 hours in 4 days... 1 short of the legal maximum for a week. I put 100+ hours on both of my last 2-week paychecks. A wip is all I have time for anymore. It's chiptune. And it's going to be shared with you guys AFTER I get back from Christmas vacation. Sorry Abadoss. It's totally nothing personal.
  2. It's not an ocr; but this immediately came to mind. On topic; but totally not what you're looking for. Sorry.
  3. You'll get a wip, can't say there's too much hope for more. Maybe tonight after 11:00 or so (while still getting up for 7:10 the next morning)
  4. This is very good news. I really love it when stuff like this happens. Now for a Cave Story sequel.
  5. pix or it didnt happen Show him the ones of me in the hiking boots.
  6. BOXOFF!!! Oh shit. He's TOTALLY challenging you to a box off. Make the bitch cry.
  7. Sparkster's theme was my first PRC entry. PRC17.
  8. This thread has been needed for some time. Where's ma boi Salty at with some Ctrl+C-Ctrl+V action?
  9. Damn these deadlines hit fast and hard. I'll try to work on it maybe tonight and tomorrow.
  10. Black Hitler? Do you know HOW many people in the cafe that displayed my Etch A Sketch® work thought my NWG was Hitler? The majority.
  11. But... but NOW what message will you be inspired to spell with your bodies?
  12. It's snowed here maybe 4 or 5 times in the last month. I'm out of 'the snow belt' apparently but I'm still expecting I need to punk my other hat from my mom when I visit next week.
  13. osnap I forgot to vote too! ... Except there's no podcast to vote for; I guess I could always vote for mugglecast.
  14. Aight. Sorry, those last few posts were really assholey. I have no excuse. It all kind of goes back to inspiration; since Drum's phonecall a few months ago I seriously forgot all about what he had in mind... and I had nothing really to practice except maybe the chords to the melody (which, to be honest, I'm already a little sick of) I probably shouldn't have said I would do anything in the first place... BUT I am still here, I am still supportive, and I am still willing to attempt to play & record music written for me. Sorry again.
  15. well, it'd be appreciated if you did. Not to be a dick about it, but I put over a hundred hours on my last paycheck. I come home and sleep. I missed the last CMC, PRC, and I'm trying to put a secret project of my own together. For collabs; Sir Nuts asked for me earlier this week, as well as a million things on the backburner... then I already said I was interested in the SMRPG remix project, the DKC2 (when it arrives) project, and I'm helping to finish off the Link's Awakening Project... and I actually HAVE something for that one. If I can collab I can collab... but I believe my statement from the start, to Drum primarily I believe, was that I would gladly provide guitar recording(s) if someone wrote music for me. I'm here, but contributing isn't a high priority. That's all. ... I think I really just wanted to vent. I probably shouldn't post thi-
  16. Just wanted to say... Haven't thought about this project in around 3 months.
  17. Will there be enough room to host all of Taucer's ass? It will take up a lot of space.
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