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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. You guys should get Abadoss to make your fires from now on.
  2. FF6? Really? The 51 remixes we have aren't enough?
  3. The song does have much room for advancement. It's an enchanting melody with little accompaniment, a remixer's wet dream. As for arranging a left hand; I recomend importing the midi into noteworthy composer. It's a simple, straight-forward and free download. Adding a left hand to it should be relatively easy in that and you'll have the benefit of working with it in sheet music form, which, I assume, would be your preference. Let me know if this seems like a better idea than making someone else do it. (Though I'm completely hypocritical... I make other people do stuff for me all the time. )
  4. I admit that I will cave someday and get a myspace account so that I can see other users pictures and stuff. I've been locked out enough times to necessitate it. I also got a xanga account so that other users will know who it is when I post comments.
  5. Nah, the white man dubbed in an S. Get outta here lady.
  6. Agreed... totally zircony... freaking obnoxious ad though.
  7. Anywho, don't forget: VGDJ needs your votes!!! What makes you think we didn't see it the first time pixie? Did we really need our attention drawn to the nipple book again?
  8. A very unique little piece. I'm pretty sure I have to like it a lot but I'm still having difficulty understanding it since I've never heard anything quite like it before. The pitch effect used, I suppose it's best called 'fast interval scales' or something... it goes hand in hand with the chiptune vibe you're using, but is also so prevalent that it quickly makes for, almost, a new instrument all together. Very puzzling, exactly what I look for in a mix... and of course, great source tune. :nw: fish/10
  9. Whatever. You both know you want to do me.
  10. You guys KNEW about the brigade's impressions of you guys? Oh man... You'll be glad you missed their latest rendition... let's just say... it was more flattering for me than the VGDJ hosts. Also; Way to mention my competition AFTER I OFFICIALLY RESIGN FROM IT. Regardless... I appreciate the plug. (No thanks to you Chad... INTERESTING!? THE SONG WAS ABOUT YOU!)
  11. Q: What's a pirate's favourite part of VGDJ? A: the RRR.
  12. A) Speaking of bawls... *kicks bluekafer in the balls* Don't listen to him... More mushy talk welcome.
  13. QFE Quoted for extra... extra.... salutes!
  14. Noticable. Quality. A cool mix from 3 cool people. I actually d/led this song about 3 days ago off of Jill's site, realized it passed the panel, and then deleted it until I could re-download it today.
  15. Gen Disc and Genital Disease. K, WTF... I'm still on here? I haven't even looked at my WIP in like... must be nearly 6 months now. I'll entertain the idea, but the fact that I'm even still 'in the green' is a little generous and misleading. Tell ya what, I'll run some ideas by some friends of mine Usa, see what I can do... no promises... I would've assumed things would have moved on without me.
  16. Here's the thing: When Kong in Concert first wrapped up, Darkesword (I believe, in an early episode of VGDJ; around 8...) locked a thread saying there should be, essentially, a Kong in Concert 2. Now mind you; this was for various reasons. a) It was a pretty unoriginal proposal. It was riding on the coattails of KIC's success. and c) It was to be organized, without mod concent, by someone who did not a significant enough reputation, nor proof of the skill necessary to warrant them leading such a project. This said, this does not change the fact that the DKC2 OST holds the #4 spot on my top 25 VG Soundtracks. Naturally, any respectable reinterpretation of the soundtrack will please me and ultimately I will support any endevours here. I have actually taken a stab at it twice, remixing both the roller coaster theme and the ice theme well over 2 years ago. Now, as for my two cents as to how things could/should be remixed? I WOULD say that the entire soundtrack doesn't need to get coverage. Certain tracks could easily be left out.... but I won't go into all of the details of a vision I would have until more has been discussed here. If someone steps forward as a leader in this project I'll gladly just shut up and see what happens. I'd even be a potential mixer since Bound Together seems to have broken my streak of terrible Remix Project contributions. Best wishes to all. Please do not make KIC2.
  17. Yeah; no kidding. If you want the mp3 to be louder you know what you can do? You can open the mp3 in Audacity or any other free piece of editting software, turn up the volume, and save/overwrite it. Problem (for you) solved. I'll agree it's perhaps a little quieter than it needs to be, but have you ever owned an album of classical guitar music? It's par for the course. Certain styles of tracks are softer than others... similarly, if you ever buy a gabber or hardcore album you'll likely have to turn the music down to keep it from peaking/distorting on your laptop speakers. It's for this reason that I accept that leaving my 'Everything' playlist on random will have require a very flexible volume setting. But perhaps the most disturbing line you said was that you 'can't really recommend this to anyone,' because of these issues. I feel this is especially harsh considering both how high it is in quality and atypical it is in genre. Anyway, you're entitled to your opinion as I am mine. No more words need be said about it.
  18. I sure do have a lot of opinions I want to share about Jill's recent name change.
  19. You should hang out in #vgdj. I talked to her about it in there... Since she's so busy these days, I'll try and answer what I can. What's with the new name, Jill? She changed her name. Sola? Yes, Sola. What's it mean? Upon trying to discover it's lingual origin through Babelfish, I have discovered that Sola: -is both Spanish & Italian for 'Single' (which she's not) and Portuguese for 'Sole'. Answers.com's Firefox Extension also lead me to discover that Sola: -is a municipality in the county of Rogaland, Norway. ...which then lead me to the disambiguation in Wikipedia which told me that Sola: -is Latin (feminine) for 'only' or 'just', and is used in phrases such as sola fide, sola gratia or sola scriptura -is an Indian swamp plant with pithy stems -and is a city on Vanua Lava, Vanuatu, and is the capital of Torba Province. ... But what she TOLD me was that it means: "Sun". Must be in some language that the Internet has not allowed me flawed yet instant access to, ie: Jill's made-up space language. Why did you change it? She wanted a name that sounded a little more official and professional. Since she is frequently involved with Opera she felt, and I have to agree, that the new name strikes a more womanly and operatic feel. What was wrong with pixietricks? She was never very attached to this name to begin with; I seem to remember in the recent past VGDJs her mentioning how she chose the nickname in a bit of a haste originally, and she may have even polled some people around #vgdj for some suggestions around when she was nearly ready to lose the alias. Pixietricks, I remember hearing, sounds a lot more juvenille to her.
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