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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. This is akward for those of us who wanted to attend but couldn't... See... I, of course, can't get enough of these pictures.
  2. Neat. Neat game too, very nice group dynamic. If it was a cartoon in the early 90's, I'd be getting nostalgic about it right now. No guarantees... one of those: "I'll listen to it 30 more times" sort of source tunes.
  3. I remember conning the alladvantage ad bar pyramid scheme with an automated mouse movement thing... and I got a $30 cheque eventually.
  4. I'm soooooorry. I've got tomorrow off though, if you're lucky I can put it above someone who's actually comissioning me. Wip is still a promise.
  5. Make out with bladiator. Don't even ask him... just like walk up and give him full-on tongue.
  6. Hint for making some yourself: Squidfont Orchestral soundfont (pizzacato strings), Izotope Vinyl Lo Fi VST (if you want it to sound old), and your mixing program of choice set to 200 bpm. If I'm bored I'll see if I can't make some later.
  7. Cool, that was pre-nap me... post-nap me can read 7 pages easy. I can even count.
  8. I didn't see this anywhere in my control panel options, and I appologize if this has been addressed in the last 7 pages but... I STRONGLY prefered having the 1 2 3 ... 7 8 9 style to the new 1 2 3 4 5 ... Last Page style. If I return to a thread, I likely want to catch up on the last page or two... not hunt around to where I was backwards from the last page. Is there anything I should know about this change? Is it one set in stone? Can I change it in my own preferences?
  9. Yeah... hard to come by. Though this week alone I had a good vg remix idea for something that would suit that style... I recommend either learning how to make it yourself, bugging people who know how to imitate it well enough to make it for you, or finding a way to steal it from filmstrips... it's not like people are really gonna catch the (potential) copyright infringement unless the filmstrip is famous anyway.
  10. For those of you too lazy to visit my site for yourself; here's the list:
  11. I like it. Also, I'm composing a list of 100 things I want to do before 2010. My continued favourite on it is 'give a girl a haircut'. If all goes according to plan it should be up on my site in a few hours. Or I might go to the pub and see if I can't get a girl to kiss me at 12.
  12. I just got my get ye flask shirt yesterday. That makes 4 online ordered shirts for me this year.
  13. I am practising... and it IS going well... if I pick up my guitar these days it's to practise my Link's Awakening song. I STILL have a ways to go though, if it's gonna be any good. It will be worth the wait.
  14. I'll try, but I'm scheduled for 8:00am every day till at least New Years. Teach me to have a "manditory" holiday day off. Stretching it into 2 minutes of non-repetitive content that doesn't suck requires at least 3 hours to spend on it. I'd predict less. As usual; we'll see.
  15. How about 8 cute kittens and 1 picture of me wearing hiking boots?
  16. Nothing too special at Future Shop. Ipod Shuffle for 89.99 CDN, a decent 21" LCD HD TV for around 560... Nothing I actually SHOULD buy...
  17. Boxing day sales frequently turn into boxing week sales. I will be taking my first available time off to go visit Future Shop and consider either an mp3 player or (finally) indulgence in a second monitor. Not sure yet. I will post again later with an update.
  18. Glad to see Plok! is on there now. I actually beat it on cartridge. The end sucks ass but it's a hell of a trip every time. Demon's Crest IS a good game too, I played through it about a year ago... it'd be a neat one to beat in it's entirety on cartridge.
  19. Do-Re-Mi would be import, & Earthbound you have but I recommend the other 2.
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